Bounce Dryer Bar Reviews: Not Impressed
by Barb Browning
(Spruce Grove Alberta)
Barb is one of many people that has sent me their Bounce dryer bar reviews. In fact, so many people have sent me reviews that this is my second page of them.
Barb says:
White, greasy, sticky mess. The bar ruined a new pair of black jeans.
I have washed the jeans many times to remove, and unfortunatley, they no longer look new!
I have been a loyal user of
Bounce dryer sheets for many years, but no more! I will switch to another brand, if only for peace of mind.
The residue is obviously all over all clothes dried while using this product, however being lighter in colour, the residue is simply not detected.
I cannot remove the bar from the drum of the dryer, and because the dryer is not more than 4 years old, I hesitate to pry it off and risk damage.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your Bounce dryer bar review Barb, and I'm sorry you had a bad experience.
I'm sure you're aware, but I am not affiliated with the company that makes this product, which is Procter & Gamble. You aren't the first person to share their problems with this product with me though.
I understand removing the bar holder is a big pain in the bottom, but it can be done. Several people have written in with tips for how they removed the bar from their dryers, plus Bounce has shared some video tips telling how they did it too. You can find more information about
removing the bar here. I hope this can help you!
Photo by _rockinfree, from Flickr CC
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This Dryer Bar From Bounce Is A Misfire
by SR101 Reader
This SR101 reader was none too impressed with this laundry supply.
SR101 Reader says:
I bought this item thinking it would be a good investment for the price and because of what it promises..
I attached it as directed and got very little softness or scent with my dried cloths.
Furthermore, removing the bar was not particularly easy and trying to remove it damaged my dryer's surface.
I don't believe that this company should make such promises on something that is a sure misfire.
I will never by another Bounce product again.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear that the Bounce dryer bar so disappointed you, but thanks for sharing your review with me here.
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The Holder Keeps Falling Off In My Dryer
by Robin
I had the problem of the holder falling off.
I contacted P&G and got a coupon for a free one since I really like the product otherwise.
Guess what - the new one didn't last 1 load.
I followed ALL the instructions, cleaned the spot on the dryer which I carefully selected and held it there for well over the 15 seconds.
It is really a shame since I'm not a fan of dryer sheets and the bar really makes the clothes nice, but it isn't cost effective this way.
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Outdoor Fresh Bounce Dryer Bar, Two Month Variety Quick Review
by Shan
Shan shared her quick review of this product.
Shan says:
This bar smelled great for the first couple of loads and now smells horrible.
I will not be using anymore. I will be going back to
Downy sheets.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear you don't like the smell anymore Shan. Has anyone experienced this, that with time the bar begins to change scents?
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Bounce Dryer Bar Reviews From Stain Removal 101 Facebook Fans
I posted some of the reviews above and from other pages of this site on the Stain Removal 101 Facebook fan page, and commented that, at least so far, the reviews on this page were negative and asking for anyone who liked the product to also chime up.
This sparked some discussion amongst readers, and I'm sharing it with you below, just so you can see some additional opinions about this product.
Christine says:
Am I the only one who actually loves mine? If you want a really strong scent, use the sheets as well, but this works great for my clothes and the fabric for my shop.
Jessica says:
We use them and they work great for us!
Heather says:
I haven't tried them yet, but love the concept if they have a free & clear version. ***Taylor's note - Yes, they do have a scent free version!***
Sharon says:
The bar would leave white on our clothes. Love the concept but was disappointed.
Frances says:
Love it! No white marks, just enough smell, and I can take it out if I wanna use fabric softener (when it's nice I hang clothes outside, sometimes unforseen rain means they must be dried in a dryer). Win Win!
Jennifer says:
I use the bounce free bar because of allergies and we love it. Never forget to put the dryer sheet in anymore just have to remember to replace the bar.
Taylor says:
None of these comments was really long enough to make their own submission, but I found them all helpful since they gave so many great points of view!
I would love to hear your opinions about these dryer bars too, since some people love them, while others well, don't. Make sure to share your own review with me too!
