Baby Wipes Clean Everything!

"Baby wipes clean everything!"
That's what a reader, Pam, said to me a while back, and I thought, huh, is that true? Well, she herself gave me a lot of examples, and then I became intrigued.
Over time more and more readers shared with me how they use these versatile and cheap cleaning products, explaining how despite not having babies anymore they still regularly buy these wipes by the case!
So over time I began to collect all these uses that readers told me about, and now as you can see I've got over 20 listed.
It seems only right to start with the uses Pam told me about, since she started this whole idea in my mind, and then scroll down to see even more ideas you can use beginning today. I feel confident that there will be at least one you hadn't thought about before!
Pam's Baby Wipe Uses:
1. Clean
spit up off the carpet.
2. Keep a box in the car for faces, hands,
spots on clothes, wipe the dash while waiting for kids.
3. Keep handy for messy projects, finger paint, glue drips.
4. Noses......
5. Quick wipes of the high chair, wipe down the bib.
6. Dog's butt.
7. Add to lunch boxes for before and after clean up.
8. In the
bathroom for personal care, and for little sprinkles.
Baby Wipes {Referral Links}
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing all these uses for baby wipes Pam.
I would love for even more people to tell me how they uses these versatile products. You can
share your uses here, or read others that I have already gathered from other readers throughout the site below.

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Use As Makeup Remover Wipes: Cheaper & Work Just As Well
Cher says:
I use them to take off my make up when I'm lazy. They are much cheaper then face wipes and work just as well. Got the tip from a make up artist!
Courtney B. says:
Instead of spending extra on make up wipes, just use baby wipes!! Takes all of your make up right off!!
Mascara, eyeliner, foundation/powder, etc. I hope this tip becomes useful to everyone if you don't already know lol.
Brigette says:
I use baby wipes on a daily basis. One thing I use them for is make up removal, especially mascara. Works like a charm and much cheaper than the wipes made for make up removal!
Tracey says:
Cheaper and work just as well if not better then cosmetic wipes.
Photo courtesy of sunshinecity
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Clean Leather With Baby Wipes
Cathy says:
I use them for cleaning my leather sofa and chairs.
Teeka says:
I use them to clean my white leather lounge. I have found they work better then most actual
leather cleaners.

