Problems With Cascade Action Pacs Dishwasher Detergent: Not Dissolving & Clogging Dishwasher

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I've gotten several reports from readers about Cascade Action Pacs dishwasher detergent problems that range from annoying to rather distressing.

It seems that these problems have to do mainly with the fundamental part of this product -- the fact that they are in gel packs.

This packaging (we're not talking here about the bag or plastic box they come in, but each individual detergent packet) seems to not dissolve well while in their machine, at least for some people, despite the company's suggestion that this shouldn't be a problem at all.

Further, even more annoying than the pacs not dissolving, which can result in having to run the dishwasher again since clearly no soap was applied to the dirty dishes in such instances, is when those same gelatin (or whatever it is that is supposed to dissolve in the hot water and release the soap) like pacs clog up parts of the dishwasher. That's Just. Not. Good.

Here are experiences shared by readers about these exact problems. It has honestly made me hesitant to try these product in my dishwasher, and I think for the time being I'll just stick with my powdered detergents.

Sure, I have to pour them out each time but I'm not sure the convenience of grabbing a pac and not having to measure anything is worth the possible problems.

Have you had similar problems with this or other dishwasher detergent pacs? If so, I'd like to hear your experiences. Further, if you've figured out how to avoid these issues I'd also love to hear that as well. You can share your experiences here, and I'll add them to the site.

Cascade Diswasher Pacs {Referral Links}

Here are reviews of Cascade Action Pacs dishwasher detergent, with several people reporting that the pacs were not dissolving or were clogging their dishwasher {more information on Stain Removal 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Action Packs Not Always Dissolving In Dishwasher

by SR101 Reader

SR101 Reader says:

I very recently purchased a Whirlpool dishwasher and decided to use the action packs.

I have a problem with the packs not dissolving completely.

Out of the 10 loads or so that I have done, on three occasions the pack dissolved about 50%. What am I doing wrong?

Taylor says:

Sorry to hear you're having this problem.

I would love to hear from other readers, sharing if they've had similar problems with this product not dissolving in their dishwasher.

As to your question of what you're doing wrong, I'm not really sure, since you didn't say what you were doing as you added them.

Here's a video from Procter & Gamble, the makers of this product, showing how they're supposed to dissolve quickly and also showing how to place it in your dishwasher detergent dispenser. Hope this helps!

I've answered this question as part of the cleaning questions section of my site. You can ask me for cleaning help here, or see what other questions I've already answered!

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Gel Coating Of Cascade Action Packs Accumulated In My Dishwasher Manifold

by SR101 Reader

An SR101 Reader shared his experience with this product.

SR101 Reader says:

These gel action packs will clog the manifold and tear up the part. The reason is the gels do not dissolve, and they end up clogged in the manifold.

In my own dishwasher I checked the manifold and saw a bunch stuck in there. I had to pull these out with twisters, and got a hand full out.

Cascade owes me the replacement money for this disgusting find. I encourage everyone who uses this product to check their own to see if this is happening to them.

Taylor says:

Sorry to hear this happened to you!

I have had another complaint of this product not dissolving properly. I would love to hear from even more readers, sharing if this has happened to them. You can share your own experiences here.

***Update: I got this question from another reader, but I didn't personally know the answer since I haven't experienced this problem with the pacs myself (since I don't use them). The SR101 Reader asks:
Do these dissolvable packets clog pipes by adhering to the pipes as grease can?
***End Update

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My Repair Man Says That Undissolved Pacs Are A Common Problem

by Janette
(Philadelphia, PA)

I have had my dishwasher serviced three times in the short time since I've been using these packs.

Each time they found undissolved plastic packs and clogged up drain parts.

I have a fairly new dish washer (2009 Maytag ), and never had a problem with any of the liquid soaps.

It seem that only when using some sort of powder it causes major problems.

Now I'm out $500.00 in repairs.

You would think that the company would have tested this product for these problems.

According to my repair man, who has been in this type of work going on 35 years, they have more calls about this type of problem than any other.

I think that it's just wrong.

I WILL discontinue using this product and ALL Cascade/Dawn products.

I will also tell anyone who cares NOT to use them too.

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Cascade Gel Paks Do NOT Dissolve

by DG

DG says:

Like other comments, I just got done paying several hundred dollars to a dishwasher repairman because I used these gel paks and the gel clogged my drain pipe.

I now have to not only repair the dishwasher, but have to repair the damage to my hardwood floors, since the dishwasher leaked due to the gel clogging the drain.

It coats the pipe, reducing the flow of the water, which caused the pipe to back up and overflow onto the floor under the dishwasher.

When the repair guy took the pipe off and took it outside to flush it out with the hose there was a long glob of plastic gel that came out of the drain hose, almost like a thick hose liner.

The repairman's first question was, "Do you use gel paks in your dishwasher?" Guess this is a BIG problem these days.

My sister uses WalMart's house brand of powder detergent and says it's great.

Consumer Reports recommends WalMart's detergent and also Costco's Kirkland brand.

Taylor says:

Thanks for sharing your experience DG, although I'm sorry you had such trouble.

I personally love Walmart's powder detergent, and started using it after Consumer Reports recommended it. You can click on the link to read my review if you're interested in switching from the pacs back to a powder.

Has anyone else had trouble with this product? If so, I'd love to hear from you. You can share your reviews and experiences here.

Cascade Diswasher Pacs {Referral Links}

Here are reviews of Cascade Action Pacs dishwasher detergent, with several people reporting that the pacs were not dissolving or were clogging their dishwasher {more information on Stain Removal 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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Comments for Cascade Gel Paks Do NOT Dissolve

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They don't dissolve
by: TommyD

Had a problem with Cascade gel packs which clogged my LG Dishwasher manifold. I removed the side panel and cleaned the thing out and no more problem. Not sure about other brands but do not use Cascade gel packs.

No problems until today
by: Douglas

I've been using the gel pacs for years without problem until today. I've run the same load of dishes three times with two different gel packs, but neither of the gel packs dissolved in the machine (one gel pack went through two washes). I decided to put one of the two undissolved gel packs in a bowl of hot water (like in the video link that is posted) and it completely dissolved in the bowl in less than a minute. This leads me to think the problem is with my dishwasher. I'm currently rerunning the load of dishes with the other undissolved gel pack just placed into the bottom of the machine, instead of in the dispenser to see what happens.

Not Dissolving
by: York

I'm getting rather annoyed at the fact that 20% of Cascades' dishwasher pacs do not dissolve in my dishwasher.

It's a waste of consumer's money and time if the product doesn't perform as it should.

Money wasted first buying the product and secondly having to spend electricity as well as water to restart the dishwashing cycle again.

Time wasted in shopping for and making a decision that product will work best for the price you're willing to pay for it.

Also time wasted on having to restart the entire process all over again.

Having to endure such aggravation has caused me to reconsider Cascades' quality control standards as it relates to satisfying consumer's demand for reliable and safe products.

Cascade total clean packs do not dissolve
by: Marta

Cascade Total clean packs do not dissolve in dishwasher. I have run the dishwasher twice and still not dissolving at all. I'm going back to Sam's store and returning the box. This is an inconvenience since a lot of water and electricity was wasted.

Cascade Not The Product To Use
by: Anonymous

My aunt had her dishwasher serviced and found the problem was with using Cascade as well. She was told by the repairman the best product to use in your dishwasher are the Finish Tabs. They dissolve the best. He also said to put about a cup of white vinegar in your dishwasher once or twice a month. Let it sit overnight and use your dishwasher the next morning. This will help dissolve any calcium buildup, etc. You can even run a load of dishes with the vinegar. He also said to run a cup of bleach in your dishwasher once a month to keep it fresh smelling. (No dishes when you use the bleach.) My aunt told me all of this when I bought a used dishwasher a while ago and I haven't had any problems with it, as I have been following her advice.

run hot water in sink prior to starting dishwasher
by: Anonymous

I have never had an issue with any gel pacs dissolving. I always run the water in my kitchen sink before turning on my dishwasher to ensure that my dishes are getting washed and initially rinsed with nothing but HOT water. The gel pacs may only be partially dissolving if the water is not hot enough to completely melt the exterior. Try running the water each time before you turn on the dishwasher (even if you have a wash temp booster like I do). Dishes come out cleaner, soap dissolves correctly, win win.

Possible solution
by: Orlie

While stacking the dishwasher you must make sure that the water can reach the gel packs on the door. The water is what helps the packet dissolve.

Action packs dissolving
by: Em

Run water in your sink until it is hot for the most efficient, effective use of your dishwasher and dissolving of packs. Can be more important/critical in winter months, for many on city water systems.

So long water pump
by: Jerry

We had our GE Nautilus installed for almost one year. Perhaps coincidence, but the pump just went out and it will no longer drain. This was the first and last action pack I will buy.

problem with them not dissolving too
by: Ancelmo Pederasty

Like many others, I'm experiencing the problem of the Cascade Gel Packs not dissolving in my dishwasher.

When they DO dissolve, the product is superb! Not only do the dishes, glasses, and silverware come out sparkling and squeaky-clean, but the stainless steel dishwasher tub is sparkling.

Unfortunately, about one time out of three the gel pack fails to dissolve and I must waste water and energy running the dishwasher a second time.

If Cascade can correct the non-dissolving problem, they will have the best product on the market.

