Amodex Ink & Stain Remover Review
Does It Really Work?

I ran several tests with Amodex Ink & Stain Remover, and have seen its strengths in removing various types of inks.

Amodex ink and stain remover review, with test results to show how it works on a wide variety of stains {on Stain Removal 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

All in all, I recommend this stain remover for certain stains, including light ink stains, plus for a couple of stains you might not think of.

I was given the chance to review this ink and stain remover when I was contacted directly by the family owned company which makes Amodex.

Amodex ink and stain remover review, with test results to show how it works on a wide variety of stains {on Stain Removal 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

They gave me two free bottles and asked me to go to town, trying it out on various types of ink stains.

I have to say, I was very eager to try it because I had previously seen it recommended by such companies as Crayola, Sanford (the maker of Sharpies and dry erase markers), and touted by Consumer Reports.

Therefore, I put Amodex through the paces and have tips and tricks for you below, so you can get the most use out of this ink stain removal product.

How Amodex Worked On Ink Stains: Great For Light Stains But Consider If You Want To Invest The Time And Expense In Using It For Heavy Stains

Since Amodex is designed to work on removing ink stains, I of course tested it on many different types of ink. I tested it on ballpoint ink, rollerball ink, dry erase marker and the dreaded permanent marker (which you can see in the picture below, to the left).

My method was to mark an old white t-shirt with the ink, and then use the product to try to remove it. I was amazed to see that it removed all these types of ink from the shirt, although it took time and patience, plus lots of paper towels (see below for more details).

The Smell And Texture Of This Stain Remover

permanent marker mark

The first thing I noticed about this stain remover was that it didn't have a chemical smell, as I kind of expected it too. Instead, it was mostly fragrance free (a big plus in my book), although there was some light scent.

It has the texture of thin white glue, and its main ingredient is lanolin, so it is creamy although not really greasy.

Instructions For Use Plus Tips I Learned During The Process Of Ink Stain Removal

The instructions for the product say to not wet the fabric first, but instead to liberally apply some Amodex to the stained area and gently rub it in, such as with an old toothbrush.

What the product does is break up the ink from the fiber, so you definitely need to put a paper towel underneath the stained area, because as the ink is removed it will spread elsewhere on the fabric if you aren't careful. The paper towel will absorb some of the ink and keep it from retransferring onto other areas of the fabric.

You'll need to move the papertowel to a clean area often (and switch to new paper towels), and be careful about where the ink is spreading, so you don't re-transfer ink back onto the garment again during the ink stain removal process.

I also noticed it was quite slow going to remove the ink, although it definitely did work. This isn't the type of product you place on a stain and it magically disappears before your eyes. Instead, the Amodex slowly removes a little ink at a time from the fabric, even the permanent marker. It will take repeated applications, lots of paper towels, and a good deal of patience though.

Of course, no one said it was easy to remove ink stains, and there is a reason why ink stains have gained a reputation for being one of the toughest stains to remove. They are!

Special Tips For Heavy Ink Stains: Consider Whether You Want To Go To The Expense And Spend The Time Necessary

After testing Amodex I would say this product is ideal for removing ink stains from your clothing that are light in nature, including Sharpie and other permanent marker stains. Examples of light marks and stains include if you brush past a permanent marker or dry erase marker, for instance.

However, if you've got an ink explosion, or your child has purposefully drawn all over their clothing, for instance with permanent marker, I want you to understand the limitations of Amodex, or frankly any ink stain remover, in removing such stains.

Since the product breaks up the ink from the fabric, and you transfer it onto the paper towels you'll be using as you use the product, at first you get lots of transfer, but slowly, you'll get less and less transfer with each application.

Amodex isn't cheap, and you'll have to keep reapplying it to remove layer after layer of ink from the fabric (perhaps a whole paper towel roll of transfers!) This costs money in the form of using lots of your expensive Amodex, but also time. Who wants to sit there trying to get out a huge ink stain on a cheap t-shirt?

Therefore, my recommendation, as it applies to ink stains, is to have this product on hand in your home to deal with those little oopsies that occur from time to time, but be realistic about the stains you've got, to decide if you want to try to remove them, or just use that fabric as a rag, instead.