Charlotte says:
I use them to clean our leather couch and recliner. Just wipe them down!
Taylor says:
This suggestion is a tried and true one! Even
Martha Stewart suggests it for cleaning leather (as you can see at the video on this site at the link).
Get more
leather cleaning and stain removal tips here.
Photo courtesy of Jim Larrison
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Cleaning & Dusting Your Baseboards
Sharon says:
I use them to clean edges of baseboards, especially in the bathroom!
Also, although I no longer have small kids around all the time, I keep them in my car AND made a point of putting some in my son's 18-wheeler. At first, he thought I was just being-"silly mom", but now he makes sure he keeps plenty with him.
Nicole says:
I use them to dust furniture and baseboards.
Taylor says:
Get more tips for
how to clean baseboards here.
Photo courtesy of gemteck1
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Wipe Down Fast Food & Other Restaurant Tables
Colleen says:
Wipe down fast food tables where your toddler is almost guaranteed to dump their French fries.
Loretta says:
I keep them in my purse for whatever we need. I am thankful to have them when we eat out.
There is always something sticky on a table. So it's nice to have something to immediately wipe it off.
Photo courtesy of cdsessums
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Clean Off Your Dashboard, Steering Wheel, Cup Holders & More In Car Interior
Dee says:
I clean the dashboard in my car and the interior.
Colleen says:
I wipe the dash board, cup holders, and leather seats down when I'm stuck in traffic.
Wendy says:
I also use them for the grimy stuff on the steering wheel. You don't realize how nasty it is until you use a baby wipe on it. Lol.
Carolyn says:
If you are stuck in your car waiting- they are great for wiping the dash down and cleaning out the console and cup holders!
Emilie says:
I use baby wipes to wipe down the dash, radio, steering wheel, around the cup holders. Sometimes even just while sitting at a stop light.
Mary Ann says:
clean the upholstery in my van with them. They are great at getting the arm rest!
Photo courtesy of Bryn Pinzgauer
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Removing Fresh Spills And Stains From Clothes, Upholstery And Carpet
Bernadette says:
I use them to remove fresh stains from
upholstery and
Valerie says:
Use them for cleaning food spots off clothes when in the car.
Sarah says:
They get spots out of the carpet when the kids drop food, etc.
Colleen says:
I use them to spot clean carpet.
Most recently, the other night when my 8 year old woke me in the middle of the night to let me know
she was sick.
She was so sad that she didn't get to the bathroom in time. Baby wipes to the rescue!
And the are gentle enough to not bleach the carpet.
Michelle says:
If you clean up spills with them they will keep your carpet from staining.
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Wiping Off Shoes That Are Muddy Or Dirty
Deneene says:
I clean my sneakers with them.
Cyndi says:
I never stopped buying them and my youngest is 16. I use them for a quick wipe down on my shoes.
Lee Anne says:
Cleaning football/rugby boots.
Niamh says:
Great for cleaning trainers and football boots!
Dallas4lyfe says:
Clean scuff marks and general dirt off of leather tennis shoes. Makes my white tennis shoes look like new and leaves no marks on the shoes.
SR101 Reader says:
I use baby wipes to clean sneakers. They get the white parts really white!
Taylor says:
You can get more
tips for cleaning shoes.
Photo courtesy of stevendepolo
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Wipe Off Grimy Surfaces You Encounter In Public
Shelley says:
I use them to wipe off my grocery cart, and debit card machine.
I always have them in my truck, car and purse cause you just never know when you'll need one!
Mia says:
I put a little bleach in them and carry on vacations to clean nasty bathrooms for the kids.
Photo courtesy of JeepersMedia
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Cleaning Walls Of General Grime & Drawings
Jessica says:
Good for cleaning the walls that just have built up grime on them or when moving into a house to wipe down as you don't know what the last person has put on the walls.
Jennifer says:
Takes off
pencil and
crayon on walls.
Eva-Ley says:
Ballpoint pen marks on walls disappear with a little help from baby wipes!
Taylor says:
You can get more
tips for cleaning walls here.
Photo courtesy of geishaboy500
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Wipe Away Deodorant, Make Up & Spray Tanner From Clothes
by Amber
I used to work at a high end clothing store. Sensitive unscented baby wipes were the only thing we were ever allowed to use on the clothing.
We were able to remove all sorts of things with just a baby wipe including make up, deodorant, spray on tanner, etc.
We sold a lot of black clothes and pleather but baby wipes didn't damage the color nor aggravate our high profile client's skin. Win-win!
Taylor says:
You can get even more ideas for
ways to remove deodorant marks from clothes here.
Photo courtesy of Bev Sykes
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Clean Dirty CDs And DVDs
Samantha says:
We use the baby wipes to clean the fingerprints from our 3 year old son off the DVDs and CDs.
It also helps to clean the dust from them from sitting before being listened to or watched.
Photo courtesy of john_a_ward, from Flickr CC
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Clean Your Hands In A Pinch When Running Water Not Around
Catherine says:
I keep them in my drawer at work. They are great just to clean my hands.
Becky says:
I keep them in the car for cleaning my hands after thrift store shopping. Better than ordinary wipes and cheaper!
Photo courtesy of Håkan Dahlström
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Wipe Off Dog Paws After They've Been Outdoors
Bev says:
They sit by my backdoor and I wipe my dogs' paws when they come in after a yucky muddy day.
Photo courtesy of RyanCarr
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Clean Old Marks From Dry Erase Boards
Rebecca says:
They are great for cleaning dry erase boards, like when the marker gets a little too dried on!
Photo courtesy of Sadie Hernandez
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Mop And Spot Clean Hard Floors
Michele says:
I mop my floor with them!
SR101 Reader says:
I wipe up drips and small spills from while I'm cooking or someone's eating something on our kitchen floor with them. That way I don't have to mop quite as often!
Photo courtesy of michale
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Wipe Noses When A Tissue Is Just Too Harsh
Yvonne says:
Wipe noses when they are sore.
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Wipe Up Drips & Messes When Painting While Paint Still Wet
Karen says:
When we were painting the interior of our almost ready new house we still did not have water so for clean up and little goofs we used baby wipes, as that was all we had. Worked wonderfully. Have them on hand for minor clean-ups now always.
Denise says:
I use them when I'm painting to wipe away drips on carpet, hardwood, and trim.
Photo courtesy of Robert S. Donovan, from Flickr CC
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Use To Apply Temporary Tattoos
Maricela says:
My 5yo son uses them to put on his tattoos.
Photo courtesy of Tim Pierce
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I Use Baby Wipes For Emergency Clean-Ups In Car & On The Go
by Dannette
Dannette says:
I carry baby wipes in my car and toiletry bag in a ziplock bag for emergency clean-ups.
I add a little warm water when I place them in the bag and they actually stay wet enough to use.
Keeping water bottles in the car can also help to moisten them if they are dry.
You don't have to throw them away if you just add a little water when you need them.
Baby Wipes {Referral Links}
Taylor says:
Thanks Dannette for these tips.
So, how do you use baby wipes for less-obvious uses. You can
share your own uses here and I'll add the best ones to the site.

In addition, you can check out even more
cleaning tips and tricks here for all over your home.
Photo courtesy of mitchell3417Related Pages You May Enjoy
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Hi, I'm Taylor, a busy mom with 3 kids, so I have lots of hands on experience with house cleaning, laundry and my fair share of spots, spills and other messy catastrophes. Thanks for visiting my site.
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.