Suggestion for undissolved gel packs - load dishwasher differently
by: Anonymous

We also had the issue with undissolved packs sometimes going through the cycle 2 or 3 times without dissolving until we figured this solution out. On my model dishwasher there is a spray unit on the front left bottom of the dishwasher that sprays up and hits the door where the soap dispenser is on the dishwasher door. It seems if you cover the sprayer with dirty dishes it prevents it from properly spraying the gel pack and dissolving it. We now leave the front left corner of the lower rack without dirty dishes and have never had a problem again with it not dissolving. My unit is an older Maytag, but I would suspect most units have a similar system for moving the soap around. I hope this helps someone.

by: Anne Kelly

I am experiencing this issue and these are the packs that I have bought. I have found several plastics pieces clogging my drain.

They work for me
by: Kathy F

I have used Cascade gel packs for years and I love them. My dishes come out sparkling and clean. Even the dirtiest dishes come out clean. I don't rinse dishes, only take off large food items. Only once in 7 years did I find the tablet on the bottom, not dissolved. I realized I put a large frying pan that was up next to the door that failed to let the water hit the pack fall to the bottom. I used Finish once...and didn't like the results. The dishes were never as clean as Cascade.

Cascade Pouch not Dissolving in Whirpool
by: Sudhir

We are also facing same issue as Cascade Dishwasher Pouch not dissolving in Whirlpool Gold Series dishwasher. However, we never had this issue with our old GE dishwasher.

I checked the water temperature, which is perfect as per recommended by Whirlpool. The drain is not clogged, in short no operational issues discovered. I found the issue with Silverware Basket, which is right under the Soap main compartment. When cycle is in process lid opens and pouch rested on the top of the Silverware basket or inside the basket. The water somehow not reaching to the Pouch or pouch not dipped in the water (per video shown by Procter & Gamble).

I my opinion this is the DESIGN issue by Whirlpool. I have reported to Whirlpool today and their technician will be coming to check and provide some solution; let's see what happens.

Sticky residue on ceramic bowl
by: Anonymous

A sticky residue has appeared on a ceramic bowl and rubber spatula. Is this the undissolved Cascade packet? We are going to stop using the packets just in case.

I experience the paks not dissolving more with generic brands then with name brands
by: Sheri

I have had less problems with the name brand gel paks. I have had this issue at least once to twice a week with no name ones.

Since I am buying at Sam's Club I am getting huge containers. Of the last container of Cascade only one in the packet did not dissolve right. But, the washer was over filled and door was stuck shut and run on short wash cycle. So I can't blame the gelpak.

perhaps need to run hot water before starting the machine
by: Anonymous

I wonder if some of the problems might be because people are not running the hot water before starting their machine? I read somewhere where the dishwasher heats the water 20 deg above what it enters the dishwasher at. Hence, getting the water hot before it enters the dishwasher means it get even hotter and thereby dissolving the packs more thoroughly.

Just a thought...

Finish product works well
by: Anonymous

I have been using Finish dishwasher packets in my Whirpool dishwasher and had been very happy with the results. Had a coupon for Cascade so bought that brand. Have had problems with the packets not dissolving. Think I will go back to Finish!

had to replace dishwasher pump after used these
by: Alice

I have a wonderful and expensive KitchenAid dishwasher which functioned flawlessly until I began to use these packs. After a costly repair job, when the pump had to be replaced, the repairman told me to use ONLY Cascade powder and to use Finish dishwasher cleaner once a month. The gel packs did not dissolve and clogged up the pump. I have had no problems since following his advice.

I loaded my dishwasher differently to fix the problem
by: Another Anonymous

"Anonymous" solved my problem! I've been using these action packs for a while, and they worked great. Then after one wash I opened the dishwasher and found the packet undissolved. I ran the washer again. Totally undissolved again! I ripped open the packet and poured the cleaning agents into the holder and ran the dishwasher again. And even THAT didn't dissolve!!! After reading the tip from "Anonymous," I realized I had put a tall water bottle in the left corner of the bottom rack--something I had never put in that spot before. It was totally blocking the sprayer that comes up from the bottom to dissolve the cleaning agent. Moved that bottle and ran the dishwasher again with a new action pack, and the problem was solved!

Cascade Platinum Dawn Action Packs
by: Patricia Connell

I have been using Cascade Action Packs for over a year. I only now notice that Dawn was in these. I thought the color of the container change was because it was Platinum. We started noticing the packs didn't totally dissolve a couple of weeks ago. The last few days they hardly dissolved at all. I am currently running the dishwasher with a cup of vinegar and checked the nozzle holes. I discovers several clogged with what looks like part of the gels packs!! small cellophane and fiber. Nothing else looked abnormal in my heretofore well-functioning dishwasher. I am pretty disgusted as I know I put only partially clean dishes back on the shelves at first. Until now I have always preferred Cascade to other brand dishwasher cleaners, and had no problems with the pods. Now I have 2/3 of a container of these that I will probably have to throw out.

Caused drain back up
by: Anonymous

I have been using Cascade Platinum gel packs for a couple years. My kitchen sink drain is connected to my utility tub. This drain backed up and would not drain. Many pieces of undissolved soup started coming up in the utility tub. I will never use this product again.

Forced me to change
by: Ann

I have used cascade dish washing detergent beginning with the powder and on to the gel packs. Recently since the newest tabs with all the extra cleaning power are on the shelves I decided to upgrade, bite the bullet and pay extra to have extra clean dishes. This has not been the case. Today I have run my dishwasher (now on the 3rd try) to get the tab to dissolve. Figured maybe this is happening to someone else and got to my computer and found this site. Will cease using Cascade after reading the comments above. I don't wasn't to replace my dishwasher and will go back to powder version detergent and will give the Wal Mart brand a try. There is a problem with these tabs and in my opinion if your not having problems with them now you just might in the future. To big a chance to take. Cascade user for many, many years but feel forced to change.

Caused leak
by: Anonymous

Found a piece of plastic pod on a dishwasher part, removed it but still have a leak. Now we have to call a plumber and mo more pods for us!

Did not dissolve for me either
by: Anonymous

I wish I'd read this before I too called a repairman. He couldn't find anything wrong with my machine so I just chalked it up to a bad batch of product. It was good for a while , but tonight AFTER I put away what I thought were clean dishes I found the rock hard soap packet. Won't buy this product again. Not so convenient when you have to run the sink taps or wash everything twice.

Have clogged up my machine
by: Anonymous

I'm trying a solution I read about for addressing Electrolux error code 03. Run the dishwasher empty on the hottest setting in order to hopefully flush out the accumulated plastic gunk. Then do the same with a bowl of white vinegar on top rack a couple times a year for maintenance. STOP using the gel packs. Anyone need an unopened bag?

Happened to me too
by: Anonymous

Just happened to me. I started my Kitchen Aide washer 5 minutes ago, opened the door to check on pack and there it was dangling. I squeeze the "action" out of the pac, threw away the plastic and restart the washer. If I am not around to do this, I have to rerun dishes at inconvenient times. Gonna try a different kind or stick with powder.

Poor product
by: Anonymous

I originally started using these pods and they wouldn't dissolve. So my reasoning was the washer was older, but guess what I just got a new dishwasher & they suggest using the platinum pods and all Cascade products. My first wash had a partial left over pod with detergent in it. Now you may ask if my water is hot enough to dissolve and YES it is. So as a consumer I would rate these a 2 out of 10. What's really interesting is the dishwasher I bought branded this as the only pods and rinse to use. If the pods aren't dissolving then where are the pieces of the pod going? Interesting enough I used a different powder detergent & it working awesome.

Same with other brands.
by: Anonymous

I've used the top of the line pod from Finish. I think this is a common problem across brands.

Anything but convenient
by: Anonymous

Cascade gel pacs are anything but convenient. They do not dissolve, leaving dishes dirty, clogging my dishwasher and more unnecessary work. I had to have my dishwasher professionally cleaned. Will use no more.

Stuck in compartment
by: Anonymous

I put the packet in just like he did but it has stayed stuck in the compartment and not dissolved. If moisture gets to it, it is like glue keeping the flap shut on the dispenser. I try to make sure it is dry when I close the little door.

Clogged my machine
by: Anonymous

Just had an appliance repairman out to check our dishwasher which has been running loud, intermittently. He found undissolved detergent gel pacs stuck in the pump intake that pumps water to spay the dishes during the wash cycle. He said he sees this all the time, and to discontinue using detergent gel pacs. Good to know, $90 service call. Shame on Cascade and P&G.

Clogged my sump pump
by: gcnyc

So my dishwasher is attached to a sump pump. Seems that these packets or the powder turns into yellow gooey crust which jams the sump pump. It cost me a hefty price in plumber fees.

Plastic film on glass
by: Anonymous

I have been noticing an awful gel-like film on my glasses lately. It seems like the gel packs are dissolving and sticking to the glasses. You can see a large amount of it on the upturned bottoms. Its gross to say the least. I changed to Finish now and hope I see an improvement.

Pods clog and damage dishwasher
by: Anonymous

My dishwasher flooded my house during the night using these pods! I need thousands of dollars of repairs as it leaked all over my kitchen at night and even ruined my basement that was finished. I feel that Cascade should pay for the damages since the pod was found as the reason for a clogged drain!

No problem here
by: Anonymous

Are you running the water at the sink until it's very hot before starting the dishwasher? If your dishwasher has an extra-heat wash, try that. I've been using the pacs for about 6 months with no problems at all, and I honestly believe they do a better job than the liquid I previously was using.

