Be Careful With Downy Unstopables: Caused Itchy Rash
Taylor's Introduction:
My goodness, I'm surprised how many people have written in to me to share how Downy Unstopables has caused them or their loved ones rashes and/or hives.
I've gotten so many such complaints, matter of fact, that this is the second page of them.
You can read the
first page of Downy Unstopables allergic reaction experiences here. I am not going to bore you again with why I think this product can be a major cause of allergies. If you're interested in my thoughts about that I'd suggest you start with my
initial review of this product, and the first page of the stories from others about their allergic reactions.
In addition, if you've had a similar experience I'd love for you to share it with me. You can
share your own experience here.
So, without further ado, now begins the second page of experiences with this laundry scent booster which, although it
does have many fans and admirers, has also caused some major health problems for others who have used it.
RAM says:
I'm sitting here at 2:44am with a maddening itchy rash that has been with me 24 hours a day for over a week.
Its taken me that long to come to the realization that it coincides with our purchase of Downy Unstopables laundry scent booster.
They should put a warning on the label of this nasty product.
Taylor says:
Unfortunately your experience RAM is all too common. This is actually the second page of these stories from those who've had allergic reactions.
I'm sorry you've experienced this problem, and I hope now that you've identified the cause you can start the process of washing everything to remove this perfumy scent and get to feeling better soon.
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Very Severe Allergic Reaction To Unstopables
by Riley
My son had a very severe allergic reaction to this product.
It really scared me because he was having difficulty breathing, lots of coughing, sore throat, hives all over his body and his knees and elbows were swollen.
I took him to the ER and they gave him very strong benadryl but the hives were not going away.
Once I realized it was this product, and washed everything he could possibly come in contact with, he started getting better.
Definately staying away from this product....
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Downy Unstopables: Do Not Use This Product
by SR101 Reader
Today is day 7 of horrible hives on my torso and legs... horrid, huge, itchy, painful hives!
I am taking steroids and antihistimines and still have horrible hives!
I am miserable and depressed because all I can do is sit quietly or the hives flare up and get worse.
I can't even let clothing touch them... all because I wanted to have pretty smelly sheets... *major frowny face!*
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It Gave Me A Rash
Here are a couple of short comments I have received from readers about their experience with this product.
SR101 Reader says:
I started using the Downy Unstopable when my husband purchased it at the store. I loved the smell and the way it made my clothes smell.
I never was prone to getting rashes and suddenly I had an irritating rash breaking out on my body.
I couldn't think of anything I had been using to cause this rash since I don't change up on products hardly ever... I find a product I like and stick to it....well I guess I won't have that wonderful scent on my clothes anymore because my skin just can't handle it and the itching is horrible.
Peggy from Florence, OR says:
Loved the smell, but ended up with a scaly rash on the inside of my legs.
I've never had a problem with any laundry products causing allergic reaction on me before. Be careful!!
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We Can Use Downy Liquid With No Problems, But Not Downy Crystals
by SR101 Reader
Here's a short but to the point review of the differences for one reader between the liquid fabric softener and this scent booster product.
SR101 Reader says:
Our family uses
Downy liquid all the time . . . no problems.
We bough the new Downy crystals, and my wife and I broke out in a rash all over.
Taylor says:
This unfortunately seems to be quite common. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience, hope you feel better soon!
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I Really Loved It But It Caused My Husband To Develop A Rash
by SR101 Reader
SR101 Reader says:
I really loved the Downy Unstopables as it kept sheets and clothes scented for a long time.
I have never been satisfied with
softener sheets or
liquid softener because the smell never lasts.
However, once I started using this my husband had a small rash on his chin and over the course of two weeks of using the product, he developed a rash on his entire face and it spread to his body.
We saw the doctor today thinking it was hives or shingles, but no, he said the Downy is the most likely culprit.
I hope there is a way for them to change the formula, because it was a great product, but we can no loner use it.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with me, and I hope your husband feels better soon.
Be careful to do a couple of extra rinses of your clothing for a while to remove all the scent from the Downy Unstopables, so they don't continue to both your husband's allergies.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure a formula change will help with these allergic reactions many people are experiencing with this product, mainly because it is the excessive scent which some people love that causes the problem. Some people's bodies are just especially sensitive to it, unfortunately.