Suprising Stains That This Stain Remover Removed Easily

crayon marks

Along with ink, Amodex promises to help remove some other stains too. The two I tested it on were crayon stains and lipstick stains.

I chose these because they are both very tough to deal with, and like I said previously, Crayola recommended Amodex, so I wanted to see what it would do.

Unlike the ink stains, where I really had to work hard to remove the ink, little by little, when I tried the product on the crayon and lipstick it seemed to work quite quickly.

I slathered some of the stain remover onto the stained areas and lightly rubbed it in with an old toothbrush. It instantly picked up both the crayon and lipstick, but I got a bit alarmed because it looked like it smeared it all over the fabric where I'd rubbed it.

However, I then rinsed the shirt out, under warm water in the sink, and the residue from the stain remover, along with the crayon and lipstick, rinsed away! It was quite easy, actually.

Therefore, I would definitely recommend you use this product for removing either of these stains from your clothing. I know I will definitely be using them again for this purpose.

Surfaces This Stain Remover May Be Used On To Remove Stains

Comprehensive review of Amodex ink and stain remover {on Stain Removal 101}

As you can see from above, I only tested Amodex Ink & Stain Remover on clothing. However, the instructions say that it is also safe for many other surfaces, and since the main ingredient is lanolin I would believe that is true. It was quite gentle in the tests I had of the product.

Amodex says it is safe for the following surfaces, but for anything expensive please always test in an inconspicuous area first, to be sure, before applying to the stained area:

Where Can You Buy Amodex?

It can be difficult to find this product in stores, but fortunately there are many places you can purchase it on the Internet, such as the Amazon link below:

Ink Stain Remover {Refferal Links}

In addition, you can purchase it in some stores including Hobby Lobby and Office Max.

The product comes in a variety of sizes, including 1 ounce and 4 ounce varieties. If you're interested in just trying it out I'd suggest a smaller size, but if you've got a large stain you'll quickly go through it.

Therefore, if you've got lots of ink spots and stains I would suggest getting the 4 ounce container.

Do You Have An Ink Stain Remover Review To Share?

ink spot remover reviews

Have you used Amodex Ink & Stain Remover personally, or another product designed to remove ink spots and stains? If so, I'd love to hear from you too, telling me how these products have worked for you.

Please tell me what type of ink you tried to remove, and from what surface, and with what product and how it worked for you. You can share your ink spot remover review here.

In addition, you can also click the link and read reviews from other readers that have already been submitted for other products that have worked (or not worked) for removing ink stains.

Update: Reader Review Of Amodex

After publishing my review I received this submission from a reader, DL, who also used this product when trying to remove powdered printer ink from pants. This is what they said:

I had a pair of poly blend dress slacks which I stained horribly with industrial (powder) printer ink (from carrying a printer). I then forgot about the slacks in my trunk where they baked for approximately three weeks. I used Amodex as directed, used a paper plate inside the pant legs to absorb the ink while treating, and left it on for two days. I would not have had to leave it on that long, but was a little busy. I didn't expect it to remove the LARGE stain. I treated the other leg at the same time with Shout. Amodex was amazing. Amodex took the entire stain out, Shout left a light light outline which would not have been acceptable. I would highly recommend this product for ink stains.

Top photo courtesy of a reader, Kim

Pursuant to FTC rules and regulations, please note that I was provided with free samples of this product for review, and also compensated for my time in making this review of the product. My opinions and test results are completely my own, however, and have not been influenced in any way.

There are affiliate links on this page, and if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission. Purchasing through my links costs you nothing extra, but helps support the free information provided on this site and my family. To learn more please see my product review disclosure statement.

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Hi, I'm Taylor, a busy mom with 3 kids, so I have lots of hands on experience with house cleaning, laundry and my fair share of spots, spills and other messy catastrophes. Thanks for visiting my site.

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There are affiliate links on this page, and if you purchase a product through them I receive a small commission. Purchasing through my links costs you nothing extra, but helps support the free information provided on this site and my family. To learn more please see my product review disclosure statement.

CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.