Purex With Zout Review: A Skeptic Is Impressed
by Latasha
Latasha has shared her review of Purex with Zout.
Latasha says:
I have never been a fan of the cleaning power or smell of Purex products. The detergent is quite thin and watery. I admit, I have probably been programed to equate the consistency of detergent with its overall effectiveness.
For some time now I have used Zout as a
stain remover and did not realize Purex is made by the same company.
I came across Purex with Zout (Fresh Morning Burst) on sale for $1.99 at my local grocery store. When I opened the bottle I immediately loved the scent. It has a clean scent without being too perfumey or overwhelming.
It also is thicker than other Purex detergents which made me think it would be more effective. I decided to try it since it was only $1.99, so I didn't have much to lose.
This laundry detergent works very well. I have six people living in my household, ranging from four to fifty years old. We also are building a house and my husband comes home with a lot of stains on his work clothes. Purex with Zout gets the dirt out while leaving a clean scent to the clothing, nothing overpowering.
My daughter has sensitive skin and we have not had any dermatologic problems while using this detergent.
I do have one complaint. The load lines on the cap are hard to see. It is easy to overfill the cap which is not very cost effective.
This product is also made in a free and clear version.
Taylor says:
Thanks Latasha for your review of Purex Complete with Zout.
I actually have been meaning to write a review of this product myself for quite a while, but you beat me to the punch, and basically said exactly what I was going to anyway. You can actually read my review below.
Latasha, I actually would love if you would share your review of Zout stain remover too, since no one has provided me with a review of this yet, to go with all my other
laundry stain removers reviews.
***Update - Latasha was so nice, and actually did send me a review as requested. :) Here is
Latasha's review of Zout stain remover.***
In addition, I would love to hear from others who have used this detergent, sharing your opinions and experiences with it. You can
share your Purex laundry detergent review here, or read additional reviews already submitted.
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Taylor's Review Of Purex Complete With Zout Detergent: Free & Clear Version
by Taylor
I was given the opportunity to try this new version of Purex detergent, when I was sent a free bottle of the free and clear scent as part of my role as a Purex Insider.
First, I should explain what a Purex insider is. Basically, I have been chosen by Purex to provide input to them about products, am asked to test and review some new products, and also get inside information on what is happening within the company.
I do this as a service to you, my readers, to be able to provide more complete and accurate information about these
laundry supplies for you. I will continue, however, to share the good and the bad that I find about Purex products since my mission is to fairly but critically evaluate products to find which ones work best.
As part of my gig as a Purex Insider, as I said above, I was sent a free bottle of Purex with Zout in the free and clear scent. I have to use a
hypoallergenic laundry detergent in my house because family members suffer from laundry allergies.
Previously, I've shared with readers that I use
Tide Free And Gentle, so my comparisons with Purex with Zout are mainly to my customary brand, Tide.
***Update - I now prefer
All free and clear over Tide Free, because All costs less.***
I was excited to try the free and clear version of Purex with Zout because, as Latasha mentions, it is quite inexpensive compared with other major brands, including Tide which is not known to be cheap.
I was not disappointed with this Purex detergent. It was thick, and didn't have any smell at all and seemed to work just as well as the Tide Free. My child with the
laundry detergent allergies did not have any adverse reactions to it at all.
I believe that the addition of the Zout to the detergent made its stain fighting abilities about on par with
Tide's stain fighting abilities with ActiLift, its version of stain fighters that are built into the detergent. With both the Purex and the Tide I still need to use a
laundry stain remover for visible big stains, but both catch a lot of things I miss when throwing stuff in the wash.
I also had the exact same complaint Latasha did about the cap. It was hard to see the lines, even when I really searched for them with the idea of making my own line with permanent marker to help myself see it while pouring. I feel like I wasted a lot of detergent overfilling the cap.
My overall assessment of Purex with Zout is that I would definitely buy it again. In fact, I saw a great sale of it at my store recently and wanted to purchase some, but sadly my store did not carry the Free and Clear version, so I didn't buy it then. However, if I see it for such a great price in the future in the free and clear version I will most likely buy it instead of Tide since it worked as well, but is MUCH cheaper!
***Update 2 - I have looked and looked for the free and clear version in stores, but never see it, so I have yet to buy this detergent again. That's a major disappointment!***
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What Am I Doing Wrong When Using Purex With Zout Detergent?
An SR101 reader asked me this question about her use of Purex.
SR101 Reader asks:
I have problems with Purex with Zout stain fighter. It actually leaves blue stains all over your clothing...
Taylor's Answer:
Sorry to hear you got blue stains all over your clothes. When I tried this product that didn't happen to me (although that is no guarantee it never happens, I know.)
Do you also use
fabric softener? Because typically you are more likely to get a
fabric softener stain that is kind of a bluish color, than from the detergent.
Another possibility is that you added the clothes, and then detergent, which is actually a no no, since you need to add the detergent first and let it get diluted in the water.
Of course, there really may be a problem with this product causing stains. Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, please
share your experiences with me here, so I can learn more about the issue!
I've answered this question as part of the
laundry questions section of the site. Feel free to ask me your own questions, or check out the ones I've already answered!
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.