Finish Dishwasher Detergent Review - Gelpacs Break Easily
by Ellie
(Huntington, WV)
Ellie has provided her Finish dishwasher detergent Gelpacs review.
Ellie says:
I usually purchase powder or powder packs for my dishwasher, but I bought these packs full of gel detergent, from Finish, because they were on sale.
They don't store very well. The box I purchased had approximately 40 gel-packs.
The box is standard with a plastic bag inside that holds the gel packs. They worked sufficiently in the dishwasher, but were pretty messy to use.
Before I even got through half of the box, some of the gel packs burst open and stuck to others. This caused some loss of product and a lot of mess.
By the time I was down to the last few pack remaining, I was forced to use 2 packs at one time and even threw approximately 4 of then away because they were stuck to the bottom of the bag.
Even though they were on sale they ended up costing more by being wasteful and messy.
Now I only purchase powder or powder packs for use in my dishwasher. I also recommend to others to avoid the gel packs for the same reasons.
Finish Dishwasher Detergent {Referral Links}
Taylor says:
Thanks Ellie for your Finish Gelpacs review.
If you like Finish dishwasher detergent, but want something powdered in a pack form, you may want to try
Finish Powerball tabs.
I've actually heard about several other gel pack type products that have had similar issues with breakage and spilling. Has anyone else had experience with this issue?
You can share your own experiences with these dishwasher detergent pacs, or any other dishwashing detergent, by
share your dishwasher detergents review here, or read other reviews that have already been submitted.
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Finish Dishwasher Gel Packs Don't Clean Stains
by Frances Brown
(New Germany, NS., Canada)
Frances has shared her experience with Finish Dishwasher Gel Packs.
Frances says:
I have been using Finish Gel Packs for about two months. I bought them to try because I had a good coupon offer.
While I like the ease of just putting a gel pack in my dishwasher it does an abysmal job of cleaning stains. The water in my area stains badly, and Finish simply does not do the job.
I have never had any problems like this with the powdered detergents, so I will be going back to them.
Taylor says:
Thanks Frances for sharing your experiences with this product.
It is interesting to me that, at least with this product, I have not received any positive reviews. Generally I get some of both about various
house cleaning supplies reviews. However, it is not all Finish products, but just these gel packs which have been so disappointing to people.
If others have used this product I would love to hear from them too, whether your experience has been positive or negative.
You can
share your dishwasher detergents review here, for this or any other detergent, or read other reviews that have already been submitted.
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Finish Gelpacs All Stuck Together: It's A Nightmare!
by Cass
(Matthews, NC)
One Big Mess!
Cass shared the problems with this dishwasher detergent with me, also sharing a photo.
Cass says:
I had originally used the Finish powder packs that were individually wrapped and I was anoyed with having to unwrap each pack and find some of them broken and messy, so I was excited that possibly I would get to save a messy step when I decided to use the gel pacs instead. NOT!
This was a neightmare. After the plastic inner bag was opened and my 20 gel packs were exposed to air and possible my damp hand as I removed and used the 1st one, they all fused together.
I have only been able to gently remove 4 more packs without them bursting. I have no idea what I am going to do with the remaining 15.
It really is sad because product wide, Finish does remarkable well up against it's more expensive competitors, but they missed the boat in packaging.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing this picture with me Cass. Unfortunately, you're not the first person to share this problem with me for this product, and I really haven't figure out any good way to unfuse them from each other.
Even though they can be expensive, I'd say you'll have to call these a loss and get a new dishwasher detergent, hopefully this time one that doesn't get all stuck together. If you'd like to try another Finish product the
Powerball tabs have gotten much better reviews, overall, than the gel pacs.
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How I Keep My Gel Pacs From Sticking Together Or Leaking Now
by Carl S.
I see a lot of people are having problems with with their gel-pacs leaking or sticking together.
After almost a year after switching to gel-pacs, because of residue from any form of solid tab or powder detergent, I've had only a couple of instances of my pacs sticking together or leaking.
