Snuggle Fabric Softener Gave Me A Severe Allergic Reaction
by Sarah
(Thunder Bay)
Sarah has shared her experience with Snuggle.
Sarah says:
I wish I could post a photo of my face. I've recently had a reaction to Snuggle fabric softener. I've had reactions in the past as well. My eyes were swollen shut!
The soft tissue irritation lasted a week and involved very severe dry skin as well as burning and redness.
If you have children please do not use this product or any fabric softener for that matter. This could contribute to sudden infant death syndrome! Please be careful.
My symptoms of swelling of the face came on suddenly and with very minimal contact. You're advised. Be aware!
Taylor says:
Thanks Sarah for sharing your experience, and I hope that you begin to feel better soon.
You make a very good point, which is that anything which is designed to leave a perfumed scent behind can adversely affect some individuals who have allergies to the scents, causing them to have an allergic reaction.
On this site I've talked a lot about
laundry detergent allergies, and the importance of choosing a
hypoallergenic laundry detergent if you, or anyone else in your family, have such allergies.
However, the advice carries forward not only for the product you wash your clothes in, but for all the other laundry products you use too, such as fabric softener and dryer sheets too, for example. That's why I've also created a page listing of all the
hypoallergenic laundry products here that you can use to find good, scent and dye free products for you.
As for your statement that these scents can cause SIDS I have no personal idea whether this is true or not, not having looked up any scientific studies on the subject.
However, I will say from a common sense perspective it is always a good idea to use non-scented products anywhere a baby comes into contact until you know whether the baby has any allergies or is otherwise adversely affected by scents or dyes, since they can't tell you if they are not feeling well, at least not directly.
Has anyone else had allergic reactions from Snuggle or any other fabric softener? If so,
please share your experiences or reviews here, and tell me what you do, if at all, for softening your clothes because of your allergies.
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Snuggle Liquid Made Me Itch Insanely!
by Carol
Carol shared her experience with this fabric softener, which made her realize she has a Snuggle allergy.
Carol says:
I am in the process of washing everything over because of the Snuggle fabric softener my husband bought because it was on sale.
Usually, we buy
Downy. I believe I was slightly allergic to Downy also, but Snuggle has my right hand almost covered with contact dermatitis.
Also, wherever there was any pressure on the clothes I wore that had been laundered with Snuggle, as in sitting or bending the knees, etc., I had to immediately put some lotion on the area to soothe the insane itching!
I am just glad to have finally figured out it wasn't a food allergy or something that couldn't be fixed by washing laundry over.
We are going to try
dryer sheets for sensitive skin now but after reading how toxic the sheets are to little ones and pets, I may not use any softeners!
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear that you had such an allergic reaction to Snuggle fabric softener.
You may want to consider using a
scent free fabric softener or dryer sheets, which are typically hypoallergenic, since you seem to be allergic to scented products (some worse than others it appears).
Has anyone else had a Snuggle allergy problem? If so, you can
share your Snuggle fabric softener review here, or read other reviews that have already been submitted.
***Update: I've gotten another short comment from a reader, telling me about her skin reactions to this product. She says:
This product gave me a severe rash all over my back. It was itchy, red and sore, almost like chicken pox. I advise NOT buying this brand.
***End Update
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My New Bottle Of Snuggle Blue Sparkle Makes Me Sneeze
by Jo
Jo also wrote in to share her experience with this product.
Jo says:
I've been using Snuggle Blue Sparkle liquid fabric softener for a few years now.
I just opened a new bottle, and I'm sneezing and coughing and reacting to it. Perhaps a new fragrance?
Or I've developed an allergy to it. Can't use
Downy products, same reason. Too bad.
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Snuggle Dryer Sheets Caused My Children To Suffer Severe Reactions
by SR101 Reader
SR101 Reader says:
Both of my young children ages 7 and 8 broke out in hives and rashes all over their bodies from their faces down to their feet.
I took them to the Dr. and even she was initially convinced it was caused by an illness.
After determining they had no signs of illness I realized the only thing I had changed recently was the fabric sheets.
I had just washed my daughter's entire bed set and both of them had been lying in the bed the previous day.
Please do not use this product if you have children.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear this, and I hope they both feel better soon.
Here are more
Snuggle dryer sheets reviews from readers if anyone else is interested.
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Lost Two Weeks Worth Of Work From Allergies Caused By Snuggle Liquid
by Melvin Casey
(Dewey, Oklahoma, USA)
Within a week of starting to use this product I had a rash form around my ankles and the backs of my hands.
The rash continued to worsen into blood blisters and became so bad I couldn't wear shoes and lost over two weeks of work.
It took a biopsy from my doctor to finally figure it out.
I'm still hurting well over a month and a half since its first use.
I now have to re-wash all laundry in the house to get rid of the contaminated clothes.
I wish I could sue them for the pain their product has caused me.
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Bad Reaction To This Softener In My Lower Region
by Susan
Like others here I couldn't imagine what had happened to my nether regions? Female parts? I had a horrible burning on the outside of the vagina.
I tried some creams, but it continued on.
I use fragrance free laundry detergent, but recently I changed from Downy to Snuggle.
I realized after several days of severe pain that it must be the softener.
I rewashed all my clothing and I am now clearing up.
I don't know what they put in it, but the public should be made aware.
Years ago the toilet paper companies had blue toilet paper out. I bought it and ended up with a severe reaction. This is the same type of thing.
There should be some sort of warning on the bottle (like that's going to happen). Anyway, I want people to know they aren't imagining it. It really is the softener!
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I've Now Got Hives Around My Knees
by Julie
I recently had an allergic reaction.
I had been using Snuggle with no problem, but I had just started using All Free and Clear.
I'm not sure if its the softener or it might be the All!
I had been using the lavender version of Snuggle, and never had any problems but couldn't find it and began using a new scent.
I had been using about a tablespoon and half Palmolive pink dish liquid in the washing machine, which hasn't ever seemed to affect me.
In any case, when I've had the hives, I put zinc powder on them. It might take a few times, but it stops the itching pretty soon.
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Snuggle Also Caused Me To Have An Allergic Reaction
by Tracy
Tracy says:
I do not have allergies to scented products but I had a severe reaction to Snuggle.
I bought Snuggle because it was on sale and the same week I bought new bed sheets and washed them and used the Snuggle. Within two days my face was swollen, red and itchy to the point I wanted to scratch it off.
I tried to figure out what was causing it but didn't immediately put the two together. Then I realized the only part of my skin touching the sheets was my face on the pillow!
I changed the pillow case and it started getting better. I re-washed the sheets to get the Snuggle out but as soon as I slept on it again the itching started all over. The scent is so heavy it will take a few washes to get out.
This is the second week and my skin is now healing. I have never experienced a reaction like this before personally but it is not the first time I have heard of a allergic reaction to this product.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience Tracy, although I'm sorry it was not a good one.
You're right, it isn't the first time I've heard about an allergic reaction to Snuggle Ultra Fabric Softener (see the review above, for an example) either. If you do want to use a fabric softener I would suggest using a hypoallergenic one. I know Snuggle has a free and clear version if you're interested in trying it.
In addition, I would love to hear from others who have used a hypoallergenic fabric softener or dryer sheets, sharing your reviews of them with me. You can
share your fabric softener review here or your
dryer sheets review here.
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