All Laundry Detergent Review: Free & Clear All Mighty Pacs
by Taylor
All laundry detergent is, as you may recall, my laundry detergent of choice these days when I'm not testing other detergents for this site.
That's why when I saw the All Mighty Pacs for sale at Walmart recently I grabbed a bag to try.
One thing I noticed about them right away is that they cost more, per load, than buying the detergent in the jug, so if cost is a consideration for you this may not be the way to go.
For example, you could buy either a 96 load jug of the detergent or a bag of 72 pacs for the same price.
When I got them home to try though I was quite pleased with how they work. This doesn't appear to be a
new formula for the detergent with the Oxi Active, so it doesn't make people break out! It is the original version of
All Free and Clear (click the link to see lots of reviews from readers, and me!).
***Update: Please note they've now come out with a free & clear stainlifter formula, and some people have had allergy problems with them. I would suggest making sure you get the original free and clear, not the ones with either stainlifter or oxi added. ***End Update
I'm always concerned about laundry detergent pacs actually dissolving as promised, so the first few times I threw one in I watched them carefully to make sure it would dissolve, and it did as promised. I did use hot water though for my washes, so I can't attest to how they dissolve in cold water. ***Update - a reviewer below complained they didn't dissolve well in cold water, so check that review out if you use cold water often to wash your clothes. ***End Update
The packaging says they should dissolve in both, but I would be interested to hear from others sharing whether this is true or not. Also, I'll try to use one of my last pacs left in cold water at some point, and report back.
The All Mighty Pacs
did have another advantage too, over the more conventional bottle packaging for All laundry detergent, which is that they didn't drip everywhere. As you may recall from my previous review of this detergent one of my main gripes with it (even though I continue to buy it) is that the large 96 load jug, which you lay flat, drips some making a mess on the washing machine as it drips off the shelf. Grrrrr. The pacs of course solved that problem since there was nothing to drip!
Further, at least for me none of the detergent packages burst while in the packaging. In fact, they seemed pretty sturdy. However, if that happens it can basically ruin all the detergent in the bag because it may cause all the rest of the pacs to begin dissolving. I've heard of this happening from other readers, especially as it relates to dishwasher detergent pacs. I would be curious to hear if this happened to anyone with regard to laundry detergent pacs?
Overall, I would give the All Might Pacs a grade of B+. I liked them, but I am pretty cheap, and dislike the idea that I have to pay the same price but for less loads, so I'll probably stick with my dripping jugs, at least for now. Plus, I can't adjust the amount of detergent with these pacs that I use in my loads. I have to use the pre-measured amount they provide. I like the flexibility of choosing if I will add more, less, or the amount recommended.
However, if I need to go to a laundromat, or I need to do laundry while traveling, I could foresee myself picking up a bag of these then, since the pacs would be very convenient for these purposes.
Has anyone else tried this, or any other brand of laundry detergent available in these
laundry detergent pacs. If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions about them. You can
share your laundry detergent review here, telling me what you liked, or disliked, about any of these products, and why.
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All Free & Clear Mighty Pacs Are Yellow Now, Not Clear
I've gotten quite a few comments recently from readers who've purchased a new bag of the All Free & Clear pacs, some with stainlifter, some regular, and they've noticed instead of being a clear liquid it is now yellowish in color.
Because the whole point of these pacs is that they don't have either dyes or perfumes people have been concerned. Frankly, ALL has not handled this issue well. It should have warned people, but as far as I can tell the color is not from a dye but there has been some type of ingredient change which has caused it.
Here's some of the information and concerns raised by readers about this issue:
SR101 Reader 1 says:
I haven't noticed a new smell, but a bag of the individual pacs I just bought was yellow, instead of the clear they've always been. I googled and found others had noticed the same thing. Another brand of detergent turned up with the same issue, and there was a reply there saying they had changed formulas, but that it was still dye and detergent free, even though yellow. Anyone know whether this same thing applies to the All Free & Clear?
Taylor's initial response:
Hi, I haven't bought any of these pacs in a while since I've been testing other brands for the site, so I don't know if this is the new normal or not. Anyone else who uses these have a response? Are your pacs yellow now as well?