Will not disolve
by: Angela Montgomery

For 2 years I have used huge warehouse containers of Cascade tablets (Total Clean most recently -105 pacs). It stays stuck in open dispenser only partially dissolved. I've scrupulously cleaned and dried dispenser 1st numerous times. I've checked the water tightness and integrity of the seal. I've sprayed Pam in dispenser 1st. I make sure nothing too tall is in front of dispenser. I've turned both sides up and down. Nothing works. Now I have to do the dishes when I'm around. Set a timer and open the dishwasher after prerinse to dislodge the tablet and throw it down into washer bed. We have a Kenmore Elite Ultra wash. After this container is used. I'm done. And I've used Cascade for more the 30 years!

by: Anonymous

Just purchased for the first time Cascade gel packs. Followed directions and placed in the dispenser and ran my dishwasher on heavy load. The gel pack remained in the dispenser and turned into a solid rock. Wanted to try the gel packs instead of liquid or powder. Useless and was a waste of my money.

clogged up the dishwasher
by: Kaila

I've been using them for about a year now. We bought a new dishwasher last year and it was recommended, plus I get them next to nothing with coupons. I've used about 60 of them on normal loads and I noticed in the bottom there was a gunk in the strainer part. Well I took it out and it looks as if someone had shoved the filling of a diaper in there! Then I put two and two together and 2 weeks ago my husband had to change the pipe under the sink. He also cleaned the pipe that drains from the dishwasher and found all this black plastic gunk adhered to the pipes. We are lucky it didn't close off completely.

clear portion of the paks doesn't dissolve and causes damage to dishwasher
by: Rialbo

Just switched from a large tub trial of Finish Gel Paks which worked very well to Cascade Gel Paks which I'd had in pantry and decided to use up before continuing to buy the Finish product. It was within use of a couple of dozen days of wash cycles that the dishwasher motor beneath the machine started to emit an electrical "burning" smell. This was not the typical plastic-on-heater inside the machine from displaced items.

After checking thoroughly for burn wires, components and control board, I took apart the washer arm, filter screen and impeller from inside the machine and found strips of plastic-like material clogging the pump impeller discharge into the pop-up nozzle and inside the wash arm. It appears that the blocked impeller outlet and pop-up increased the pressure facing the pump and motor which overheated.

I've washed no plastic items or cellophane covered TV trays and assume that the only source of this material is the clear portion of the Cascade Gel Paks that do not dissolve.
The motor is still functional and the coil windings do not appear darkened significantly so am continuing to use again with Finish and have tossed the Cascade. Engineering background has led to this conclusion.

after running dishwasher 3 times, still didn't dissolve
by: Brenda

The Cascade Complete has green & blue gels in it claiming Dawn liquid has been added to the pack. I have now run my dishwasher 3 times & the packet does not dissolve. I thought I'd google it to find a remedy to this problem and now I can see I'm not alone. While I haven't had to call a plumber out here yet (knock on wood that I don't have to) it's disheartening to read the damage that these little packs are causing. I bought a huge container at Costco of these & they weren't cheap!

Costco may accept the opened container for a refund, however, with so many complaints here, I'd hope that Proctor & Gamble is taking note of this and are beginning to be proactive themselves!

waste of water and energy
by: Anonymous

The last 10 cycles these pods have not dissolved! Waste of water & energy! Is Cascade going to make it right and offer a refund? I'm going to stop using this product until this problem is corrected.

only dissolve 50% of the time
by: Angela

This is really a terrible product. I have a brand new dishwasher and these will dissolve maybe 50 percent of the time. As I type, I am running the dishwasher for a second time because the gel pac did not dissolve the first time. I'm actually online to find another product since I'm going to trash the container of gel Pacs I have, as a reference, no other water is running in the house and I always turn the sink on and run it a few minutes to get the water boiling hot.

messed up dishwasher
by: Annette Cortes

Brand new dishwasher! Used Cascade powder from box and worked great, but tried pods twice and dishwasher will not open to let water out to begin cleaning. I was told by my plumber he doesn't fix dishwashers. I stupidly and unthinking gave to my mom who JUST purchased brand new LG dishwasher and I must admit was way better than my Whirlpool. The FIRST time she put a pod into her dishwasher. It stopped working!!!!!!! What is Cascade going to do to address this ongoing problem? If I can get dishwasher tech out to fix this. Meantime a class action lawsuit sounds in order.

end of dishwasher cycle, and pak still in bottom of dishwasher
by: Anni Robinson

The pak, at the end of the wash cycle, is still sitting in the bottom of my Fridgedaire dishwasher. The unit is 2 months old and I was about to call for servicing. I have to wash twice because the pouch won't dissolve. I will switch brands to see if that alleviates the problem.

non dissolving Casade pacs
by: Anonymous

Tried to use the Cascade platinum pacs for the first time today, but with no success. Pack was still intact after the first wash was completed. I ran a second wash with the same pack, but with the same results-pack did not dissolve. I have a kitchen dishwasher and that it what was recommended. Very disappointed with the product and will return to Costco. The Finish tabs are far superior and have never had a problem with them.

by: Anonymous

Same problem, plastic cases found in machine not dissolving, leaving part in dishwasher.

Brand spanking new dishwasher
by: Diana Lingenfelter

My husband bought a brand new Maytag dishwasher. Last night I go t to use it, the sales guy said only use Cascade platinum, so I did. It didn't dissolve at all so my dishes are still dirty. So I tried again with extra hot temperature. Opened when done and still not dissolved. What is going on? Why would Lowes sales guy tell me to only use Cascade Platinum if the packs wont dissolve. I have tried 3 times. Now I get to hand wash my dirty dishes. Because I have no other dishwasher soap. I will be using a different kind of soap, and calling Lowes about this.

You're not alone...
by: JimmyMac

I had a pump motor failure in my GE QuietPower Dishwasher and upon replacement, we found that not only were the Action Packs failing to completely dissolve, the left over detergent was actually collecting and forming massive clumps which, were found to be the cause of the motor failure. The inside of pump housing and water path from filter to pump were clogged to the point where I had to use a screwdriver to clear out all of the hardened crud.

I'll probably use up the remaining packets from this bucket but will most certainly be trying any other brands I can find, or simply switching to some liquid brands if I can find one that will work with my washer.

Not Working
by: Katrina

I have decided that I am done with this product. I have had nothing but issues. My dishwasher gets plenty hot and plenty of water. Having to run the dishwasher multiple times seems like a poor reason. I will be switching to another product.

Dishwasher not cleaning?
by: Anonymous

I just installed our new dishwasher, I read the directions for use before I ran the first load, it says to run the tap water into your sink until you get full hot water flowing before starting your dishwasher there for assuring that you get good and hot water filling your dishwasher, if not the water in your dishwasher will not be hot therefore it won't clean properly, which could in my mind also tell me it won't dissolve the detergent gel package, there for not being able to do a good job cleaning.

Big problem
by: Anonymous

The pac dissolved enough to wash my dishes, but after 1 year of using my new dishwasher, completely clogged my dishwasher. Will never use them again.

Undissolved Pod
by: Dottie

Shopping at my local box store I opted for the Cascade Platinum instead of the more economical brand that I normally buy. When I was unloading the dishwasher last night I questioned whether I had actually run the cycle because of the condition of the dishes. After further inspection, I realized that the pod, although appearing to be broken open, had not dissolved.

I just saw another video which suggested that the water was not hot enough and to run the tap until the water is hot and then immediately start the washer. That video also made some suggestions for loading which I found interesting.

I am going to follow those instructions and give the pod another try. However I will say based on your video these things should not really have mattered.

defective pods
by: Susan Scheick

Dishwasher pod squirted me in eye had to go to ER and cornea graft.

response to Susan regarding eye injury
by: Taylor

Oh Susan, I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. These pods do have such concentrated soaps and detergents that getting them in your eye can have much more severe consequences than even regular soaps we're more used to. If you haven't already, I would inform the manufacturer, Proctor & Gamble, about this injury ASAP. This is the type of stuff they need to know and deal with to make these products safer.

Not a Problem
by: Zella B

I've used the Cascade Gel Packs in both an older model machine as well as one that is now about 18 months old. I've not had a problem with the packets dissolving properly except once.

That time I didn't insert the packet into the detergent compartment correctly, I managed to get it in at an angle, and the little door couldn't open properly. This resulted in only half the packet being dissolved and used. Totally operator error.

I use white vinegar for the rinse aid, and we have very hard water. Still, my glasses are spotless and I rarely have any baked-on food related issues.

I tried store brand once to save a few pennies and regretted it through the whole box.

Got stuck in dishwasher
by: Anonymous

5 pods later and still stuck. No clean dishes but a half used pod or full pod still intact after trying it 5 times. Nothing is wrong with my dishwasher. Will never buy this product again!

Did not dissolve
by: Maxine

This has been annoying, costly and a waste of time. Always make sure water is HOT before putting on dishwasher however, recently two different packages of Cascade did not dissolve wash after wash. Sometimes I used the dishwasher three times before I gave up on these gel packs. Annoying is the nicest thing I can say about this problem!

Broke my dishwasher
by: Anonymous

Since using the pods for dishwasher we have starting noticing dishes not being cleaned and dishwasher was not always draining fully now dishwasher doesn't work at all and dishwasher worked perfect until switching to pods. Worst mistake ever. A 2 year old dishwasher broken.

