Cascade Dishwashing Detergent Review - Extra Bleach Action Lemon Scented Gel

by Violet
(Provo, UT)

Violet has shared her Cascade dishwashing detergent review, of the Extra Bleach Action lemon scented gel, with Dawn.

Violet says:

I really like this dishwasher detergent because it works really well for the cost.

It comes in a nice big economy sized bottle so it lasts us quite some time and we do not have to keep going to the store for more.

As far as how it works, it works really well especially in a dishwasher that does not work very well, like mine.

I used this detergent even before we moved and got this dishwasher. In my old dishwasher my dishes came out super clean all the time.

Now, with this new (to us) dishwasher the dishes normally come out really nice and clean and shiny too. I only say normally because once again, our dishwasher is not the greatest.

I love using liquids and gels for the dishwasher detergent because it gets used up in the wash cycle where as when I used powdered dishwasher detergent there was always some left over in the little container that holds the soap. In addition, gels are easy to put in and it limits the amount of residue on dishes.

With this Cascade gel detergent my dishes also come out smelling nice and clean with a lemon scent.

Cascade Gel Dishwasher Detergent {Referral Links}

Taylor says:

Thanks Violet for your review.

You are so right that not only does the dishwasher detergent you use make a difference in whether your dishes come out clean, but the quality of the actual dishwasher makes a huge difference. Unfortunately, it is much easier (and cheaper) to change detergents than to get a new machine.

Does anyone else have a favorite brand or type of detergent for use in their automatic dishwasher? What about a product you tried, but got disappointed by? Either way, please share your review here, or read other reviews that have already been submitted for many different brands and types of detergent.

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Cascade Complete All In 1 Gel Dishwashing Detergent Review

by Melanie
(Pawtucket, RI)

Melanie has shared her Cascade Complete All In 1 gel dishwashing detergent review.

Melanie says:

This all-in-1 gel was great, it left my wine glasses clear with no water spots as well as my cups and other glasses. My silverware was clean looking and smelling as well. I couldn't have been happier with how clean my dishes were.

I also love how easy it is to just squeeze the gel in real quick and move on with my life. It's quick, non messy, and work great!

Compared to other products I have used the all-in-1 gel works better. The detergent pouches and powdered detergents just don’t get all the water spots off and my dishes just don’t look as clean and fresh.

I also love the fact that I don’t have to spend large amounts of time pre-cleaning my dishes to make sure that they come out of the dish washer 100% clean. The all-in-1 gel works perfect for my lifestyle and I don’t see myself switching to any other type of detergent any time soon.

Taylor says:

Thanks Melanie for your review.

There is an interesting divide among readers of this site who have been sending in reviews to me. There are several people who love gel detergents, while others really like or intensely like the dishwasher detergent packs, some of which are powdered packs and some of which are gel packs.

In addition, there are some who actually prefer the powdered dishwasher detergent. Which camp are you in and why?

You can share your review here, telling me which brand, scent and type of detergent you like (or dislike) and why. You can also read even more reviews of dishwasher detergents that have already been submitted if you click the link.

Cascade Gel Dishwasher Detergent {Referral Links}

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Comments for Cascade Complete All In 1 Gel Dishwashing Detergent Review

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THUMBs DOWN Cascade Gel = Dishwasher Repair!
by: RedRockBoy

Here's a simple fact - perfectly great Maytag Washer stops washing after 8 months of using Cascade Gel dishwasher soap.

To be more precise - the dishwasher would load water then instead of going through the way cycle it would immediately unload the water during the same amount of time that the wash cycle would take ... and so on until it had completed the entire wash, rice and dry cycle...

So no water was thrown against the dishes the entire time...
Effect - open up dishwasher and see gel caked onto the door and dishes ...

The Culprit? The CASCADE Dishwashing GEL ...

How do we know ... because after a great deal of research and after eliminating electrical and computer issues ...we unscrewed the bottom water spout, removed the main bottom washer arm ... removed the 3 screws that hold the main manifold and VOILA! The ENTIRE INTERIOR of the main Water Manfold and Filter Area Was COVERED WITH A THICK GREEN RUBBERY SUBSTANCE...

This Rubbery Substance was Painstakingly Removed from All Parts - Especially the Up/Down Selinoid- Lever Area that moves to change whether the motor Pumps Water Through the Dishwasher or Out of the Dishwasher (sound familiar?) ... As well as We had to disassemble the main manifold (watch the small Spring that needs to be removed and Re-set when completed) because this GREEN RUBBER had COATED the SURFACE OF THE Water Circulation Pressure/Return Flap - which had Accounted for the Diminishing Quality of the Washing - Up Until It Stopped Working All Together ... Continue to be sure that the Motor Filter Area (under the Main Manifold) is totally free and Clear of the last particles of this Material - And to be sure it didn't get Sucked into the Motor we used water to Rinse the particles into the lowest well area and a Turkey Bastor to SUCK OUT the smaller particles with the water ..

Further we removed all of material from the upper and lower Washer Arm interiors and Cleared their Spraying holes...

And then All was Re-Assembled in Reverse Order... Entire operation took ~ 2+/- hours ... Mostly Slow Physical Removal - also used White Vinegar to remove any Hard water (calcium build up)

Then Ran a Rinse ONLY Cycle... AND VOILA! We Had A Dishwasher Again...


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