Rowdy Stickhorse Laundry Powder Review
by Pat
(Oklahoma, USA)
Pat provided this Rowdy Stickhorse laundry powder review, a locally made laundry detergent.
Pat says:
I get this through my local food co-op, it's made locally in Oklahoma. It comes in buckets that wash 300 loads and only takes a small scoop (about a 1/4 cup) per load.
I like this detergent for several reasons: it's made locally by someone I know, it works great in cold water washes (which is what I do 99% of the time), it doesn't have excessive sudsing, and it's
Taylor says:
Thanks Pat for this review. Your description of Rowdy Stickhorse laundry powder intrigued me so much I went ahead and did some Internet research about it myself.
I love to learn more about
homemade laundry detergent.
When I researched the product I found on their website that it is made with goat's milk, from goats they raise on their own farm.
The part of the description on the site I really loved was this:
Goats Milk is high in protein and helps with stains while it naturally softens. This formula is great for skin sensitive people and babies. Also may be used as an all-purpose cleaner, we have cleaned everything from sinks to our trucks. We also wash our goats with this blend to take off the buck smell.
I especially like the italicized sentence!
Of course, they don't give their exact recipe. I wouldn't either, since it is their trade secret. However, they did mention these ingredients:
- Sodium borate (a.k.a. borax powder)
- Sodium carbonate (a.k.a. washing soda)
- Soda ash (which I believe is the same as sodium carbonate, so I wonder why they mention it twice)
- Blended essential oils
- Blended grains
- Blended herbs
Anyone else use this laundry detergent? If so, you can share your review and rating in the comments.
In addition, anyone can
share their own laundry detergent review here, telling me what you believe is the best detergent, and why.
Since this is a local product many people may not be able to get it. If you'd like to get an eco-friendly product though I've created a comprehensive list of
available natural laundry detergent brands that you might be interested in. Come check it out!
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