Not dissolving
by: Anonymous

I ran the washer and it did not dissolve cascade complete 12x power. I ran it again and it did not dissolve and there was a lot of suds in the bottom of the washer. I ran it 2 more times with no detergent and suds were at bottom of the washer. I bought Cascade liquid and ran it last night with very little liquid, still suds at the bottom of my washer, this is very upsetting and feel my washer is ruined.

Replaced 20 ft of drain pipe due to Cascade clog
by: Anonymous

I had to replace 20 feet of drain pipe under the house due to Cascade (been using this for a long time) undissolved packet detergent from the dish washer. I threw out a full bag of the stuff after the pipe replacement. The white detergent blocks the pipe over time and hardens to a wet cement. It clogged the pipe clean outs as well. We'll never use any packet type detergent again, ever!

Buyer Beware!!!

Eating internal parts
by: Anonymous

My friend has a 6 year old GE dishwasher and found a huge pool of water on her wooden floor which by the way got ruined. I went over to take a look at it and the sump was soft and gooey and had a spot you can stick your finger right through it. So I took it all apart to change out the sump and found tons of caked up white residue and all of the plastic and rubber parts mushy and eaten away. Also the entire gasket around the tub strainer was all broken and eaten away. I found that between the harsh chemical pods and the inferior parts they now make for the dishwashers it's safe to say to USE Cascade Gel! I've used it in my dishwasher and never had any problems.
So if you like paying for repairs bills and new dishwashers then keep using pods. The company's who make them aren't going to tell you not to use then because they want to make a ton of money selling you parts and another dishwasher. By the way I look up reviews on which to use powder, pods or gel, let's put it this way, the internet can be ones worst enemy!

video didn't offer any solutions
by: Smars

I have a problem with cascade Pacs not dissolving during the wash. This is the recommended product from kitchen Aid! The video doesn’t offer any help with this problem. Waste of money.

Response to Smars re video
by: Taylor

I'm sorry the video didn't help solve your problem, however I think you should be aware that my website, Stain Removal 101, is not associated with Cascade in any way. Instead, I have a section of the site which allows reviews of products, and wanted to be able to let Cascade have a "response" of sorts, so I embedded THEIR video into the article. So basically, yeah, several people have said the video and Cascade's response in general is not fixing the problem. That's what the page is about. I didn't make the video. Just thought you should understand the context of this page better.

Resolving pods problem
by: Barb

My repair man said to put the pods in the bottom of the dishwasher, and I have not had a problem with them dissolving.

problem even in one week old dishwasher
by: Doris

I opened my dishwasher which is 1 week old, to add a dish, and there was gel pack partly open, lying on a plate.

Plugged drain
by: Anonymous

It appears that the soap in the cascade packets that we use, is causing stoppage down line in our kitchen drain. The packets seem to dissolve, but the soap doesn't appear to dissolve completely.
I ran a "snake" as far as I could in the drain, and what was in the tip, felt and looked like wet blob of soap. It is approximately 4 ft. down the pipe, at a "T". I used a long piece of 3/4 pvc with a straight tip nozzle to flush out the vent on the roof. I am looking for something to put down the drain to dissolve the clop. The traps are clean. I took them apart and cleaned, then ran a snake as far as it would go. It stopped solid. Any help would be appreciated.

sticky gel packs
by: Richard

My gel paks may not dissolve in the dishwasher, but they are beginning to dissolve and stick together in the container they were purchased in. What gives with this product?


Looks like a new product is coming to my house.

Cascade Gel Packs are not the only ones
by: Steve M

I am using another brand (the one with the red ball in the middle of the square gel pack) and they aren't dissolving completely either and are clogging up my dishwashers filter intake. I am currently running the dishwasher an extra cycle with vinegar and no soap to try to clear it out. Hope this works.

what a mess!
by: Anonymous

I used Cascade lemon action pods last night for the first (and last) time. The pod dissolved ok from the soap dispenser, at least I didn't see anything left in there and didn't see a pod sitting anywhere. but my dishes and the inside of my dishwasher were coated with small globs of gel, about the size of sawdust - and the dishwasher didn't drain completely. I pulled all the dishes out and washed them in hot water - needed to use a scrubby to get everything off. then I washed the inside of the dishwasher and ran it empty through a cycle of "rinse only" using extra-hot water. thankfully that cleaned it. I opened the washer and checked it a couple times during this cycle and it definitely wasn't just a rinse - it was all sudsy due to leftover soap. never again.

Very disappointed in this product
by: Anonymous

I am having the same problem. Will not be purchasing this in the future. Will only use gel.

Disappointing product
by: Hongyu

I just bought a new dishwasher from Costco, and started trying Cascade. It seems to be working the first few times, but recently it happened twice the pacs didn't dissolve at all. Google search led me here, and I am now at least sure it's not my fault. Shame on the manufacture for not testing it completely.

2 Year Old Dishwasher Done
by: Anonymous

Very sad...we bought a high end Kitchen Aid dishwasher 2 years ago....used Cascade Platinum Gel the pump is gone...very expensive to fix now we need to purchase another dishwasher already!! Funny thing is inside the dishwasher indicated to use Cascade Platinum....they just don't say powder/gel packs/liquid.
Very dissappointed this has happened.

Cascade pac stuck together in the container
by: Nancy Schmidt

I bought a 80 pack container of Cascade and after I used the first 2 inches of pacs there was a big lump of pacs all stuck together and ruined. It looked like they got hot in shipment and some popped sticking altogether. I was able to use about 30 out of the container. I could not pull apart the ones stuck since all the liquid had leaked out. It was a big waste of the packs.

Very disappointed.

Why doesn't the manufacturer do something!!!!!
by: Terri

I have used Cascade for years. I rented and moved into a luxury condo a year ago. The dishwasher was replaced before I moved in. I started using the new Cascade pods Just recently I noticed blue water standing in the bottom I called the repair man He took the motor off and started pulling out handful after handful of melted plastic! He said What are you putting in here! Then he ask if I was using cascade pods He said they don't melt and this is the result They burn up the motor!!!! Why doesn't the manufacturer do something!!!!!

what i think the problem is
by: RM

I believe the reason for the gel not dissolving
is you are not bringing (enough) "hot" water to the washer to start.

Once I did that many years ago I have never had a problem.
My dishwasher was put in place in 1993 and I also have never had a problem with it.

New Dishwasher?
by: Michele

We struggled with our dishwasher for over a month. After running it, the action pac was still in its holder and the dishes didn't come clean. My husband cleaned all the wands and drains thinking they were clogged up in the 10-yr old machine. We actually ordered a new dishwasher from Costco when my husband saw someone taking back a box of Cascade into the customer service desk at Costco so we decided to try a different brand and the dishes were spotless! Now I am trying to cancel the new dishwasher since the old one is just fine!

Mystery sticky residue on dishes
by: EddyrayVA

We have been finding a sticky residue on random dishes after switching from Kirkland’s brand to the Cascade pods. Dishes are all rinsed before going into Bosch DW and water is hot before starting. Everything else about the product is great -clean dishes and no powder residue.

by: Anonymous

I live in Florida with a high humidity. When I put the Cascade pods inside the dispenser they stick to the back, So when the dishwasher is done, you can open it up and the soap pod is still in the open dispenser. You have to rewash the dishes. For now I just throw it in the bottom of the washer. Wont buy them once I have used them up.

low water pressure does not dissolve
by: Anonymous

suggestions for best cleaning with low water pressure. pods do not dissolve.

Cascade platinum
by: Anonymous

Just bought a new bag and these pods are not dissolving. Did not have this issue with the previous bag of the same product.

Water backup; dirty dishes
by: Anonymous

Also have had problems with water backup, clogged drain to dishwasher & gritty dishes with the Cascade pods (Finish also). I started cutting the pods open & empty into dispenser. Come out great on only 49 min not the 100+ was using. Will switch to the liquid when pacs used up. Just read this & feel vindicated..not just me. Think my hard water might be culprit & coating is gumming up drain. Thanks!

pods getting stuck
by: terri

I'm having similar problems with cascade packs. They're sticking in the compartment where you first place them. It seem like the outer covering is almost melting and sticking to the compartment, so the dishes aren't getting cleaned. Out of ten times of use, I would have to say it happened at least 5 times.

Leaves a residue on dishes
by: Anonymous

Cascade 8x leaves a white film on my dishes. Especially on anything that is stainless steel. My dishwasher is stainless steel on the inside and it will be covered with a whitish film that can be wiped off with a cloth. My husband didn't know this and bought me two containers. What a waste of money!

Action Pacs clogged my dishwasher
by: P Hogan

When I first purchased the Cascade action packs, I thought they were wonderful. They seemed to do a good job of getting my dishes clean. Then I started having issues. I would open my dishwasher and find that the pack was stuck in the dispenser and had not dissolved, so I had to run the dishwasher again. Then I noticed there was quite a bit of water left in the bottom of the dishwasher after running it. Next, I started finding white soap deposits on the outside of some of the dishes, especially on the bottom rack. Today, when I opened the dishwasher, everything was covered in soap deposits. I ran it through 2 rinses and 2 more washes, and they still were not removed. My husband started taking apart the dishwasher and found that the almost brand-new sprayer arms were clogged with blue soap. There is blue soap scum clogging all of the holes in the sprayers and in the drain. I'm afraid my dishwasher may have been ruined by these things. I'm going back to liquid dishwasher soap and rinse aid, and I'll never use these things again.

