No Rash From Costco Laundry Detergent Kirkland Free And Clear

by SR101 Reader

I have gotten so many comments about Costco laundry detergent, in the free and clear version for the Kirkland brand that I had to start another page to share all the experiences of readers. The opinions continue to be mixed, with some loving this detergent variety and others not loving it. What you see below is a continuation of these reviews.

SR101 Reader says:

So far this is the ONLY detergent I can use and NOT end up feeling like I need to scratch the skin right off my body.

It has been the only detergent I can use for my sensitive skin. bleach (liquid or powder), no softener - just this detergent - and I can wear my clothes and use my towels without suffering. Thank you Costco!!

Taylor says:

Thanks so much for sharing your experience with me about this version of Costco laundry detergent.

This just goes to show you that everyone's body is different, and even hypoallergenic laundry detergent reacts differently with different people's bodies.

For those interested, here is the other page of Kirkland brand laundry soap reviews, of the Free & Clear version. In addition, you can see even more experiences from other readers below.

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We Won't Buy Costco Kirkland Brand HE Detergent Again

by Jeff T

Jeff says:

I don't know what the lady was talking about having allergies and not being affected by this brand.

I have allergies and have used numerous free and clear detergents with no reactions to them.

Back in October of 2012 while out shopping at Costco, my wife decided to try Kirklands Free and Clear HE detergent without me knowing.

Within days I developed a rash along my waistline, my back and my legs. My son also developed an asthmatic cough too.

Both of us went to the doctor's office to find out what was going on. My doctor told me it was contact dermatitus by direct contact with something. And my son's told him it was just asthma, which he hasn't had any problems with for years.

After trying to figure out what was causing my reaction for over a month and a half my wife finally remembered she had switched detergent (having bought the Kirkland brand).

After washing, rewashing and rewashing (all my clothes I figured I had worn the past few months) I finally am rash free and my son's cough immediately went away.

What stinks is that I still have scars from the rashes that aren't going away and every once in a while I'll put a shirt on or pants on that haven't been washed and rewashed and the Itching starts again (I immediately remove my clothes and send them to the wash when that happens).

Upon reading and investigating this further I found a site that mentioned that there are chemicals in the Kirkland Brand that are listed on a poison control site that aren't listed on the label as such.

If someone was to start a class action suit against Kirkland I would definitely join (with lots of proof) and probably still have clothes with traces of the chemicals on them.

Taylor says:

Sorry to hear of your bad experience Jeff.

I cannot personally vouch for the information you found on another site discussing items on the poison control site, and for liability reasons therefore I must state that I do not have enough information to believe that is either true or false, and each person will need to research this issue for themselves. I have obviously collected lots of stories, however, about allergic reactions from this detergent and I personally wouldn't use it, based on the anecdotal reviews I've received.

I hope you feel better soon!

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We Also Broke Out In A Rash!

by Beth

Funny! Costco must have changed their ingredients!

We have always used and loved Costco detergent, but when we bought the new Free and Clear one, our whole family, whom are usually not too senstitive, broke out in a rash!!

My son who has more sensitive skin broke out in serious hives!! He was up all night crying.

I LOVE Costco, but I will return this so they know they have a serious problem here!

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Does Not Clean Clothes & Hard To Get Out Detergent

by Linda

I bought it because it is free of perfumes, however, it does NOT get the clothes clean at all. I am totally disappointed.

Also the red push button spiggot barely works.

I ended up taking the other cap off to pour it out.

I am an office clerk so my clothes don't exactly get dirty, but whatever griminess is on my white socks when they go into the washer is still there after a wash cycle.

I will not recommend this detergent to anyone.

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Kirkland (Costco) Free and Clear Ultra Review

by Margaret
(San Diego, CA)

Margaret has shared her experience with this hypoallergenic detergent too.

Margaret says:

This had worked well for us until the last bottle we bought about a week ago. It now has some sort of fragrance that lingers on the clothes.

I'm not sure if they changed their formula (no ingredient list!) or if it's just a one-off, but my husband is returning it.

Taylor says:

Thanks for telling me about this Margaret. I would be interested to hear from others who've used this laundry soap for a while, sharing if you've noticed in changes in the formulation or scent recently too.

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No Allergies But Disappointed With Cleaning Power Of Free & Clear Version

by SR101 Reader

Nov 2, 2013

Good reviews should always have a date as products can be improved after comments or go down in quality with time. This plays two ways.

As for using this product I feel it has gone down in quality of cleaning.

There has been label package changes in last year, very slight, but at time have now experienced clothes come out with NO smell as I like that but whites and colours are graying over time.

After reading about all the front load wash machines in reviews that had started to go moldy using the known brands we started with this product when we bought new duet machines and so far no smell in machine after 4 years, but now disappointed in this products cleaning.

I'm very reactive to plant products in the garden but never a reaction to this product in many years of use so far.

Remember to re-check directions of amount of soap to use.

If you don't like it Call Costco Customer service let them know the issue.