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Bounce Bar Caused Streaks And Stains On Dark Clothing
by Paul
Paul shared his problem with this product, and asked for help in removing the stains it caused.
Paul says:
I started to use the dryer bar and I found that it puts streaks on dark clothing like pants and shirts, and I need to use them for work.
Please, if someone has had this same problem how do I solve it? Do I just go back to the sheets?
Taylor says:
Sorry you've experienced this problem Paul, but I think I can solve it for you.
First, I would remove the dryer bar from your dryer (you can follow the instructions and suggestions in my
article about this dryer bar, as well as suggestions from other readers who've also removed the product from their dryers). And yes, I would go back to using
dryer sheets since that didn't cause you any trouble before.
Next, you've got to remove the stains and streaks from the clothing that got messed up. Basically, you've got fabric softener stains on your clothing, most likely. Fortunately, these are not too hard to remove.
Follow the
fabric softener stain removal instructions here.

Good luck, and I hope that helps!
By the way, the picture above is actually from Eric, a user who also used this product and had a similar problem. He complained about the streaking that this product did to his black pants. (The photo is courtesy of
***Update: I got a similar complaint from another reader about this product, stating:
It left white marks on all my clothes. This is very upsetting, and I must replace most of the clothes which is costly.
***End Update
I've answered this question as part of my site where I answer people's laundry questions. You can
share your own laundry problems with me here too, if you have any. Or, you can read through other answers I've provided to readers already as part of this site section.
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Complaint: It Left Stains All Over My Duvet
by Julie
Julie says:
I have a complaint about this product. I put my duvet in the dryer along with the dryer bar and the bar melted and left stains which were candle wax like on my duvet.
I need some assitance on how to remove all of the stains and/or a refund to replace my duvet!!!!!!
Taylor says:
Thanks for contacting me Julie.
I wanted to respond to you personally to explain that I am in no way affiliated with the company that makes this product, and therefore I cannot help you get a refund for the damages you suffered.
However, I have added your complaints about this product here, where hopefully it will help others avoid these problems.
I would suggest you send a similar complaint to the one you sent me directly to Bounce, either through their official website or calling their customer service, which number is presumably on the packaging for the product. They should be at least able to address your request for a refund.
In regard to removing the stains, another reader, Paul, above, had a similar problem with streaking and staining, so read my directions above to try to fix the problem. Good luck!
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It Leaves Sticky Dark Residue On My Clothing
by Janice D.
I have had my dryer for about 3 years now.
From time to time I am finding the sticky residue all over articles of clothing.
It only began after the first bar was installed.
I know of no other reason than the Bounce Bar holder backing that could cause the problem.
And it never really leaves the fresh scent or the soft feeling.
I will be going back to sheets as liquid uses too much blue coloring which grays the laundry.
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May Have Caused Holes In Delicates From The Bar Holder
by Tim
(San Antonio, TX)
This product worked well in my electric dryer.
However, our delicates appeared to have a few new holes in them, so I removed the dryer bar holder.
It was simple to remove and the adhesive cleaned up using alcohol or a light oil or Goo Gone type product.
My dryer is good as new, the adhesive did not damage the paint or anything.
Despite the problem with our delicates we were overall happy with the product. We will test the theory about the delicates and replace the bar holder.
Most of our clothes are cotton and I liked the dryer bar, although once in a while, we still had some static cling, not sure why.
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I Won't Be Using The Bounce Dryer Bar Anymore
by Jo Ann
Jo Ann says:
I have been using the dryer bar for a while and it seemed to work well. However, yesterday the bar and the holder came off and made a terrible mess in the dryer and on my clothes.
It took over 1/2 hour to
clean the dryer and the clothes had to be washed twice to get them clean.
I will be returning the other bars which I had on hand and will not use the bar in the future.
Taylor says:
Jo Ann, thanks for sharing your experience, but I'm sorry it was so negative.
Has this happened to anyone else? I can imagine this would make a mess if the bar came off, since as it tumbled around I would imagine it would crack and break, and melt on everything.
Has anyone experienced this problem? If so, how did you clean up the dryer and the clothing? You can
share your review or experience here.
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