Not happy
by: Cheryl Osborn

Wish I had read reviews before buying Cascade pods. We recently purchased Cascade Total Clean pods ... First load there was a slime on everything and trouble with the drain. This is a new Whirlpool washer, done everything by the instructions. After reading other people's reviews I am not using this anymore. This was a waste of $14.98

cascade Gel Pods
by: Anonymous

As with many other people, I too am experiencing undissolved Gel Pacs, causing a second wash of the same dishes. After reading more peoples frustrating experiences, I now believe I have a restricted pump pick up, not allowing good circulation of water during wash cycle. This is a good way to get sick! from unclean dishes.

Suds running everywhere
by: Anonymous

Was just leaving home when I noticed suds flowing out of the bottom of dishwasher. Opened up and have never seen so many suds EVER. Had just opened up new container of New Cascade Platinum. In all my years of dishwashing have never noticed so much sudsing. Something different and wrong with this product. Just glad we caught in time and didn’t flood our kitchen!

Put machine on the "hot Start" setting
by: Anonymous

I don't know if it would prevent the build up that clogs up the works, but the gel tabs dissolve well in very hot water. I put my dishwasher on the "hot start" setting. It uses more water and adds about ten minutes to the washing time, but so far it has worked for me.

Undissolved cascade action pacs
by: Anonymous

I have had numerous incidents of opening the dishwasher to find some or most of one of these pods still undissolved in the dispenser cup. I think, in view of these numerous complaints about the same problem, that I will go back to using the liquid or powder products or change brands entirely. Electrasol makes a pod which is just a dry cake of detergent. I have used samples of that product with no problem. As far as I know, Cascade pods haven't caused any problems as far as gunking up my dishwasher mechanism. Maybe I better inspect it, huh?

Ruined my Kitchenaid dishwasher motor!
by: Anonymous

I didn’t catch on to the initial signs like powdery residue- I assumed I’d hit the rinse only cycle by mistake since I use it often. Eventually came the undissolved pods. Finally, the motor burnt out-Whirlpool/Kitchenaid had an agreement with Cascade to recommend the action pacs and my machine came with free samples. Luckily I had an extended warranty. The repairman said he’d been replacing at least one motor a week on various brands due to these gel pacs. He showed me all the undissolved plastic coating the motor. I now only use powder or the Finish Tabs in the foil wrapper. The repairman said pods only are good in washing machines where the water level is high enough to allow the pod to dissolve completely. I’m sticking to his advice!

undiscolved packet
by: Barb

My pods only dissolve about half of the time and I have to pick them out of the holder with a toothpick, however, the dishes still look clean and the stainless steel interior sparkles. I've examined the dishes and they look clean, however, I am concerned that no soap was used! Very strange. I have a small GE 18" stainless steel dishwasher.

get water very hot first, before starting dishwasher
by: Anonymous

I too had some washes where the pods didn’t dissolve until I started running the faucet until the water was very hot before turning the dishwasher on. That seem to have worked because the pods have now dissolved every time. And the dishes are sparkling clean.

Clogged dishwasher
by: Anonymous

I have stopped using the pods in my dishwasher and washer! I have had nothing but problems with them not dissolving and had to take apart the appliances and found it was clogged with the pod film😡

Not dissolving
by: Robin Gutmann

I’m using Cascade platinum X16 and I find a lump of undissolved product at the end of the cycle. Obvious my plates are not clean. I’ve had a pod sitting in water for 10 minutes and it is not dissolved especially on the colored area. These are expensive and don’t seem to work. Very disappointing. I’ll find a different brand.

In addition, I just had my dishwasher repaired thinking that was the problem. It’s not. It’s your pod. I’d like to send you a photo of what the pod looks like after a full cycle. I watched the video and do everything the same.

I’ve used different products including you other pods. These are the only ones that don’t dissolve over half of the times I use them.

won't use these tabs again
by: Anonymous

About a month ago I contact Proctor And Gamble on their product cascade. I had a repair man come in and found that the paper wasn’t dissolving on the package Proctor And Gamble said that it does. I would never use this product again.

by: artmel1041

why does cascade platinum tarnish my silverware?

Are gel paks getting larger?
by: Anonymous

I have used Cascade gel pods for years and never had a problem. But recently, I have found they will not fit in the soap dish (the same one I've been using for 5 years). I put one in and the door won't stay closed. It pops open as soon as I close the door. I'm pretty sure the soap dish and little door are working properly. I have to try several pods before one will fit it and the little door will close. Has anybody else had this problem recently?

actionpacs not dissolving
by: Anonymous

make sure the actionpac dispenser is dry before inserting the actionpac, otherwise it could stick inside and not come out to the wash area where it is meant to dissolve.

Stuck pacs
by: Barb Jareo

Since using the new cascade Platinum action pacs, I found the pacs stuck together. Some in twos, up to 4, stuck together, when try to pull apart, tear. Don't want to throw away probably close to 15% of them from 92 pac. Looking to be able to find help from Procter and Gamble.

Clogged pipes
by: DR0

My Whirlpool dishwasher is just a year old. After 38 years I had to replace my GE dishwasher. The manual recommended Cascade pods. It even came with a sample. My sink drain started to back up. The pods had clogged my pipes going to my septic. About 1/3 of each pod had hardened like cement! We spent hours snaking the pipes!! Will never use this product again. I'm switching to regular liquid detergent not gel. Very disappointed in Cascade.

Gel Packs Make a Mess in the Dishwasher
by: Randy

I tried to run my dishwasher yesterday and it kept turning itself off during startup. I started taking apart all of the internal assemblies and under and around each one there was a huge glob of gelatin. When I got to the impeller, the screen in front of it was completely covered with gelatin preventing water flow through it. I cleaned everything, put it back together, and it works fine. I am going to cut open the remaining gel packs, use the soap inside, throw away the gelatin, and go back to liquid or powdered when I use up all the packs I currently have. I suggest that everyone else do the same. Gel packs are not good for dishwashers.

does not dissolve
by: Anonymous

After spending 400 dollars on a 1 and half dishwasher they told me never buy powder it ruins your dishwasher only liquid then I have read liquid ruins the parts in the dishwasher but don't buy pellet they don't dissolve

pods breaking and clogging dishwasher
by: Anonymous

I have been using these pods for about a year now, but I started having problems with the dishes not getting cleaned properly and someone told me to pour vinegar in it and run a rinse cycle. There was a half empty pod clogging the washer and days later I find them on the side in the bottom of the dishwasher. I will not be using them anymore.

Price increases
by: Timothy O'Brien

My wife and I live on social security. I used to always buy my Cascade 62 count. Platinum at BJ's club, we love this product, but the price has steadily increased so much that we have had to switch to the BJ's Brand. The BJ's brand works OK, but no where near the results of Cascade Platinum. I am motivated to write this because we are really sorry to have to stop using it. Thanks for your time.

Too many suds
by: Ardie

I’ve always used cascade platinum but ever since replacing my whirlpool dishwasher with an Amana brand and installing a water softener I find that there are too many suds and it makes my dishwasher sound different when it’s operating. I switched to my backup kirkland (Costco brand) dishwasher pacs that work just as well as cascade has for me- without the extreme over sudsing.

by: Anonymous

We have similar problem but repair is $890! We threw away all cascade products and had to buy a new dishwasher today. Turns out if the pods don’t dissolve they clog drains and switches. Repairman says it is the most common thing they are called for. Don’t care that P& G tested them at high temp. They need to test under real world conditions. Product sucks!

It left very sticky residue in my new Whirlpool dishwasher
by: Anonymous

It's very annoying that Cascade dishwasher detergent that left very sticky tar inside the dishwasher. My new dishwasher is only three months old.

Destroyed my dishwasher
by: Anonymous

Used for 5 year in dishwasher. As soon as repairman looked at dishwasher, he told me to quit using Cascade. He knew by looking. The spray arm and pump were clogged. Could not free it up. My dishwasher destroyed in 5 years. Bought it new in July 2015. Destroyed in January 2020. R.I.P.

Non-dissolving Cascade platinum tablets
by: Anonymous

Over the recent holiday I opened a new container of Cascade platinum tablets. They are not dissolving, and not cleaning the dishes properly.

Not dissolved
by: Erika

I just bought the cascade platinum pods and won’t buy them again. I’ve run the dishwasher twice and it doesn’t dissolve when other brands dissolve fine. So much for spending more money.

Run hot water in the sink first
by: Anonymous

If you have a problem where your pods are not dissolving please follow these instructions. Before you run the dishwasher run your water in the sink until it gets hot then turn on your dishwasher. This should help your water get up to temperature faster.

This product caused my machine to malfunction
by: Julie Lo

I used this product once. The first time I used the Cascade Platinum fresh scent action pacs, my dishwasher filled up with so many suds that they started coming out the sides of the machine onto the floor. They got into the control panel and caused all kinds of problems. I had to call a technician out and it cost $100.00 to fix and reset it. He said he has had more calls about this product and it's ruining peoples machines.

I can't believe Cascade has been allowed to sell this product and that there hasn't been more complaints about it or law suits.