As an original Price Club /Costco member I feel Costco has lost their original path and now are all about profit and in Canada we really get the shaft; just walk into a Costco USA to see the difference.

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Within Two Week Had Full Body Rash From This Detergent

by SR101 Reader

I have iron skin, no allergies to anything (previously), a youthful complexion, athletic, fit, and eat very healthily.

It took me two weeks of using this product to have a full body rash. At first I thought I had ringworm due to the concentration under my arms and on my neck. Next I thought it was a reaction to the anti-tick treatment my uniforms get.

When the rash didn't respond to denoriex, lotrimin, antihistamines, or hydrocortisone, I realized that the rash has finally spread to the rest of my torso and was moving to my legs.

I stopped the product since there was no reason for my torso and legs to itch as there was no contact with any treated clothing there.

Combined with three weeks of medicines, nothing worked. Until I stopped using the product.

Never had a single allergy to any natural thing, product, or food.

I have an allergy to this. Par for the course everywhere I read about it.

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I Scratched All Night With Kirkland Free & Clear

by SR101 Reader

SR101 Reader shared this short review of the Kirkland free and clear version.

SR101 Reader says:

After using this detergent I couldn't stop scratching!!!!

Ugh. And I find it doesn't clean as well as ALL free and clear either.

Taylor says:

Thanks for sharing your experience with this detergent.

I know that everyone's body reacts differently, but it seems a larger group of people have an allergic reaction to this free and clear laundry detergent than some others, at least by the number of comments I get about this issue. Of course, everyone who has a problem may come here just to commiserate, skewing the results a bit!

I'd love to hear from even more people who have used either the Free & Clear or Ultra version of Costco laundry detergent, sharing how it has worked for you. You can share your laundry detergent review here.

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Comments for I Scratched All Night With Kirkland Free & Clear

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Laundry Detergent Allergies
by: Anonymous

Found your site this morning as yesterday I got the results of a chemical skin patch test. I was found to be allergic to Cl+Me- Isothiazolinone and was given a PDF listing products that are safe for me to use. Kirkland Environmentally Responsible Laundry Detergent was listed as safe for me to use. But I'm currently using the Ultra Clean Free and Clear and it's not on my safe list. So I've been trying to find an ingredient list and can't. Makes me wonder if MCI/MI might be the culprit. But I'm not certain this is something we want to sue Costco over. This chemical is everywhere and is in every kind of product you can imagine. I will be sharing this information with the store when I return my detergent to exchange it for the Environmentally Responsible product. Your blog was very helpful.

My story mirrors that of Jeff's above
by: Isolde

Your story mirrors mine. I have already posted my experience on this site but I forgot to mention the scars. I have been left with horrible scars all over my entire body from the rash caused by Kirkland's Free and Clear. My doctor says it could take years for them to go away. I won't even leave the house without pants and a long sleeve shirt on because of the scars. I live in So. Cal. and liked to go to the beach 3 times a week. Now that's been taken from me too. But at least my body fought it and was strong enough to bounce back. Can you imagine if this happens to a baby? That would be so tragic. I'm with you regarding a class action suit, this product is extremely dangerous to the public.

caused my throat to close up
by: Cat

I was having issues with my throat closing with my first bite of food now and again. After months of scary reactions we figured out it was the Kirkland laundry detergent as it was used for the kitchen towels. I used my own detergent for my clothes but everyone else used Kirkland. It still happens now and again as I haven't recleaned everything in the house yet. I can't use any older plastic tupper ware in the house as the residue does not go away. Thank goodness for liquid benadryl!

One more person with allergic reaction
by: Anonymous

Everyone else already covered the details. I have never had a rash in my life. As soon as I started using this detergent I began getting a whole body rash with intense itching. Wish I had know ahead of time, Costco needs to take this off the shelves immediately.

by: Anonymous

Been using Costco's free and clear for years and now I am breaking out severely in red bumps that itch. I am reading all these complaints and going to try maybe the arm and hammer liquid, hopefully it will help soon because I am getting more bumps daily. If anyone else can suggest any other detergents to try I would appreciate it. I am really suffering. Is Costco going to do anything about this problem?

Severe Rash ALL over body
by: Anonymous

I was pregnant with twins when I had switched over to the Free & Clear detergent from Costco thinking it was "safe" to use when I'd wash my clothes and also theirs in prepping for their arrival. I have always had sensitive skin but thought maybe my skin was just extra sensitive due to me being pregnant and hormonal. This was when I started developing my rash. Looking back at it now I thought it was maybe just a reaction to the sun, once again, being pregnant and all. I tried everything I could safely use since being pregnant and all; topical ointments especially, even thought I had a dab of poison ivy. After seeing these post and reviews specifically about this detergent from Costco and what everyone else is saying as well, here it has been my detergent all along!!! The rash is very unbearable at times and is very embarrassing!! I hope and pray once I switch here, they will go away!!!