SR101 Reader 2 found this on ALL's Facebook page:
Just looked at the Facebook page for the company and they had this to say in regards to the switch:
"Dear fans:
Lately we've been hearing your questions regarding changes to our all free clear mighty pacs. We’d like to share information about these changes with you.
We recently enhanced our all free clear mighty pacs formula, and added a new, Natural Cleaning stain booster. You may now see a light yellowish hue in our product (which is simply the natural color of the product coming through). As always, our product is 100% free of dyes and perfumes, is tested to be gentle on skin and is the #1 detergent brand recommended by dermatologists, allergists and pediatricians for sensitive skin."
Taylor's thoughts:
So there you go. They've apparently added something to help with stain removal, but it has changed the color. They didn't technically add a dye, the particular ingredient just naturally is that color.
Well, as people use this new version I would love to hear if it is bothering their allergies, or it is just a cosmetic difference!
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This College Student Loves Them With Stainlifter: Very Convenient
by Rachel
(Eau Claire)
I am a freshman in college and have been using the All mighty pacs brand with stainlifter.
At home my mom uses the liquid detergent version of ALL, but we also have large washing machines and lots of storage space.
I on the other hand have to deal with four flights of stairs, tiny washers, and little storage.
I was kind of skeptical of the pods because I thought it was weird you'd add the detergent right in with the clothes instead of a compartment. I am happy with them though.
I read the review that they don't dissolve in cold water, but I had no problem with it. I checked the whole washer and my clothes and there was nothing left of the pod.
I also have had no itching problems, and I have very sensitive skin.
The stain lifter also works very well. I have been able to get make-up, grass, coffee, and blood out with this (some of the stains where not fresh either).
The pods are also convenient because they don't make a mess. My roommate has the liquid version and it makes a mess everywhere. Plus she has to carry it up & down four flights every time she does laundry.
I am very pleased with this detergent. I know it costs a little more per load, but I think it's worth the few extra cents.
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All Stainlifter Mighty Pacs Caused Horrible Dermatitis
by Margy Cali
(Pasadena, Ca.)
Margy says:
I have been itching for five days and finally realized it was five days ago that I began using the All Mighty Pacs Stainlifter.
At first I thought I had flea bites and it progressed to an itchy rash wherever my bra and underwear touched my skin.
Even Calamine Clear hasn't stopped the itching for more than 15 minutes.
I also used it 5 days ago to wash my sheets and nightgown. When I wake up in the morning the rash and itching is worse.
I'm now rewashing my sheets and underwear and nightgown in the Free and Clear All and hope the itching stops. I am in utter misery.
Taylor says:
I'm sorry to hear this Margy, but unfortunately it is not uncommon. For some reason both the Stainlifter and
Oxi formulas made by ALL seem to cause a LOT of people to have allergic reactions.
I have started suggesting people avoid both these formulas because even those without previous allergy problems have had problems with them. Not good. Not good at all!
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ALL Mighty Pacs Are Not So Mighty After All
by Michael
(North Bergen, NJ )
Michael has also shared his review of these laundry detergent pacs, complaining that they did not dissolve when he used them in cold water.
Michael says:
I picked up a bag of All Mighty Pacs at the store because they were on sale and I had a coupon so I ended getting them for a very good deal.
I used the
Purex pods before and they work great so I just assumed that they all would dissolve. I was mistaken.
I love to wash my clothes in cold water, not for the environment but I find that it keeps the colors from running much more so than washing in warm or hot water. The only exception to this is when I am washing my whites, then I use hot water.
I use Ariel for my whites, but that's a different story. I refuse to use any of these pods for my whites because I don't feel any American detergents are strong enough to handle a load of dirty socks and under garments.
So even though these little mighty pacs smell heavenly it isn't worth it.
Save your money and buy the Purex. The smell lasts and the detergent dissolves.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with me Michael.
I too used these laundry detergent pacs, and I did not personally have any problems with them dissolving, but I did not wash my family's clothes in cold water as you did so I did not test this issue at all.
I would be interested to hear other readers experiences too, sharing whether these pacs dissolved in cold water for you or not. I know they are supposed to -- but what happens in real life and what is promised on the package are sometimes different.
share your reviews with me here for these pacs, or any other variety. You can also read lots of reviews of other varieties that have also been submitted.
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