Remove Beet And Fruit Juice Stain With Boiling Water

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Fruit and beet stains can be difficult to remove, with their bright colors dripped on tablecloths, linens, and clothing. However, sometimes the simplest, most natural, and oldest remedies really do work wonders and that's the case here.

Simple, frugal and natural home remedy for removing fruit juice and beet stains that really works! {on Stain Removal 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest
A reader, Julie, sent in her tip for removing both beet and fruit juice stains that has been passed down through her family for generations.

And as you can see when you scroll down to see the comments there's a reason it's been passed down -- it works, really well!

Julie said: "If you stain a piece of clothing, or anything small, with a bright stain from things like beets or blueberries it is very easy to remove them.

All you need is boiling water, a strainer to hold the cloth open to the stain, and a sink.

Stretch the cloth out over the strainer, in one layer, exposing the stain.

Then pour boiling water on the material (supposedly from as high as you can though I suspect that part is an old wives tale) then watch the stain disappear.

Wash as normal.

Do not try to get out with cold water first!

It is counter-intuitive, but my family has been dealing with fruit stains this way for decades."

Thanks for this tip Julie! Not only do the readers below in the comments tell me this one works great, but in addition I know this home remedy definitely does work, since I've received it several times before, but for different types of spots, including from red wine, berries, and tea.

As always, when using boiling water to clean or remove from stains, make sure you use caution. You definitely don't want to harm yourself as you do this, so be careful of splash back and keep your fingers out of the way!

What kinds of spots do you remove with boiling water? I'd love to hear so share your tip here and I'll add the best ones to the site.

In addition, check out this round up of stain removal tips for clothes here.

Tips for stain removal from clothes

Simple, frugal and natural home remedy for removing fruit juice and beet stains that really works! {on Stain Removal 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Comments for Remove Beet And Fruit Juice Stain With Boiling Water

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Already laundered and stain is still there
by: Maureen

White cotton/spandex pants with fruit juice stains. Stains were set in and dry when pretreated with laundry soap. Washed in machine with cold water. Stains are still there. What is my next step? I haven't put them in dryer yet.

hydrogen peroxide
by: Sandi

Try hydrogen peroxide on your fresh beet juice stain immediately.

Kool Aid and similar drinks
by: Becky

Any red or purple stain from liquid can be taken out with boiling water. It works for all colors of koolaid/bug juice style drinks as well.

Pour the water through the item (stretch shirt/pants across a bowl/colander) until the stain is gone, then wash and dry as usual.

by: Anne B

I had a pair of white jeans with a beet hummus stain that had dried on. I tried the boiling water and to my surprise and delight it worked. I would recommend using a kettle or something easy to pour out of...but this did the trick! Thank you for saving my favorite jeans!

flower stains from silk
by: hare krishna

Thanks a lot. Nothing worked, then I read it and tried boiling water plus little detergent and amazing, it's gone. Thanks again.

It Works !!!!
by: Carla - Costa Rica

I just removed a fresh stain of beet juice from my winter white sweater and as I was pouring the boiling water the stain disappear ... it works !!!!!!

beetroot stain, almost one day old
by: Vincent

gone in three seconds with some boiling water.


I doubted you; I'm sorry
by: Linda P.

Pickled beets, splash, several bright maroon spots on a bright yellow cotton shirt. I wasn't looking forward to soaking the shirt in either oxygen bleach or chlorine bleach, but I couldn't believe it could be so easy -- just boiling water?
It was. Just don't blink or you'll miss the spots disappearing act!

It works!
by: Anonymous

I splattered beet juice on a pale yellow athletic shirt made of wicking fabric. Thought it would be ruined, but tried the hot water fix and, like magic, the stain disappeared! Thanks for the tip!

Hot water did the trick!
by: Noor

Thanks! Got beet juice on a white shirt and wasn't able to remove it ASAP but the hot water did the trick!

Works like manic!
by: Sarah C

I followed the directions to pour boiling water over the beet juice stain and the stain completely dissolved!! I am very happy since the stain had been on my parents linen napkins - no more!

You saved my husband's shirt!
by: Anonymous

Wonderful method! My hubby got beet juice on his white shirt. I rushed to do the usual things: dabbing lots of a Tide stick on the stains and putting laundry soap on them. That helped a lot but stains still not gone. Then I found your advice on the internet, saying to pour hot water on the stains. As I slowly poured boiling water through his shirt, onto the stains, I watched the stains disappear. Amazing! It really works! Thank you so much!!!! You saved my husband's shirt!

Yes! Yes! Yes!
by: Sue

It worked!!! I had a week old dry beetroot stain on my cotton trousers and thought that was the end of them but thank you to you Taylor, as I poured the boiling water onto them I watched the stain disappear.... brilliant!!

Thank you so much x

It worked!
by: Jean

I had a bright magenta beet juice stain on a white and grey dress that I had just received. I just left the stain unattended for about three weeks because I was convinced it would never come out. I tried your boiling water remedy and the stain is gone!!! Thank you for a stainless dress that I can now enjoy wearing!

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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.