Costco brand Ultra Clean Laundry detergent
by: Ruth

I have used Costco brand regular laundry detergent (Red bottle) for years but this new brand catch and release is causing hives and rash with myself and other family members it should be banned. It also had refreshing scent in it. Will have to try a new brand from another store to get away from Costco NEW PRODUCTS never had a problem with the old soap. Taking this back.

by: Sharon

I have been thrilled with Kirkland liquid laundry detergent for years! Suddenly it has "stain catcher" and "refreshing scent" I can't stand the smell of my clothes and linens. It smells like cold sweat and it lingers for days. It has not caused us any skin irritation but that smell. I am not usually sensitive to smells but this I just don't want out of my house.

I'm on a mission to try to find out what the ingredient is that caused this extreme reaction
by: Anonymous

After using a while, I developed rashes, huge hives, itchiness all over, bumps that looked and felt like insect bites, and overall tiredness that I assume was from fighting the hives and allergic reaction to this product. It took a while to figure out what I was reacting to, but once I stopped using this detergent and rewashed all of my clothes, sheets, towels, jackets, etc. in another detergent, within a week the hives and rashes were gone. I saw the difference within a day, but it took a couple of weeks for the symptoms to go away completely. My husband was experiencing the same reaction, only not as severe. A number of other people I talked with had the same experience, but again, not as severe. I only use detergents that are free of fragrances and dyes because of my allergies, however, I didn't expect this from a free and clear product from Costco. I'm on a mission to try to find out what the ingredient is that caused this extreme reaction. At one point, I felt sick and had hives up to 3 inches in diameter throughout my entire body. I felt like my entire body was under attack and inflamed. I think it took me so long to discover what was causing the reaction because I didn't suspect a free and clear product. My mistake. I'm returning the product to Costco today.

by: Anonymous

My container was getting close to empty and the detergent looked grey. I looked in and there looks like Mold in the container.

What are the ingredients
by: Chris

Does anyone know if Kirkland brand detergents contain METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE? I found this chemical in purex sensitive skin which is bad since METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE can cause rashes in some people and is right behind Nickel as an allergy trigger. This chemical has been banned in Europe so why is it still in some products and even baby products?

Yikes! I'm allergic
by: Anonymous

Yikes! Have to run to a local store and buy Tide. I’m not allergic to Tide. I’ve been itching for weeks!

Super Rash.
by: Dr Flash

Just now found out why I all of a sudden have an uncontrollable, itchy painful rash. I switched to Kirkland Free and Clear and have the worst jock itch rash, underarm itch rash, belly itch rash....
Looked up finally the ingredients and found several linked to these symptoms. I switched about 2 months ago to Kirkland and unfortunately did not find out until today about the severe skin reactions to this detergent. My dermatologist was at a loss, but now that we know I switched detergents, I believe we will be fine.

I think my rashes were caused by this detergent as well
by: Anonymous

Yes, this product does contain Methylisothiazolinone.

I do not recommend it anyone.

Costco should be smart to take this version of the brand off the shelves
by: Anonymous

Costco Kirkland Brand HE Detergent.

I just started using this in the last 4 wash and started to break out with itchy fingers and hives throughout various parts of my body. I have been suffering sleepless nights from the itch and have been taking Benadryl. Thank you for all the posting because it confirmed what I had suspected.

I will returning my bottle tomorrow and switching back to "All"

Best wishes to all and speedy recovery!

Concerned something is wrong with it
by: Anonymous

Just bought laundry detergent, Costco brand, no fragrance. Turned on spicket to fill cup and it is so thick I had to shake it out of the bottle and it's yellow green in color. Not at all like I've been buying. Concerned something is wrong with it!!!!!!!

Why is this still for sale when it is doing so much harm?
by: Jennifer Gaydos

I have never had a skin reaction. I can’t believe how debilitating my contact dermatitis is from Kirkland’s free and clear. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow for treatment. I am worried the inflammation is infected. So upset about this.

never again--- should be off the market
by: Kathy & Nick

TERRIBLE REACTION to this detergent-- shouldn't be on the market.

BY NO MEANS HYPOALLERGENIC. We have had this rash for a month probably because I did multiple laundry loads before realizing the DETERGENT CAUSED THE DERMATITIS. Because it fraudulently claims it's hypoallergenic, I never suspected it.

It IS NOT DERMATOLOGIST TESTED or CLINICALLY PROVEN-- just claims it's hypoallergenic. Yet after numerous complaints is still on the market.

Kirkland Free & Clear 'Hypoallergenic" Laundry Detergent Allergic reaction
by: Kathy

I have also had a TERRIBLE experience with this detergent and after at least 6 weeks, 2 visits (going on 3) to dermatologists, topical steroidal cream, prednisone and my son going on restless leg syndrome medication, countless vinegar rinses, extra rinses in laundry and washing and rewashing clothes-we are still suffering a lot. Now that I went off prednisone, rash came back. I have seen numerous complaints with same symptoms and can't believe this is still on the market. Please post toxic ingredients and google class action suit for this product- it's there and I am seeking same- this is fraud and has caused us pain and suffering --literally!!

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