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Wish We Hadn't Gotten The Free Sample - Not Worth The Trip To The ER
by Kandy
(Fostoria, Ohio)
Here's another story about this product causing an allergic reaction.
Kandy says:
We got a free sample of Downy Unstopables in the mail and my wife washed her nurse uniforms in it.
When she got to work everyone noticed her breaking out in hives and we had to take a trip to the emergency room for an allergic reaction to the product.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear about that. Hope your wife feels better soon!
It doesn't sound like this free sample was truly very "free" for you since you've now got medical expenses from it, unfortunately. :(
***Update: I got this comment from a reader, which I am sharing, verbatim. While I would not personally use such a harsh a tone with someone as this commenter does, I do agree with the overall sentiment that all health care professionals should be very mindful about the scents that they use when washing their uniforms, since they can adversely effect their patient's health.
The SR101 reader stated:
I am shocked your wife would wash her uniforms in anything with a 'scent' especially one that is advertised as strong and lasting. Most health care facilities prohibit perfumes both of workers and of visitors - many sick people are super sensitive to smells and many of us are chemically sensitive - wearing a strong scent/perfume in the health care setting is very insensitive!
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Don't buy this product!!!
by SR101 Reader
I have eczema and frequently get rashes, so a little break out is nothing new for me.
I started using this product about 3 weeks ago and two weeks ago started to develop hives. I didn't put 2 and 2 together until I had to go to my doctor for steroids. Then I started googling and many people have written to complain.
This shouldn't be on the market.
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Third Week Of Embarrassing Hives Because Of This Product
by RCH
I have never had an allergic reaction to any detergents before but I started using Downy Unstoppables and I began breaking out in hives or welts.
By week two I realized what was causing it and washed all my clothes over again.
It is week three since my outbreak of hives surfaced and they show no signs of going away.
I have to strategically choose clothes to wear that won't show these embarrassing hives.
I wish I never used the product.
Does anyone know how long they will last? I am currently on allergy medicine but it seems that's all I can do.
Taylor says:
RCH, so sorry to hear this product has so adversely effected you.
I am not a doctor, so I cannot answer your medical question. However, I have heard that many of the other readers have needed to go to the doctor for medical treatment, and so I urge you to do the same if you're still not feeling well.
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I'm Glad To Know I'm Not The Only One Who Has Experienced Problems
by SR101 Reader
(South Dakota)
I have been using the Unstopables for a week now, and just yesterday I started getting an itchy rash on my upper arms and back!
Unstopables is the only new item I've introduced so I believe it is the culprit.
I will definitely rewash all my clothes and bedding to see if it helps.
Meantime hydrocortisone cream is my new friend! Thanks for posting all this information!
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Fresh Scent Is The Devil! Major Allergies!
by Todd
(Bayard, NE USA)
This stuff is the devil I am telling you.
I did 4 loads of laundry using this product and after one day of wearing slacks I washed with them I developed a horrible rash behind me knees from the product being in the material.
I sent Downy a complaint on their official site and have not received a reply as of now. I will be calling the 800 soon if I don't.
Steer clear of this at all costs!
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Blue Version Worked Fine But Purple Version Caused Itchy Bumps!
by Mona
I heard about this product from a girl I watch on YouTube who used it to with her bedding and towels, but she did warn of possible allergic reaction from what she reviewed online.
So I bought the one in the blue cap and loved it.
I tried using a bit on just jeans and sweaters and no rash.
So I added it to other regular clothes and all was well with me, my son and husband.
Recently though I ran out and tried the purple capped one, and oh my.
I put on my freshly washed working out clothes and socks and by the next morning I had small itch bumps that looked a little like mosquito bites at first.
That's what I thought they were, and a few days later it had spread to a few on my thighs, hip bones and shoulders.
My son also has it now around his waist and neckline.
I realized the only change was that, so I've rewashed our clothes, bedding and towels and have applied some anti itch cream on both of us for now and I hope it goes away soon.
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Horrible Itchy Rash From All Three Scents
by Amber
(Grande Prairie, AB, Canada)
I Bought all 3 scents a couple months ago, they do exactly as the commercial suggests -- smell great for a long time after wash.
I hate that it took me so long to realize that the horrible itchy rash on my back, chest and arms was actually due to this stuff.
