Spray N Wash Review: Remembering The Awesomeness That Was The Old School Version
by Taylor
I grew up using Spray N Wash pretreater on my clothes -- it was the go to stain remover in our house, and I think in many other people's houses as well.
In fact, I was so devoted to this product that when lots of my friends were having babies (I had my first child a bit younger than many of my friends, so I was the "wise Mom friend") I would make them each a little Mother's survival kit as a baby shower present, and it always included a bottle of this laundry product.
Heaven knows it helped me with all the spots and stains when my first child was little.
There was a time, especially when I was washing bibs constantly, and
baby food was in heavy circulation in our home, that I just had it handy on the washer, ready to grab at a moment's notice to spray on just about everything as soon as it got into the laundry room.
However, it seems all good things must come to an end.
For some reason, even though it wasn't broke, at least in my opinion, they decided they needed to "fix" and "improve" my old school Spray N Wash (which many people think is actually called "Spray and Wash" but it's not!).
That's when Resolve took over the brand and added its "special stain fighters" to it.
That is around the time I quit buying it, because I didn't really
like the new version. I personally didn't think it worked as well as the older type.
I will confess that I actually bought a huge refill bottle of the old school version, and have been using it successfully for years, and just ignoring the fact that the product now has Resolve in it.
That big bottle would have run out long ago but I've been so busy trying out other stain removers to report my results for this site I still have just a little left, although it is almost all gone now. :(
Did anyone else love this brand of laundry pretreater in the past? If so, I'd love to hear how you used it, and your experiences with it. Further, have you switched to the newer version? Do you like it or not?
In addition, perhaps I've been too hard on the new version. After all, I haven't tried it in years, and I will admit I don't like change, although switching products all the time now to test for this site has made me much more open to new products than I used to be in the past.
If you'd like to share your reviews and experiences with the old or new version of this product you can
share your review here, and I'll add it to the site!
***Update: Many people feel the same way! Here's some reviews of the new version of
Resolve laundry stain remover. ***End Update
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Former Spray N Wash Advocate Forced To Use Other Products Now
by Laura
Laura says:
I agree that the newer version under the Resolve name is not as good as the original Spray N Wash.
The only Resolve product I use is the version with the dual spout - called the All Stain formula.
I use this if I am washing a garment that got stained and am running a wash the same day or if I discover something that is stained when I am sorting clothes.
It is a product that can't be left on more than several minutes.
For all other stains I prefer to use a stain remover that can be left on for several days.
The best approach is to pretreat stains as soon as possible, then drop them in the hamper until wash day.
While the
stain stick version has this capability I have found that the
Shout gel is much better.
Between the stains on my uniforms (restaurant) and all of the things the kids get into I like to think of myself as being experienced at removing laundry stains!
BTW I generally use the
ERA OXI detergent to wash clothes that have stains.
It works wonders on my uniforms and it is more economical than many other detergents.
I probably would never have tried it if it had not been for one of my co workers telling me how well it worked for her.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing what you've had to switch to now that the old version of Spray n Wash is no more.
I would love to hear from others with their tips for what they use now, and why, and comparisons between the old and new versions of this product. You can
share your reviews and tips here.
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Hi, I'm Taylor, a busy mom with 3 kids, so I have lots of hands on experience with house cleaning, laundry and my fair share of spots, spills and other messy catastrophes. Thanks for visiting my site.
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.