Honest Laundry Detergent Review: Hypoallergenic Liquid
by Amy S.
Amy shared this review of Honest laundry detergent, which is a product made by The Honest Company.
Amy says:
I haven't tried the pods, but I'm in the middle of a bottle of the liquid.
I alternate between this, a
homemade powder detergent, and the brand
"ALL small & mighty", and I've found that this holds up just as well as the other two.
I typically use the Honest brand for things that would touch the skin (towels, underwear, etc.) and it always cleans very well.
Side note: I also use this brand's
dish soap and bug spray.
The dish soap smells amazing and cleans well, but doesn't hold suds very long.
The bug spray is super effective but is not in an aerosol can, so it gets difficult to pump spray all over the body.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing this review Amy of this
eco-friendly detergent.
The Honest Company is relatively new to the scene, and specializes in making
green and environmentally friendly cleaning products. In addition, it also makes eco-conscious personal care and baby products as well, such as diapers.
detergent is hypoallergenic and scent and dye free, and also does not contain optical brighteners.
As mentioned, Amy uses the
liquid version but there is also a
individual pods version of the detergent.
I'd love to hear even more reviews of this product, so if you've used either version, or any of the other products from this company I'd love to hear how they've worked for you. You can
share your laundry product reviews here, and your
cleaning supplies review here.
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Severe Reaction to Honest Liquid Detergent
by Joe
(Washington, DC)
Joe says:
I would like to preface this by saying I have never been allergic to anything in my 32 years of life. I don't consider myself to have sensitive skin, and I've used almost all the big name brand laundry detergents along with a multitude of soaps, creams and face washes generally available on the market.
Normally I would not write a review, but in this instance I thought it pertinent for others to be aware of the potential issues from using The Honest Company's liquid laundry detergent.
My wife bought a couple of bottles a few weeks before our first child was born to wash all the new clothes; it is supposed to be hypoallergenic and all natural.
When our daughter was born there were so many clothes that needed washed that we began using the detergent to wash everything.
After about five weeks of using the new detergent I noticed a few red bumps on my wrist and forearm, mainly the areas of skin that would come in contact when holding my daughter.
I didn't think anything of it at the time, but it got progressively worse over the next week to ten days.
I finally went to the doctor, who told me to buy the cheapest laundry detergent possible (which was
Purex Free and Clear) and wash everything immediately.
I was put on oral steroids for six days, and had an appointment with a dermatologist the next day. The dermatologist gave me three different steroid creams, essentially the strongest stuff you can get, and told it me it should clear up within 7-10 days.
Well... it didn't. I had to call almost three weeks after I initially went to the doctor to get more oral steroids, as well as have more creams called in because I went through everything I had.
My entire body had broken out into a severe rash, which can be best described as one you would get from poison ivy. It went from my neckline where my shirt stops all the way down to the soles of my feet. It itches terribly, and has only recently become tolerable.
The full effects of the detergent were not realized until about six weeks after we stopped using the product; it was a very slow and very delayed reaction.
It has now been nearly three months since we stopped using The Honest Company's laundry detergent after using it for only a few weeks, and the rash is starting to get slightly better. It still covers my body, but the areas that were first affected are beginning to clear; there remains a lot of fading spots where the bright red rash once occupied.
And now that I have used almost all the steroid creams that were prescribed, I will probably need to go back to the doctor to get an additional round of oral steroids and more topical creams. I wouldn't be surprised it this took another 4-6 months to fully heal.
At this point I'm just relieved my daughter didn't have the same reaction. As a newborn it would have surely put her into the hospital.
We have not contacted the company yet; my wife was going to call them to see about returning the remaining product we have, but my next phone call/email is a copy of this review to The Honest Company.
Taylor says:
Oh Joe, I'm so sorry to hear how badly this has effected you, and I am glad your daughter did not have a similar reaction.
I hope you are beginning to feel better now that you've switched detergents.
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