Oxiclean Baby Stain Soaker Reviews & Uses
Below are Oxiclean Baby Stain Soaker and spray reviews and uses, as shared from readers of this site.
Some of these individuals used and reviewed just the powdered version, which is the stain soaker, which is used as a presoaker and laundry add-in stain remover, while others also reviewed the Baby Oxiclean liquid spray pre-treater.
Here's the first review, from Mary.
Mary says:
Oxiclean Baby Stain Soaker is not found in many stores, in fact I believe Target is the only store in my area that had it in stock.
I like the fact that it is free of perfumes and dyes and is a powerful stain remover.
It is excellent in getting out
formula and
baby food stains.
For clothes with a lot of stains I
let them soak from 4-6 hours.
If there is just 1 or 2 small stains I mix up a paste, apply it to the stain leaving it on for about 10-15 minutes, then throw it in with the rest of the wash.
I have also used it to presoak adult clothing, after all it is very likely that I will need to address the same stains as the baby's, on my clothes.
It seems like my washing machine is always running or is in pre soak mode!
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Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing this review of Mary.
I definitely know what you mean about the mess babies can leave behind, having three kids of my own. Here's an article about what I consider the
top 10 baby stains, since you most likely will relate.

I agree the baby and
free and clear versions of this product can be harder to find in stores than the original version, but they are often readily found online, such as through the links above.
Further, I really appreciate that both the baby and the free and clear versions exist, since that means they do not contain additional perfumes and are therefore hypoallergenic, which is important for those with
laundry detergent allergies.
You can see even more reviews of this product below, from more readers.
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Oxiclean Baby Stain Remover Spray & Soaker Are My Choices For Baby Clothes
by Tammy
I agree with Mary regarding the results I get using this product for soaking baby clothes.
I really like the fact that it is free of perfumes and dyes.
I also use the Oxiclean Baby Stain Spray for pretreating small stains if I am washing the same day the stains occurred, i.e. if presoaking is not necessary. Needless to say the Soaker is used a lot more than the spray!
I also use both of these products on the adult laundry as there are times when we get the same stains on our clothes. It really helps in removing what I call "white crusty" stains on my tops, as well as the baby's.
Taylor's note: Learn more about why presoaking stains works so well in this article.
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OXI Baby + BIZ As Presoaker For Heavily Stained Baby Clothes
by Tonya
Tonya shared in a separate review why she really loves Whink Wash Away (her review is towards the bottom), since she's a daycare provider and deals with lots of kids stains.
At the end she shared this separate part of a review about this product, so I've placed it here on this page instead.
Tonya says:
Some of our daycare customers like OXI Baby (made by OXI Clean) and BIZ for presoaking heavily stained baby clothes.
I personally have used these products as a whitener for white garments that do not allow for
chlorine bleach.
In addition if I have an unusually bad week of stains from work I will also use these products to presoak clothing. They remove both stains and odors.
Taylor says:
The combination of Oxiclean and BIZ really is an almost unbeatable combination!
There's another review on the site explaining how a lady uses the
original version of Oxiclean plus BIZ for stain removal, plus I've collected lots of other uses as well!
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For Major Stains I Reach For The Baby Stain Soaker
by Patty
Patty shared her Shout Free stain remover review here, which is a hypoallergenic and scent free product.
She stated she used the Shout for small stains on baby clothes, but then she started talking about Baby Oxiclean, so I added that part of her review to this page instead.
Patty says:
For major stains on baby clothes (more often than not) I use the OXI Clean Baby Stain Soaker, both for soaking and as a booster to the wash.
I also use the Oxi product for the rest of the family wash when needed since it is quite effective and free of perfume and dyes.
While I have used the Oxi Clean Free (general product) I have found that the Oxi Baby formula works the best for baby type stains, and whatever he gets on himself sometimes winds up on our clothes as well.
For baby stains on adult clothing (where presoaking is not needed but I think Shout won't complete the mission) I usually mix up a paste of the Oxi, apply it, let it sit for about 10 minutes, then wash.
Taylor's note: Do you need to use a scent and dye free hypoallergenic product for your kids laundry? If so, check out these
hypoallergenic laundry product reviews here.
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Presoaking In The Baby Stain Soaker Keeps Spots From Setting
by Keri
We recently returned from a trip with a lot of stained laundry, including baby formula, baby food, etc.
Fortunately I packed a bottle of Shout Gel (brush type) which I used to pretreat the stains as soon as I was able.
This did not take up much time and I am sure it helped with the whole process.
For baby stains that happen at home I generally skip the Shout and just drop the clothes into a soak bucket (with OXI Baby) right away, then dump the soak bucket into the washer when I am ready to wash a load.
This method arrests the stains, as they don't have any chance to set.
Since these stains from during our vacation were several days old I knew I would be presoaking them.
I added one additional step to the presoak process.
Before I put the clothes in for soaking I mixed up a paste of the OXI Baby and applied it to the stains.
I then let them soak for about 8 hours.
This is definitely the way to go for older stains, especially when there are a variety of offensive odors involved.
I then washed them with Dreft detergent. The stains came out in the first washing.
Before I discovered the OXI Baby soaker I spent a lot more time and money on the laundry.
Taylor's note: You can check out more baby laundry product reviews here, if you want to use products formulated specifically for babies and young kids when washing baby clothes.
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Oxi Clean Laundry Products Are A Must If You Have Kids
by Donna
I have a range of stain makers in my house.
I use the Oxi Baby Stain Soaker for the baby's clothes, and use the regular powder for the older kids clothes.
I also use the Baby Stain Soaker for any stains I get on my clothes from the baby if they are garments that will come in direct contact with him (my tops and robes), as the Baby Stain Soaker is free of perfumes and dyes.
Both of these products are great in removing stains, ranging from baby formula, fruit juice, fruit and vegetable stains from the baby clothes, and grass,
dirt, blood, etc, from the older kids clothes.
Both of these versions of Oxi Clean were recommended by the day care as they use these products daily. I highly recommend both of these products as well.
P.S. My sister wears a lot of white shirts to work and uses the Oxi Clean powder as a booster for white laundry.
They really do come out looking good, including the
coffee stains she is bound to encounter!
Taylor's note: Oxiclean is a great stain remover! Check out my
ultimate guide to Oxiclean here, for more information on how to use it for laundry and cleaning, plus even more reviews.
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Whink Wash Away & Oxi Baby Stain Soaker Are My Assistants
by Maureen
Maureen says:
pretreat baby formula and baby food stains with Whink Wash Away pretreater as soon as possible.
Then the night before I run the actual wash I will throw these stained clothes into the washer with a good dose of the Oxi Baby Stain Soaker and let them soak overnight.
The next morning I run the wash and it works really well for me as I can have a clean load of clothes before I leave for work.
If for some reason my schedule does not accommodate this approach the Whink pretreater can be left on for several days, thus the stains do not get a chance to set. Whink also works well on coffee and
tea stains I occasionally get on my shirts, along with the "more frequent" baby formula stains.
Both of these products are not readily available in most of the local grocery stores.
One of my co workers told me about the Whink pretreater as it was her favorite in removing baby formula when her son was young, and I learned of the special Oxi Baby Stain Soaker from the day care, as they use it to presoak and wash their uniforms.
The Oxi Baby is great because it takes care of the stains and does not irritate anyone's skin.
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Love It But Read Baby Clothes Care Labels Carefully First
by Sue
Sue says:
I totally agree with Terry (in the comments) that this is a great presoaker. It works miracles! I presoak all of my son's laundry.
One caution for those that are new at dealing with a lot of stained baby laundry. Be sure that all of the clothing being soaked permits the use of at least
non chlorine bleach.
If the label reads "Do Not Bleach" do not use this product for soaking or as an additive to the wash, as it could cause fading or even damage the fibers to the point where small holes develop.
So many times one may think that the term bleach only means chlorine bleach, but a general statement also includes non chlorine products as well.
Fortunately most of the clothes do not have this prohibition on their garment care labels and I do not know why anyone would ever think of producing baby clothes that would have this restriction when you know that they will be stained!
In my haste I managed to ruin one outfit by not paying attention to the care instructions.