Even my poor 2 year old's face was breaking out.
After re-washing ALL of my families clothes and linens things are very slowly clearing up. Hopefully scarring is minimal.
This product should at the very least have WARNING labels based on what I have heard about it now.
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Unlike Other Scents The Shimmer Scent Caused Intense Itching
by Roberto
I'm a 40 year old man that likes to have good smelling clothes. I want to know they are clean when I start my day.
Anyhow, I've used Downy Unstopables pretty much since they came onto the market.
I used the purple ones primarily, can't think of the scent name. Then I've used the blue ones for a while. All this time no problems.
Then, I wanted a change and went for the pink ones, Shimmer I believe.
Last week I was working in tall weeds/grass and that night came home and started itching. Pulled up my shirt and thought I had chiggers, freaked my wife out.
Knowing that there was not much I could do about chiggers I showered and went to bed. Next morning I was nearly back to normal. Hmmm, not chiggers.
So I went a bit longer, say nearly a week, with no problems. I must have done my own laundry again as I tend to use a lot of scent (not more than what it says but I don't usually have a full load of laundry for myself) and I broke out the same way I had the previous week.
Thinking of the same results I showered and went to bed thinking it would go away. Woke up and it was actually worse the next morning.
I took some Benadryl which eased the itching and continued to move forward through the day.
Early afternoon the itching came back badly and the rash was all over my torso and upper legs.
I went to the ER as I was kind of freaked out. They gave me a heavy dose of Benadryl, steroids, and pepcid oddly enough (pepcid is a histamine blocker, who knew).
I got a prescription for steroids and bought some pepcid as I can't be taking Benadryl during the day as I can't be all groggy or falling asleep.
1st morning after and the rash is probably 80% gone and very little itching.
Going to be doing lots of laundry today without the Downy and lots of extra rinsing!
Thanks for this page, I'm amazed how many people have complained about this.
I'll be writing to Downy to express my concerns as well!
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Glow Scent Is Amazing But Won't Use It Again
by Alanna
(Chicago, IL)
I bought this product at Target after falling in love with the scent. I was putting just one cap full in my washer, then I started forgetting to put it into my laundry (this is relevant to the story, as you will see later).
Fast-forward about 2-3 weeks, to last week. It was time to do laundry, then I remembered to use this product after so long.
I put two caps of it in the washer because I wanted my kids' school uniforms to smell nice and fresh (I have a 9-year-old and a 7-year old, both boys).
My 7-year-old developed rashes on his back and chest from a shirt that I had washed in that load.
Then, this morning, I noticed that my 9-year-old had a really bad rash on the back of his neck. I looked down his shirt and saw even more rashes.
When I told him to take his shirt off, he had rashes ALL OVER, and I noticed that he had rashes on his upper arm that ended at the elbow (where the sleeves of his uniform shirt end).
Long story short, I've deduced that my kids are allergic to this product. Heck, I won't even use it in smaller doses. Which is a shame, because the scent is amazing. :(
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Beware Of Rash/Hives With Downy Unstoppable
by SR101 Reader
Here's another SR101 reader who experienced a problem from this product.
SR101 Reader says:
I am a true believer in
Downy, and have used it for over 35 years, never had allergic reactions.
Then I bought the "Unstoppable" The only thing it did not stop was the body rash and hives.
I bought this in February and have had a rash/hives since. The Dr. even did a biopsy of the hives and it was determined that I had a severe allergic reactions.
I had to go on Prednisone for a month and every medication you can think of we tried. FINALLY, in June when I was washing my sheets and getting ready to "over use" as I always put a lot because I loved the smell, as I was holding the container, it suddenly dawned on me, THAT was the CULPRIT
I immediately went online and typed in "Unstoppable and rash"...yep...there it was black and white. All these reviews about people getting rashes and hives because of the product.
Not knocking the product but very dangerous for people with sensitive skin.
Taylor says:
I couldn't agree with you more!
It may be a product that lots of people love. Even you admit you loved the scent, but for those of us with sensitive skin or other allergy problems, it sure does seem to be something that really triggers our allergies.
If any other readers have experienced similar problems with Downy Unstopables causing rash and/or hives, please
share your experiences here. I'd love to hear from you.
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