Citrus & Lemon Vinegar Mixtures Take Away The Stink From Homemade Cleaners

A SR101 reader shared how she makes lemon vinegar, which is just one kind of citrus scented vinegar you can make for use in homemade cleaners, that can alleviate the problem some people find of stinky homemade cleaners.

SR101 Reader says:

You can also make some lemonade and save the lemons peels.

Throw them in a bowl, fill the bowl with vinegar and leave for a week or two and then take the lemon peels out and pour your scented vinegar in a spray bottle half way, with half water and clean clean clean with a better smell! :)

Taylor says:

That's a wonderful tip, and reminded me of one of the main problems lots of people have with homemade cleaning products recipes containing vinegar -- the STINK!

There are lots of people who don't like the smell of this natural cleaning supply, and therefore shy away from making their own cleaners.

I completely understand the issue, although the smell dissipates quickly if you don't like smelling it even for a while many of the recipes people use won't work for you.

Well, adding citrus scents to your vinegar can alleviate this problem, plus add some more cleaning power to the recipe at the same time.

Essentially, it is a lot like adding some citrus essential oils to your recipes. As explained in more detail in my essential oil cleaning use chart these citrus oils have a degreasing effect that can make lots of recipes even stronger anyway.

Additional Tips From Taylor For Making Scented Vinegars

soaking orange peels in vinegar
While the reader above used lemons, you can really use whatever citrus fruit you'd like for the process, including oranges, limes, or
even grapefruit.

The picture to the right is from a reader, Traci, and she soaked orange peels.

I would suggest adding several citrus peels to about 3 cups of distilled white vinegar, and capping the mixture in a bottle so you don't have evaporation while it is sitting and slowly releasing its citrus oils and scents into the vinegar.

Over the course of the weeks you let it sit periodically swirl the bottle around.

Once you've let it sit for a couple of weeks you may want to strain the mixture to get rid of any pulp or small pieces of rind from the vinegar before using it in recipes.

You can just dilute this product as the SR101 reader suggested above and clean with it, but you can also add this scented vinegar full strength in place of the distilled white vinegar in most recipes and use it that way as well.

Traci, who provided the picture of how she did it, explained: "Orange peels soaking in white vinegar. I let it go for a few weeks, strain, dilute 1:1 with water, and add a few drops of lemongrass oil. It works great! And I feel safe using it around my kids."

There are lots of cleaning recipes and uses for vinegar around your home. Click the link to see even more, or share your own.

In addition, lemons are also powerful cleaners themselves. You can also check out tips for cleaning with lemons here or share your own.

Laundry & Cleaning With Lemon Juice: Tips & Uses

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Comments for Citrus & Lemon Vinegar Mixtures Take Away The Stink From Homemade Cleaners

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I soak longer to make a concentrate
by: Jo

I've been doing this a while now. The first time I let mandarin peels soak for 3wks then filtered. It was very strong, but I kept it as a concentrate & diluted into bottles as required. Next time I soaked for only 1wk & it was usable immediately, but my preference is the concentrate, as it is more economical. My everyday cleaning spray bottle usually has some of the concentrate mixed with water & a few drops of whatever refreshing anti-bacterial oil I have on hand, usually eucalyptus or tea tree as they are the cheapest here in Australia.

Adding citrus to vinegar
by: Sheba92766

I've read several articles suggesting adding citrus peel to vinegar and wondered if anyone has had success heating the vinegar before adding the lemon peel to speed up the process, or if it just makes a big mess. Also wondering if anyone has added plain lemonade powder to their vinegar and what their results were.

use citrus essential oils
by: Michelle

Use citrus essential oils. My favorite is sweet orange from Mountain Rose Herbs.

soak peels for a week
by: Cassie

The best trick is to soak organic citrus peels in vinegar for a week or so in a glass jar, then strain the peels out and use the vinegar mix for cleaning.

how I make it smell better
by: Jennifer

I add Mrs. Meyers all purpose cleaner to the water and vinegar. Smells great. You could also add essential oils to it for smell and extra cleaning/sanitizing power.

I add essential oils for scent
by: Michelle

If I want it scented, I'll add some essential oils!

cheap and easy
by: Camisa

I use vinegar with orange peels. Cheap and easy.

didn't like it
by: Lisa

I did the orange peels and vinegar thing. Very disappointed. Horrible, strong smell and didn't seem to clean well.

orange peels make it smell better
by: Darci

Homemade cleaners are super easy! Usually only take a few ingredients and you likely will already have them in your pantry. Adding orange peels to the vinegar mix will make it smell a lot better!

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