Taylor says:
Sue, I totally know what you mean.
I've messed up clothes before assuming that they could be washed, because who in their right mind would manufacture clothes for a baby that couldn't be washed?
What I've found, just like you, is that some manufacturers choose fabrics that just aren't easily washable at home. I personally now always check care labels before I buy something and have put things back on the rack because I knew that I didn't have the time, money or patience to care for something the way it said.
My personal suggestion -- make sure all the baby clothes you get from others, especially mothers and mother in laws, is easily washable before you put it on your baby. They tend to buy the most expensive items for baby -- and those are often the items that can't be washed easily. If you know how difficult it is to wash ahead of time you can put it on the baby, take some pictures, and take it off before disaster strikes! :)
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This Is A Practical Gift For A Baby Shower
by Fran
This is one of the most practical gifts I received at the baby shower.
It was given by a mom that had lots of experience with baby stains.
I am amazed at how powerful this product is at removing baby formula, food, etc.
Since I have sensitive skin I always have to be careful what I use for my laundry as well, so it is really nice to be able to use this product to get out some of the same stains on my clothes.
I use it mainly as a laundry pre-soak, but also as an addition to my detergent for washing, depending on how quickly the clothes are washed.
Really, I can't recall a day when there were not some clothes being soaked!
I now give a large box of Oxi Baby as one of my gifts at other baby showers.
Photo courtesy of zAppledot
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Mix Up A Cold Water Paste And/Or Presoak For Best Results
by Pat
This is a great product for removing baby formula and food stains.
Save your old toothbrushes as they come in handy for applying a cold water paste of the Oxi Baby to the stains.

I find that if you work the product in really well (gently), then let it sit for 10-15 minutes before washing, you generally are successful in getting these stains out, especially if they are what I call "same day" stains.
If not, then presoak overnight for best results.
When my neighbor worked at a day care she said that they used this product to soak and wash their uniform smocks, etc.
Typically they would soak a load overnight, then run the wash early in the morning. It saved her from having to deal with all the stains in her laundry at home.
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I Recommend OxiClean Baby Stain Soaker For Those With Sensitive Skin
by Candy
Candy also has a review of this product.
Candy says:
A few members of our household have sensitive skin and are
allergic to most laundry products.
Of course being allergic to various
stain removers and detergents does not mean that they are exempt from getting stains on their clothes.
For this reason I always look to see what people are using to
care for baby clothes, as babies have very sensitive skin.
The OxiClean Baby Stain Soaker is my choice when it comes to handling stains. It is a terrific presoaker as well as additive to the wash load.
I have used it on
fruit, and
tomato based stains with great success.
It is also a plus for keeping my white laundry from becoming dingy over time and is especially helpful when washing a load of white shirts.
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Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with this presoaker with me Candy.
You're absolutely right that this a great choice for those with sensitive skin, since it is both scent and dye free. If you've got sensitive skin I definitely recommend people use only
hypoallergenic laundry supplies, not just the detergent, but all the products!
I'd love to hear from even more people who've used this, or any other stain removal product. You can
share your stain remover review here, or read lots of
laundry stain remover reviews here.

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Hi, I'm Taylor, a busy mom with 3 kids, so I have lots of hands on experience with house cleaning, laundry and my fair share of spots, spills and other messy catastrophes. Thanks for visiting my site.
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.