Earth Friendly Products Toilet Cleaner Review: Thick & No Bad Smell

by Taylor

I recently tried Earth Friendly Products toilet cleaner, in the natural cedar scent, and was quite impressed with it.

Often, when searching for a green and natural toilet cleaning product I've found they can have a really bad (or overpowering) scent.

Honestly, with the cedar scent this product promised I was actually kind of scared, and put off using it until I got rather desperate. However, I was pleasantly surprised once I caved to use in my bathroom.

Yes, if you really stick your nose up to it you can smell a slight scent, but it is in no way overpowering as I feared it would be.

Further, the product packaging promises "viscous liquid" and it really did deliver.

It is much thicker than many other cleaners I've used on my toilet. So thick in fact that it actually had a hard time dripping down from the rim of the bowl to coat the whole side and I had to use the toilet brush to rub some down the sides to coat everything.

I think I'm so used to products being a fake and bright blue color or something similar like that, that when I first used this one, and it is a rather pale yellow looking color I was surprised. But honestly, who needs those extra dyes anyway. It made me feel like I was using something better for the environment.

And it cleaned really well. The instructions for use are simple. Just squeeze onto the rim and bowl and let sit for 5-10 minutes, and then scrub with your toilet brush and then flush.

It cleaned just as well as more industrial products. I was quite pleased with the results.

Have you used this product? If so, I would love to hear what you thought of it as well. You can share your natural toilet cleaner review here, or read others that have already been submitted.

Further, I didn't do this, but the bottle says you can also use this cleaning gel on your sinks and showers. If someone has done this I would love to hear how that worked for you as well.

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