Gain Detergent Gave Me An Allergic Reaction

Below are stories and experiences from readers who've experienced a Gain laundry detergent allergy or reaction.
Gain is a very popular detergent, and it is known for its strong and distinctive scents.
In fact, there are no unscented versions of this detergent.
While many people seem to love the strong scent, and are not bothered by it, others have experienced problems after using one or another of the varieties, with skin rashes, hives, or other reactions.
In fact, some of the stories below are about reactions from people who haven't even personally worn the clothing washed in Gain, but instead are from those who've smelled the scent on someone else close to them and have been negatively impacted.
Here's many different stories, including even more that have been shared in the comments. Does this sound like something you've experienced too?
Jennifer says:
Gain has a really fresh smell and cleans very well, but I have never itched so much in my life after using this product.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience Jennifer, although I'm sorry to hear it was an itchy one.
It definitely sounds like an
allergic reaction to laundry detergent to me, because I have been told by a dermatologist that one of the most common symptoms of these allergies is itching.
I would suggest checking out my article about
laundry detergent allergy symptoms and their cure, for further confirmation for yourself whether you've experienced such a reaction.

You may also need to begin using
hypoallergenic laundry detergent, which is scent and dye free, since it is possible you may have become sensitive to many different types of scents in detergents.
Of course, sometimes people also have an allergic reaction to only one specific type of detergent and can tolerate any other one. Perhaps this is you.
Has anyone else found they have an allergic reaction to Gain laundry detergent? If so,
share your experience with me here, and also scroll down to the page to read even more stories and experienced shared by more readers.

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Teacher Has Allergies To Student's Gain Detergent
by SR101 Reader
An SR101 reader, identifying herself as a teacher, shared this complaint about her student's use of this detergent.
SR101 Reader says:
As a teacher in a class of thirty students, could you imagine how it smells in my class?
With years I've developed allergies to the Gain perfume, and it causes my blood pressure to go up and up with this odor.
I consider that if someone washes their clothes and it smells good, that's fine. However, when the scent stays in the air for hours ands hours and gives health problem, it should be prohibited.
Have a nice day, but mine are not easy because of this product.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear that this scent bothers you so much, especially in an environment where you cannot easily leave the situation.
I think you bring up a good point regarding allergies to smells - while some people love strong smelling scents, they need to consider those who involuntarily have to be around them and smell it too, since it can cause severe health problems for some people!
That is why I always encourage others to really think about the scents they use, not only for themselves but because of the people around them too.
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Gain Not Worth The Awesome Smell
by Nikki
(Buffalo, NY)

I was really impressed with the product and smell of the original liquid Gain.
However, I began a couple months later breaking out in hives that wouldn't go away.
I had also started using the
dryer sheets.
Not sure which did it but I plan to start using the
Tide free.
I had never had any reactions in the past.
Not worth the awesome smell!
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Never Had An Allergic Reaction To A Soap Before Now
by SR101 Reader
All but one in our family had a reaction to this detergent - Gain HE Original Scent.
This reaction looked like bites initially and in some places a full, swelled up rash.
It appeared on the waist and chest areas first.
Before we figured it out we were itching from the neck to the feet.
None of us have ever had allergies before this.
It was purchased because of the low cost, but we paid dearly for it in the end - after all the Benadryl and itching crèmes, we had to rewash all the clothes and bedding.
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New Gain Detergent Formulation Makes Me Scratch All The Time
by Carolyn King
Carolyn has also shared her experience with this detergent, and how she and her daughter have had an allergic reaction to it.
Carolyn says:
I switched to Gain five years ago when I had my 5-year old daughter. It was so good then, I could use it on her clothes.
Now, I can't even use the new kind. It has me and her literally scratching all the time (if wearing clothes washed in new detergent).
Please Gain, go back to old formula or give us an option.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear about the change in formula causing you problems Carolyn.
With many detergents I just suggest people switch to the non-scented version of the one they already like to see if that helps their allergies, but Gain doesn't have an unscented version since its claim to fame are its scents.
Therefore, I would suggest you try one of the
hypoallergenic detergents listed here to see if they'll do better for yourself and your daughter.

Good luck!
There are even more stories and experiences shared below in the comments, with people telling their experiences with this detergent. Make sure to leave your story as well below.
In addition, you can also learn more about
Gain laundry detergent, in general, in this article here on the site.

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