Don't Forget These 10 Things When You Deep Clean Your Bedroom

Here are 10 things you don't want to forget about when you deep clean your bedroom, to make it a place you'll enjoy sleeping each night.

Here are 10 things you don't want to forget about when you deep clean your bedroom, to make it a place you'll enjoy sleeping each night {on Stain Removal 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Often when we're cleaning our homes the last place we clean is the bedroom. After all, that's not normally where visitors come, you can close the door, and your focus is on more high trafficked areas of the home.

But really there's a good reason to make sure you put some focus into cleaning your bedroom. After all, you sleep in there every night, and you deserve a clean, safe haven to drift off to sleep in, and wake up to in the morning.

So when it's time for a deep cleaning of your bedroom, either during spring cleaning or whenever, use this quick checklist to make sure you don't forget any major areas.

1. Wash Pillows & Bedding

While you should wash your sheets at least weekly, when you're deep cleaning you should clean more of your bedding, including washing your pillows, blankets and comforter, as well as your mattress pad, and even dust ruffles and bed skirts.

Here are tips for how to wash bedding.

How to wash bedding

Further, here are instructions for washing pillows. It's a lot easier than it may sound, and can make a huge difference!

How to wash pillows

2. Vacuum Your Mattress

Your mattress should be vacuumed approximately every six months, at least. Use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to vacuum the mattress, just as you would with upholstered furniture.

If you'd also like to freshen your mattress at the same time you can sprinkle baking soda on the mattress and let it sit for 15 minutes to an hour before you vacuum up the baking soda, and simultaneously vacuum the mattress.

You can get more tips for cleaning your mattress here.

Tips for cleaning and removing mattress stains and odors

3. Vacuum Or Sweep Under The Bed

Your bed is a large piece of furniture, and it isn't as easy to sweep or vacuum under there so when doing a quicker vacuuming job this area often gets neglected.

When deep cleaning your bedroom don't ignore this area, but instead make sure you get all the dust bunnies from under there. This one task will really reduce the total amount of dust found in your bedroom.

You can get more tips for cleaning under your bed (along with decluttering under there) on the sister site, Home Storage Solutions 101.

Tips for cleaning underneath the bed

4. Vacuum Upholstered Furniture

If you've got any upholstered furniture in your bedroom, such as a couch, recliner or chair, make sure to vacuum the upholstery to keep it looking its best.

Removing excess dust from upholstery fabric significantly reduces the wear and tear on furniture, allowing it to have a longer usable life.

You can get more tips for how to clean upholstery here.

How to clean upholstery

5. Wash Windows, Inside & Out

Clean windows let in so much more sunlight, and can really brighten up your room.

You can use one of these homemade window cleaner recipes here to get them cleaned up.

In addition, here are tips for how to clean windows like an expert on another sister site, Household Management 101.

How to clean windows like an expert

6. Clean Drapes & Dust Blinds

With time your drapes get dusty, so either use the upholstery attachment and gently vacuum your drapes, or if they're washable, you can wash them. Here are instructions for washing and cleaning drapes and curtains.

How to clean drapes and curtains

In addition, if you've got blinds on your windows dust them.

It can be difficult to clean each blind slat separately, especially with mini blinds, so I suggest a dusting tool with "fingers" to clean and remove dust from several slats at once, on both the top and bottom of the slat.

7. Dust Flat Surfaces

You should dust items in your bedroom frequently, but when you're deep cleaning your flat surfaces don't forget about smaller, often forgotten surfaces, like your headboard, as well as also dusting more obvious places like the top of your dresser and nightstand.

You can get more ideas for ways to reduce and remove dust in your home here.

5 ways to reduce and remove dust in your home

8. Dust Vents

Your air vents collect dust with time, and are often neglected during normal cleanings. Therefore, take a few minutes and vacuum and remove dust from floor, wall and ceiling vents in your bedroom.

9. Vacuum Walls, Corners & Baseboards

You don't need to clean your walls too often, but when deep cleaning use a dust-brush attachment to remove dust and cobwebs from them. You can get more tips for cleaning your walls here.

Tips for cleaning walls

In addition, vacuum or otherwise clean your baseboards.

How to clean baseboards

10. Dust Ceiling Fans & Light Fixtures

We don't often look up to see the dust on ceiling fans and light fixtures, but when deep cleaning your bedroom it's the perfect time to clean off these fixtures.

What do you always clean in your bedroom to feel like you've given it a really deep cleaning? I'd love to hear what you do below, in the comments.

Would You Like More Spring Cleaning & Deep Cleaning Hints & Tips?

In addition, if you're in the mood to deep clean your bedroom you may also want to give a good cleaning to many other areas of your home. Check out the 31 days of spring cleaning series here on the site for more ideas and instructions.

31 days of spring cleaning

Further, you can also check out the Room By Room Guide For How To Clean Anything In Your Home here.

How to clean anything: a room by room guide

Here are 10 things you don't want to forget about when you deep clean your bedroom, to make it a place you'll enjoy sleeping each night {on Stain Removal 101} #CleanBedroom #CleaningBedroom #BedroomCleaninguse this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.