Melaleuca EcoSense Tub & Tile Cleaner Review
I got these comments about Melaleuca EcoSense Tub & Tile Cleaner on Stain Removal 101's Facebook page, when we were discussing another Melaleuca product.
These ladies graciously allowed me to share their comments here on the site to learn more about this cleaning product too.Jeany says:
I love the tub & tile cleaner. We have tried everything since we moved in here seven years ago to get our shower stall clean. Got this product and our shower stall look like brand new. And I can breathe while I clean.
Crystal responded:
OMG Tub & tile is the bomb!! When we bought our home I thought our shower was beige, but after spraying it down with Tub & Tile, I found out it was white!!
Taylor says:
Thanks to both ladies for sharing their quick reviews of Melaleuca EcoSense Tub & Tile cleaner, and for being such active
Facebook Fans of Stain Removal 101!
This discussion started on the Facebook wall when I posted this review from another reader about
Diamond Brite dishwasher detergent, another product from Melaleuca's EcoSense brand.
I would love to hear even more experiences about this, or any other of these green cleaning products, to hear how they work in your home. You can
share your Earth friendly cleaning products review here, or read other reviews that have already been submitted.
In addition, I'd love to hear what products you love to use to clean your shower. You can
share your shower cleaners review here, or read other people's reviews.
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Is This Tub & Tile Cleaner Safe For Use On Fiberglass?
by SR101 Reader
Fiberglass sink
An SR101 reader asked me this cleaning question about Melaleuca's tub and tile cleaner.
SR101 Reader asks:
I want to know if the Tub and Tile cleaner is safe on fiberglass tubs?
Taylor says:
I have not personally used this product, but did some additional research on it to answer your question.
The cleaner is advertised to have the active ingredient of citric acid.
Citric acid is often used to clean bathroom tile since it is good at cutting soap scum, for example.
Further, the product contains neither
chlorine bleach nor abrasives.
Abrasives are one of the main things you should avoid in cleaners to be used on fiberglass.
Although I did not see any specific statement from the company suggesting it was safe for fiberglass, the fact that the advertised ingredients within in it don't suggest a problem makes me believe it would be safe.
However, as with any new cleaner it is always best to test on an inconspicuous area before using everywhere to make sure it does not harm the surface of your bathtub or shower.
I also noted when researching the EcoSense tub and tile cleaner that it is concentrated. Therefore, before using it please follow product instructions for dilution to the correct concentration.
Has anyone else used this, or another Melalueca EcoSense cleaning product? If so, please
share your eco-friendly cleaning products review here telling me how it worked for you, good or bad.
Further, you can check out these
tips for how to clean fiberglass here, or share some of your own.
Finally, I answered this question as part of the section on the site where readers can
ask me for cleaning help. You can check out the section for yourself, to see what else I've answered, or ask your own question.
***Update: See below for a reader, Ken, who complained that this product caused problems with his porcelain tub and shower. Based on this information I would suggest caution before using this product, especially if you don't dilute it properly.***End Update
Photo by mlinksva
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