Cascade Platinum ActionPacs with Dawn cause my drain pump on my dishwasher to go bad
by: Mike

I was told by my appliance repairman that Cascade Platinum ActionPacs with the Dawn additive has destroyed the drain pump on my Whirlpool dishwasher. My dishwasher will be 5 years old in December 2020. I bought a 5yr extended warranty so the repair call and part will be covered. I used mostly Cascade but also Great Value Automatic Dishwasher from Walmart that says its Compared to Cascade. The repairman said the Dawn additive is corrosive the pump shaft connection to the propeller.

Dishwasher has been making small floods
by: Mickey

So this is not my first dishwasher. I have had no problem with it until I started using gel packs.
Had a few floods so opened up the trap in the bottom of my washer and found white slimy sludge there. Then I noticed the same white slime on the rubber around the door. The first thing was bubbles in the bottom of the machine which I never saw before. I am running vinegar in my machine as I am writing this. Hope it will take care of the problem.

Sticky fingers!!!
by: Anonymous

... and nothing to do with the Rolling Stones! Laundry detergent? No. Bath soap? No. Shampoo? No. Dryer sheets? No. I'm sticky. My husband is not! I knew it was water-activated. Finally tracked it to the gosh danged dish pods! Search terms "sticky" and "dishwasher" brought me to this site. Thank you so much. I was going Nuts!

Cascade Gel Paks
by: Anonymous

I started using Cascade gel paks. I used them 7 or 8 times.

Each time I used them my dishwasher stopped working at various times during the wash cycle.

Initially, I thought the dishwasher was the problem.

Then I switched back to the product that I’ve used for about three years, without any problems!

Action packs sticking together
by: Anonymous

Action packs sticking together. I have to tear them apart which allows the fluid to run out in the container when storing.

clogged pipes and seized dishwasher
by: Anonymous

My dishwasher stopped working all together. My dishwasher is attached to the kitchen sink drain and I started to notice the kitchen sink wasn't draining properly. In fact the plumbing seemed like is was not draining at all, since my laundry washer below the sink in basement kept overflowing onto the floor and also the water running from kitchen sink and washer was backing into sink in the laundry room.

I had a plumber come out to snake the pipes and it still was having issues. He cut the pvs in areas and where the major clog was and we discovered cakey white gooey gunk. It was defiantly detergent from these gels pods. I called Cascade to report my findings and after I finished talking the customer service agent hung up on me. I wondered if anyone has pictures of this stuff in their pipes?

another possible fix
by: Bill McConnell

I have an almost new GE washer and have used the Cascade pods since it was purchased. But recently the pods started not dissolving. I had just bought a new box of Cascade pods and assumed that was the problem. But after trying several things I discovered that the top spray mechanism for the bottom rack had sagged to a 45 degree angle which was not easily noticeable when loading that rack. The spray mechanism id actually attached to the bottom of the upper rack. The back end snaps in and the front end has two prongs which slide over the rack "wires". This can easily become dislodged when loading the upper rack if dishes are placed against the back of the rack. The front can also become dislodged without the back part coming unsnapped. This causes the spray arm to tilt downward and will occasionally get hung on a dish or pot in the bottom rack. I used a tie wrap to firmly tie one of the prongs to the adjacent rack wire. That cured the problem.

by: Mary T.

I like Cascade pacs, but, they don't dissolve in my whirlpool dishwasher.

Definite problem with various gel packs
by: Scot in Ontario

I was using Cascade and even Finish gel packs when I moved into my house and every few month the drainage from kitchen would get slower and slower and eventually clog almost completely. I wondered if it was just because we were on a septic system. I snaked it and I used cleaners and it just fixed it for another few months. The snake came back with a mix of a white waxy substance and the various chunks of kitchen detritus. I eventually took to boiling large pots of water once a month to repeatedly pour down my kitchen sink and it reversed the slowing of the drains.

In the meantime, we had replaced the dishwasher with a newer and more powerful one because the other was pretty old. Then one day I paid attention to the fact the the gel packs were not always dissolving fully. This had happened in both dishwashers. I wondered if this was playing a role in my troubles.

So on whim, I stopped buying gel packs and started buying only the hard cake tablets. As the months went by not only did my drains stop slowing and plugging but they actually ran faster.

To me that was proof enough that the gel packs were the cause of my problem.

FYI - I still use gel packs in my laundry washing machine and *never* have problems with those. The problem only exists on my dishwasher.


Really burned me up!
by: Patti B

The Cascade Platinum gel Pac not only didn't dissolve, it lodged itself under a heat coil on the bottom of my dishwasher and melted! Half of the pod had burn marks to prove it the danger!

Major fail for Cascade Pods
by: Sabatine

Just spent $90 to have the repairman tell me that its my soap that is causing the noises and poor performance from my Whirlpool dishwasher.

He ran the dishwasher empty with only water and no noise. Excess bubbles should not happen with the pods he said and I had a LOT of suds with them.

I'm contacting P&G and returning what's left of the pack to Costco.

Dishwasher Pods plastic buildup
by: Anonymous

My problem with these dishwasher pods is the melted plastic material building up on the pump intake screen. It is impossible to remove the melted plastic from the pump intake screen. Of course you cannot order a new pump intake screen, as it is all part of the pump assembly, which is very expensive to replace. Stay away from these dishwasher pods, they will eventually destroy your dishwasher parts.

Yellow green gunk
by: Anonymous in Tucson

The subject gunk leaks out of bottom of my 20 year old Maytag dishwasher. I've never had any problem with unit before.

Last time I bought detergent I inadvertently picked up a Cascade gel tub. I had always used Finish PowerBar. Never had this problem before. So, what that tells you.

Been purging dishwasher for days now to riding of gunk buildup and back to Powerball.

Seems I'm slowly getting rid of the gunk.

6 months use of Cascade platinum, my dishwasher stopped draining
by: Anonymous

After 6 months use of Cascade platinum, my dishwasher stopped draining. We pulled it out and started investigating to find large hard white clumps clogging various water drain areas. We replaced some parts and started investigating. First, our water temp is set at 140F and we run the hot water on the sink before starting the dishwasher, so that's not the problem. We checked get plenty of water in the dishwasher; and the soap dispenser door isn't getting stuck closed. So I resorted to testing the ability of the pod to dissolve. I put it in a jar of hot water and after several hours checked it to find a slime of the pod sitting on top. I emptied the jar of everything but the pod remains, and again ran hot water in the jar and let it sit. I did this 3 times, and NEVER did the pod slime dissolve. I have therefore concluded that the pods are not dissolving thus clogging up the dishwasher water exit pipes over time. I am therefore switching to a liquid dishwasher detergent.

overflowing dishwasher
by: Anonymous

My dishwasher only overflows when I use cascade platinum actionpacs. Not the cheaper brands. Ready to throw these out!!

sticking/not disolving Action Pacs - going back to Kirklands
by: MJB

We have been using Kirkland dishwasher pacs for 6 years. I bought Cascade Action Pacs in Feb 2021 from Costco because they sent a coupon. Our experience is that the Cascade sticks to the dispenser door and either doesn't allow it to open at all or doesn't dispense if it opens. We always use the heavy wash on our machine as recommended by our Certified appliance repairperson. He has never advised us to run our water faucet until it's hot; the temperature of our dishwasher water meets specification. We've never had trouble with dispensed soap or clean dishes. However, I've had to rerun the dishwasher several times since trying the Action Pacs. Upon reading these comments about machine and pipe clogging, I am done with testing the fates. Very glad to read that Costco will take unused canister back for a credit! Thanks for hosting this site.

dissolving pods - works best when you lay it upside down
by: Anonymous

I have found that putting the pod upside down (i.e. with the colorful side on the bottom and the white side on top) solves the problem of the pod not dissolving.

nothing clean, no way will clean without rinsing
by: Pat Davis

Kitchen Aid, stainless steel tub.

Same problem, pods not completely open, have water temp above whats recommended.

Glasses not clean, pots not clean, WE ARE NOT GOING TO USE PODS IN THE FUTURE??

We read what the company says, but not true. No way will pods clean without rinsing.

Action packs clogging
by: Anonymous

I seem to have a problem with these packs clogging the trap to my cesspool. It may be, but not sure I need to verify if this occurs only when we use the express cycle which runs a shorter cycle.

by: J Ezell

My Drain and Dishwasher stopped up and backed up in my kitchen and bathroom, as they share the same drain. My bathroom and kitchen were flooded. The bathroom and shower backed up and ruined the cabinet and floor. In the kitchen, everything under the sink was ruined.

I am still trying to get all these pods and wrapping cleaned up. This was the worst mess I have ever seen. How could this company still sell this product without any warning this would happen?

I will be looking for an attorney to take this case and demand you take this off the market.

Disgusted with this mess.

Cascade pods destroyed my dishwasher
by: Anonymous

Never had a problem until I used this product. Strips of plastic destroyed my dishwasher. So fed up.

Cascade Pods creates too much suds
by: AJ Smith

I have a small, compact, countertop dishwasher I purchased for my apartment several months ago.

Cascade pods was my first go-to in trying out a dishwasher detergent for my countertop dishwasher.

I began to notice that the Cascade pods was creating a stew of suds in the bottom of my machine and it would prevent the propellers of the dishwasher from functioning properly and I would continually need to pause the washing cycle and pour in extra water in order to get the dishwasher propellers to function properly.

I recently made the switch to Finish Powerball All in One tablets, and read online that I could cut these detergent tablets in half and it was said they work just as well.

I have been cutting my Finish detergent tablets in half and have noticed an improvement significantly in how my countertop dishwasher performs without any issues on account of the fact that these detergent tablets are low-suds detergents.

