Tips & Tricks For Sorting Laundry
by Taylor
Sorting laundry isn't always the most fun thing to do in the world, but it really is something we need to do.
Yes, we can just throw everything in the washer together, but it often results in some ruined clothing, or at least dingy clothes and whites that are no longer white, but perhaps pink instead!
It can be a big pain to separate clothes though, and not always convenient.
I cannot promise that the tips below, shared by readers, will completely fix your problems, but what these ideas do show are simple but effective ways to make the process of sorting more simple, and to address laundry issues that come up because of a lack of separation.
In addition to these tips you can check out my
article on how to sort clothes for the wash, for even more ideas and instructions.
Plus, I'd love to hear from you as well if you've got tips and tricks to share. You can
share how you sort clothes here and I'll add them to the page.
So, without further ado, below are the ideas and suggestions that have already been submitted.
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Laundry Tip: Have Separate Hamper For Stained Clothes
by Anna
Anna read a tip on the site from another reader about having a separate laundry hamper for stained clothes, to more easily remember to pretreat them and make sure the stains come out in the wash before putting them in the dryer.
You can read that tip here.
Anna has taken the tip, and expanded it even further.
Anna says:
Since I do at least 7 loads of wash each week and deal with many stains I have taken your tip a step farther and set up a separate hamper for stained white and light colored clothes, as well as a separate one for dark colored.
I also use separate hampers for regular (nonstained) whites and light colors, as well as dark colored clothes.
This really helps with the process of sorting, and making sure I check the stained clothes before I put them in the dryer.
In addition, having the stained clothes presorted helps me remember to add
nonchlorine bleach to the load.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing this tip and idea Anna.
I know it sounds like a bit more trouble to set up this sorting process at the beginning, but I can see how it would really save time and energy over the long term.
Does anyone else have any tips and tricks for laundry they'd like to share? You can
share your own tips here or read others that have already been submitted.
Photo courtesy of
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How I Get My Kids To Do Laundry Chores & Put Dirty Clothes In Hampers
by Regina
Laundry scenario trying to be avoided
Regina says:
Once your kids are old enough set the rule that they either hang up their clothes or put them in the dirty clothes hamper.
Clothes left on the floor, chair, etc. don't get washed even if you know they are dirty.
I found that this approach was a quick habit breaker since they found themselves without the particular clean clothes they were seeking at a later date.
I even took it a step further to have them put clothes that they knew would require
pretreatment for stains in a separate hamper labeled "Shout".
This process has worked out really well for me.
And yes, I truly depend on Shout for handling the messes my family gets into. I use the
Gel in the squeeze bottle with the brush as well as the spray.
***Update: A reader, Mary, responded to Regina's ideas. This is what she shared:Mary says:
This photo sure looks familiar.
This an excellent tip that I will soon be trying.
Once my kids run short of clean clothes they are bound to get the message.
I also like the Shout pretreater for small stains, but for heavily soiled/stained clothes I prefer presoaking with Oxi Clean powder.
In any event it would be nice to have the stained clothes already separated, and in my situation it will be the hamper with the most clothes!
Photo courtesy of nikkigomez
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No Dry Vs. Dry Laundry Sorting Tip
by Jen
(Momence, IL)
Jen says:
This is a simple tip and easy to do.
As we are not tall but have long limbs, finding clothes that fit is not always easy. When we do, legs or sleeves shrinking is the last thing we want.
In our house we sort the no dry items into separate baskets, one for light colors one for dark, while still having regular (dry) light and dark baskets.
We also separate the bras to be done on a gentle cycle (recommend an extra or medium spin if an option on your washer, to remove extra water).
This also makes it easy for whoever is doing the laundry that day to grab a load and know they don't have to worry about what does or does not go in the dryer.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for this tip Jen!
This just goes to show that a little thought in setting up your sorting process can really simplify the laundry process, and make it possible for more people to help wash clothes in your household.
I would love to hear even more tips for clothes sorting. If you've got any (or really any laundry tips) please
share your suggestions and ideas here, and I'll add them to the site.
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Hi, I'm Taylor, a busy mom with 3 kids, so I have lots of hands on experience with house cleaning, laundry and my fair share of spots, spills and other messy catastrophes. Thanks for visiting my site.
I update the website all the time with tips, tutorials, cleaning recipes, reviews of products from readers like you, and tests I've done on various cleaners, removers and laundry supplies.
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.