Once I open a new package they go immediately into a flip-lid plastic container stored inside the cabinets.
This reduces the moisture problems and make it easier to grab.
One hand opens the lid, grabs a pac, then closes the lid. Takes about 2 seconds. Better than 2 hands wrestling with the plastic bag.
Our container will easily hold 3 packages of gel-pacs so some may have been stored this way a good while.
Also, no experience with undissolved pacs.
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Even Though The Finish Gel Pacs Were Recommended I'm Not Using Them Anymore
by Tricia
(Gosport UK)
Tricia shared her experience with this type of Finish dishwasher detergent with me.
Tricia says:
I have a brand new Zanussi dishwasher & the powerball in the gel type cover that you don't unwrap was recommended.
However the tablets frequently don't dissolve.
They are not cheap & I am not prepared to pay the extra for a product that is so unreliable.
Taylor says:
Unfortunately Tricia, your complaint about this product is not uncommon.
They really need to work on this issue, in my opinion, or not have the product on the market since it is really turning people off to all Finish products as a result.
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These GelPacs Stink! Literally
by ChrisZ
(New Berlin, WI)
ChrisZ says:
We just got a dishwasher and I pre-purchased the Finish Gelpacs.
I first ran the machine last night and it wasn't a pleasant odor, but tolerable.
However, today I ran several loads and I have been nauseated most of the day and was also hit by a horrendous migraine attack.
The only time I wasn't nauseous was when I was outside the house.
I must say the product cleaned the dishes really well!
I am generally sensitive to the smells of a lot of household products, but this really is the worst just below pine cleaners.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear this Chris, I hope you feel better soon.
Lots of people have also said that the
orange scented version of this product also smell bad.
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Finish All In One Gelpacs Not Good Compared To Cascade
by Jean Blevins
(Archdale, NC)
Jean says:
I got Finish all in one gel pacs because of a good deal with a coupon.
My normal detergent is
Cascade Complete gel pacs in orange scent.
With the Cascade, I had never had a problem with my dishes and glasses looking absolutely sparkling.
With Finish, my glasses have a cloudy look and the last load I washed the gelpac did not completely dissolve and I had blue detergent running down my dishwasher door and in the detergent cup.
Naturally, that means that the dishes were covered with detergent and had to be redone.
Nothing was cleaned.
Needless to say, I have learned that coupons do not always a great deal make.
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Finish Gelpacs Didn't Completely Dissolve And Clogged Up My Plumbing
by Sue Mannos
Sue has shared her experience with Finish gelpacs dishwasher detergent.
Sue says:
I have used the
Finish pressed powder with the red ball detergent and liked them. However, I accidentally bought 20 Finish gelpacs and used them instead.
After a couple of weeks my sink started backing up. I tried everything to unclog it unsuccessfully. Then, I called a plumber.
It ends up a lot of chunks of undissolved gel packs were spewing out. I threw the rest out. It was pretty disappointing.
My friend then told me she found a lot of undissolved gel packs at the bottom of her dishwasher.
Taylor says:
Thanks Sue for sharing your problems with this type of Finish dishwasher detergent.
It is interesting that other people have complained about other brands of gel packs too, although not necessarily about them not dissolving properly. For instance, I've gotten several
tips for using Cascade detergent in the action packs so it does not spill or break. It seems these individual packs are becoming very popular -- in general do you like them or dislike them, and why? I would love to hear readers' thoughts on this issue.
Has anyone else had this same issue with the Finish gel packs not dissolving, like Sue? If you have used this type of dishwasher detergent, and had either a good or bad experience with it, I would love for you to
share your dishwasher detergents review here. (You can also share reviews of other brands, or read other reviews that have already been submitted.)
***Update - I have gotten so many reviews of this product, I needed to start another page. Actually the next review I received was positive! You can
read even more Finish gelpacs reviews here.***
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