While each brand of detergent has their own pros and cons, I am leaning more towards the Finish brand tablets because of the fact that they do not impede my machine from functioning as should on account of the fact that with Cascade Action Pacs or Cascade Platinum pods just produce too much suds in my dishwasher and also because they are not able to be cut in half like the Finish All in One tablets. While using Cascade pods, I did notice my dishes would come out sparkling and streak free and did do a very good job at cleaning my dirty dishes, and, in contrast, I have noticed that the Finish detergent tablets do make my glasses sparkly; however, they sometimes leave a residue on my dishes and pots come out of the dishwasher sometimes with streaks on them.

Cascade works well, when it doesn't interfere with my dishwashers internal mechanisms but was a nuisance to continually pause the dishwasher and add extra water to water-down the excess of suds these brand of pods creates. While Finish, may not work as well in some instances as Cascade, the headache of continually needing to monitor my dishwasher to ensure it is performing properly has been eliminated. Plus, I am able to get double the amount of usage out of the Finish brand detergent tabs because of the fact that I can cut them in half whereas with Cascade pods, because of how they are designed are not easily able to be split into two portions without creating a mess again on account of how they are made with powder and gels on the top of the pods.

I am glad that I found a remedy to make my dishwashing tasks a heck a lot easier than when I had been using Cascade pods and continually needed to monitor the dishwasher to ensure the excess of suds wasn't impeding the dishwasher propellers preventing them from doing their job of cleaning my dishes.

tarnish baking pans
by: Ann

I have noticed that the Cascade Action Pacs tarnish or otherwise desilver any baking pans causing them to be more sticky the next time you use them and just overall ruin the look of any of your baking pans. I am not sure why this happens and would appreciate any solutions someone might have.

Gel pack residue
by: Pete J

Our dishwasher is not cleaning dishes. Called a tech. Took the dishwasher apart and all sorts of yellowish crud in all the water circulating parts. It was everywhere inside the machine, but it was a mass like Jell-o. In all the grates and water return pipes. We have no explanation other than CASCADE GEL PACKS. It’s all we use. We have a whole hose water filter and then it goes through a softener. We know it’s not the water, and we have a top of the line stainless Kitchenaide dishwasher. We are switching brands and will report back. I have pictures of the crud as we soaked the plastic parts in a bathtub with vinegar. I was shocked at the crud/gel that came off and out of these parts.

Not Dissolving
by: Anonymous

Same problem. After dishwasher runs, partial pack still in dispenser undissolved.

Water Must be Hot
by: Max D.

Instructions that come with the dishwashing packets do not tell you that your water must be hot before starting the dishwasher. It's the hot water heat that dissolves the plastic packet. If that doesn't happen, that will cause big dishwasher problems.

Keep in mind, manufacturers come up with these different formats for their dishwashing powders to enhance their sales.

Stick with the tried and true that works.

I also disagree with manufacturers who are promoting running your dishwasher every night even for small loads. It takes a few minutes for the sink water next to my dishwasher to get truly hot. That's a waste of water itself, so you could be adding on a couple of gallons of water usage and necessarily every evening if you or just washing a few dishes.

Seems to be a recent change
by: Melanie

I have used Cascade Platinum for years, and it has worked like a charm. However, I just bought a new container of them, and so far I have used nine gel tabs to do only five loads. This is because the gel tab is still in the dispenser when the dishwasher cycle ends. Also, the scent has changed, and I don’t like it. I don’t know if Cascade has reformulated this product or if I have a defective batch. In any event, I’m going to try a new brand to see if I have better luck.

Suspected Clogged My Drain
by: Coco

I had a GE dishwasher and has been running great using liquid detergent all the time. Once I switched to Cascade Pods, after a first run, it won't drain and got clogged.

I first thought it was the disposal but after the handyman checked everything and we had to install a new dishwasher.

Now my brand new dishwasher is clogged again after a second run.

Be careful before you switch to Cascade Pod detergent.

Modern is not always good
by: Brandywine Lady

We have a 6 year old GE Cafe line dishwasher. We called our repairman as the water wasn't coming in during the cycle. After a quick repair this morning he advised us to use Cascade powder and not the pods, as the pods do not fully dissolve, cause air bubbles and make the motor work harder and thus create costly repairs. Just came back from our store which only carries pods, so we'll order off Amazon.

clogged drain
by: Anonymous

The dishwasher had cascade gel packs with the machine. I kept using them, but have problems with the drain clogging. When the drain is cleaned, thick white clumps like tooth paste come out. It has to be the white part of the gel pack that is not dissolve.

Took me a whole year to figure this out!!

platinum pods
by: Anonymous

Pods become hardened and do not dissolve in the dishwasher. (There is nothing wrong with the dispenser.) Maybe the humidity gets to them, but I guess I'll have to stop buying the big container. Very, very discouraging. Otherwise, I do love their cleaning power, but when they get like that, it's a waste of money.

I find them undissolved in the bottom of the dishwasher. AFTER my husband has put the dishes away!!!!

Constant clogged drains
by: Anonymous

I’ve been using the cascade pods for about six years now. I do not dump grease down my drain. It goes into the trash. That being said every six months or so I have to have my drain pipes replaced or clean out due to clogs. Not sure what it is but I have a white substance coming out of the pipe every time they clean or replace them. I’m going to stop using the pods and see what happens.

How many times do I have to rewash my dishes?
by: Anonymous

Over and over. I find the gel tab a blob sitting on top of a cup on the bottom rack. I have even found plastic pieces of the pod on the bottom of the machine. Dishes filthy. I run the hot water before I start it, and nothing works.

Clogging my drain
by: Anonymous

My husband just spent several hours cleaning and clearing out our drain in our kitchen sink because it wouldn’t drain. He got several cups of undissovable soap packs out. They looked like rocks but you could press on them and they would crush down to powder form in his hand. We will not be using these any more.

Cascade tablets dont dissolve
by: Sue Bryant

That white part of the tablet stays in the washer undissolved, so I repeat the process. Do you have a powder Cascade?

clogging dishwasher drain?
by: dweidman

We have a new Whirlpool dishwasher in which we were using Cascade Platinum pods, and it stopped draining twice in the first month. Service couldn't really find the problem but made sure the drain hose was clear and installed a new pump. It worked for 7 days and started giving the same "will not drain" code. While waiting 5 days for the service guy to show up, I tried to do a wash using different settings about five times (with no detergent or pod in the dispenser. Finally, the day before the service call, my wife tried a regular wash using Cascade powder and the dishwasher started to work again. My theory is that the plastic covering the pod was trapped somewhere in the drain system, possibly in the hose, and took a few days to dissolve. No more pods.

Don't always dissolve & when do plastics retain fragrance
by: Barb Sullivan

Not always dissolving resulting in dirty dishes after washing. Also, plastics are retaining the odor of the fragrance of the pods and making me sick. Have tried running them through power plus cycle with no detergent of any kind in an effort to get rid of odor and then hand washing with Dawn. Odor remains. Have always used Cascade but will have to look for something else.

Cascade Complete 8X power - packets not dissolving
by: Donna

I have been using this product for quite some time and just recently I experienced the packets not dissolving. In a newly purchased package 3 out of 4 packets that I used did not dissolve, resulting in re-washing the dishes again. I do not believe it is my machine because the dishes surprisingly appeared clean, probably just from the hot water and pre-rinse feature. When I opened the machine to empty the dishes I noticed that the soap part of the packet never dissolved. I am going to try it again by slitting the packet (as I don't want to throw them out as they are on the pricey side). My question is why all of a sudden having issues, and it ironically has happened after a newly purchased package of the item. Lastly, I am very disappointed in something that I really truly liked and depended upon.

caused dishwasher to leak
by: Jim

The cascade platinum packets caused my dishwasher to leak. After expense of $165.00 for repairman to tell me dishwasher (Kitchenaid) was fine, he suggested that it could be the new dishwasher detergent (Cascade Platinum packets) that I had recently purchased. I went back to Cascade powder and no leak.

pacs won't dissolve
by: Karen

Pacs will not dissolve in my dishwasher. Won't be buying them again!!!

Need hot water
by: Jim

With the dishwasher's these days you have to make sure the water is hot. Turn up your water heater a little bit. It will dissolve detergent, also it will save you a 100 dollar service call, trust me.

2 out of 10 undissolved
by: Luci Gainer

2 out of 10 undissolved, and now I am worried that they are collecting in the manifold and I don't know how to check for that. I would like a refund or replacement product coupon. I have used cascade complete successfully. I would go for a coupon for a box of that. I am not using this anymore. I am going to try finish liquid.

the packets do not melt
by: Mary L. Ledford

I have just changed over to Cascade Total Clean packets for my dishwasher, and the packets do not MELT. They are useless. I will have to go back to the old product. I wish that I had not purchased such a large bucket of them. I assumed that every one of the dishwasher products would be the same.

they are not dissolving
by: John Weddle

I recently purchased a container (42pcs) of Cascade Complete dishwasher detergent pods. They are not dissolving. I find them in the bottom of the dishwasher undissolved. Even after the second cycle!

Through research I found that Cascade was experiencing a problem with the pods leaking or breaking open. So my guess is they thickened the gel pack skin. Now maybe it's too thick??

I'll be switching to something else
by: Marcy

I'm finding out I'm NOT the only one experiencing the gel packs not dissolving completely! I thought maybe something might have been wrong with my new dishwasher - NOW I know. I'll be switching to something else- any suggestions???

by: Liz Cullingford

Absolutely terrible. Half the time the little gel packet does not dissolve and I have to re-run the dishwasher. Running a great dishwasher, Kitchen Aid Architect Series II.

frustrating and a waste of money
by: Sheri

I have run my dishwasher with the action pacs and every time they do not dissolve. I have used 6 in the past two days thinking it was my dishwasher and have had the same results. I have a fairly new dishwasher and my water heater was replaced last month, so I am fairly certain it is a product defect. Every time I use them they are undissolved on the bottom of the dishwasher. This is very frustrating and a waste of money. Do not use this product.

clogs the pipes from our sink
by: Sue

Every few years after we started using the gel packs our drains from the sink in the kitchen clogs way down to one of the other lines. We have to take it apart, clean it out and then put it all back together. The gel pods clean great. Never had any undissolved ones actually in my dishwasher, they were probably all in my pipes. We are going back to the cascade platinum liquid as we cannot use powder detergent due to the fact that we have a Norweco Septic system. We use liquid laundry detergent but haven't had any problems with that, but it's closer to the main sewer line. I hope this helps someone.

problem with excessive soap bubbles
by: Anonymous

Excessive soap bubbles remain on the dishes and on the bottom of the dishwasher.

shutdown with a message of excessive suds in dishwasher
by: Kurt

We have had a Kenmore Elite dishwasher since 2013, never an issue until we started using a 92 count tub of the cascade platinum packets. Now we often get a shutdown with a message of excessive suds. Started right after switching from Kirkland Signature packets. Starting cycle over has worked so far, but we are thinking we will go back to other packets and be sure that is the problem. I see many others are having similar issues.

left film inside dishwasher
by: Paul

Didn't clean the dishes and left a film inside the dishwasher. We ended up pulling the machine outside of house and pressure washing to get the residue off. We have gone back to cascade but in liquid form, as used before with no problems.

now my dishes taste like soap
by: Julie

Ever since I've used the Cascade Action Packs, my dishes taste like soap and I have to run a separate rinse to get the dishes cleaned. This is super wasteful and time consuming since most of the new "energy efficient" dishwashers, like my Bosch, take hours.

glasses getting cloudy, leaves a residue
by: Megan

We have been using the Cascade platinum gel packs for quite a while. Our glasses have been getting cloudier with each time in the dishwasher. It seems the product is not rinsing clear. We also use a rinse agent. This has only gotten worse with each use. The inside of the dishwasher now also has residue that I've had to scrub off. I've also had to hand wash and scrub the residue off my glasses. We have now been reading about this product and finding out it is NOT the greatest. I now have an almost full container of these pods that I will no longer be using. I have gone back to using the old fashioned powder - that works GREAT! These gel packs are Not what the company says it is. Well, that's my personal experience anyway. So, if anyone needs any extra, I have an almost full container.

Doesn't dissolve, product defective
by: Cat

This product is defective, yes the door opens but tablet does not disburse fully. Unfortunately I switched from Finish tabs, which do dissolve every time. Quit shifting blame on mechanics and water temp. Fix your product.

post a warning on the containers
by: Fred Sampson

It has been my experience that these gel packs, and it's not just limited to Cascade, that the gel that holds the detergent inside does not COMPLETELY dissolve. It turns into a slimy consistency and ends ups throughout the small parts of the washing system. I was getting water flow codes on my $1400 Bosch dishwasher. Fortunately for me I looked into on the internet and discovered this was a new problem with these new pods. I took the dishwasher apart and what I found was a huge issue. I cannot believe these things are still out there and how are these companies keeping this from the public. Most people would have called out a repair person or bought a new one. ALL OF THE COMPONENTS WERE CLOGGED WITH THIS SLIME!!! The water pump was full and I had to blow it all out with an air compressor. It was in the rotating arms on the upper and lower sections. This is completely unacceptable. The concept is a great idea, however the product is terrible and needs more research and development. Dishwashers are not cheap and these pods can ruin them in a few years. We never had this problem in the past with the powder or the gel that we would squeeze into the holder. This really needs to get out to the public and post a warning on the containers.

Pods are no longer used at my house at all
by: Sherry

I looked in the bottom of my washer and found the plastic part that covers the soap. One week later my drain clogged and left me without a sink for a week. I poured liquid plumber drain clear, baking sodas with boiling hot water, but nothing would work. I ordered an auger and my husband pulled out a huge ball of plastic pieces mixed with normal food particles. I hate to think what they are doing to my septic tank. With all the boiling water and other items I used they never did dissolve. Pods are no longer used at my house at all.

Not dissolving
by: Janet

Sadly I have experience the pod to be just sitting at the bottom of the dishwasher not dissolved. I was thinking maybe I wasn’t getting enough water in the dishwasher due to a possibly corroded anode causing water line blockage.

Today I was thinking maybe I would dissolve it and pour it into the dishwasher after the first rinse. I decided that was not a good idea though. So what I have been doing is washing dishes by hand, putting them in the dishwasher and doing a speed wash just to sanitize and dry them. Very sad.

clogged the pipe
by: Anonymous

Our dishwasher is three years old. We use Cascade Complete dishwasher soap capsules and they always fully dissolve. The last time we ran it water gushed out of the air gap indicating a blockage in the pipe connected to the garbage disposal. Our plumber removed the two-foot length of hose and it was completely clogged with clear, round, gelatinous beads. The only thing we could come up with is that the soft gel beads must be residue from the dissolved covers of the soap capsules. Switching back to measuring powered dishwasher soap from the box.

causing buildup in the sink drain
by: Kennie

These packs dissolve fine in the dishwasher, and the dishes look good. After years of using them, though, I find that they are causing buildup in the sink drain where the dishwasher drain hose empties in. The sink drain has a pervasive sour smell that permeates the kitchen. After trying many products and sink drain cleaning hacks, I decided to physically take the trap out and clean it. It was already spotless, and had no odor. Instead, after I took everything apart, I found this smelly brownish gray buildup everywhere that the dishwasher water hits and slows down. I cleaned it all out, and the problem was solved. The only remaining issue was that now the smell of the packs is disgusting to me. Three months later, though, the sink stink is back as bad as ever. Because the area drains right out, there is no way to clean it or soak it without completely disassembling the drain area. Time to go shopping for a podless detergent.

These are worthless
by: Anonymous

These are worthless. They don’t dissolve even after running dishwasher through twice. Unfortunately I bought a large container with 90 capsules. I’m going back to detergent powder.

Cascade has made an inferior product
by: Anonymous

I've owned my Bosch dishwasher for three years. I have always used Costco brand dishwasher pods. My Bosch has always ran and cleaned my dishes like a charm until I ran out and bought the Cascade Action Pacs with Dawn for heavy messes. My dishes came out with streaks all over them and stuff like food dried and feeling gritty. The inside of my dishwasher looked awful! I always run hot water before every load. My filter is clogged with white stuff. I think I have run ten empty loads each time cleaning my filter and checking for particles throughout the dishwasher. I am afraid to put dishes in for what will it do to them? I will never use or recommend Cascade. I hope we can find a way to work that stuff out of my dishwasher. I'm remote Alaska. Bosch dishwashers are not easy to come by, nor are they cheap. Cascade has made an inferior product.

packs are leaving a film or residual scmutz on the filter of my dishwasher
by: Anonymous

I’m not sure, but I believe that the packs are leaving a film or residual scmutz on the filter of my dishwasher. When I clean it, there’s tiny gel-like residue on the filter. Going to try something different and see if the problem resolves.

leave powder in dispenser cup
by: Sharon Chapman

I have a brand new GE dishwasher. My problem is that the Cascade Action Plus packs are not completely dissolving. They leave powder in the dispenser cup. Sometimes I have to run the dishwasher again. I am going to buy the powder next time. I have tried positioning the pacs differently with no luck. I do like the convenience of the packs but they are not working for me!

these can also stop up your sink
by: Anonymous

If you have your dishwasher tied in to the sink drain (which most do) they'll cause a sink stop.

Do not use
by: Anonymous

My dishwasher completely clogged. When I removed the standing liquids I found the package from every tablet I used. DO NOY BUY.

I read this because I just replaced my dishwasher
by: Kelly

I bought a small countertop dishwasher and the gel pack destroyed it. So I purchased a full size dishwasher and I’m terrified to use the cascade packs. I have quite a few and hate to waste them but I just don’t trust them to dissolve and not clog up my new dishwasher. I’m so grateful to have read practically all the information. I grew up in the 80s and dishwashers were different then now so I thought maybe my paranoia was unreasonable but I guess it’s not. I swear by cascade gel and I use the cascade power rinse aide. My dishes are sparkly clean. I guess I won’t try to get to modern after reading these horror stories.

by: Raul Moreno

I don't like the smell and taste on my cooking utensils. Just wash a spatula and lick it after it has been washed. Who in their right mind doesn't know when there dishes have been washed? I replaced my machine because of the build up but that didn't take the taste away. Why do people or Cascade think we have to have fresh SMELLING cookware. To know it clean, my God, we have enough stuff that coats everything we have. Make something fresh, yet free of color, scent and fragrance and the world will want it. Not cookware that tastes like soap. Wash a rubber spatula in the washer, a new washer, and lick it when it's done, even when you use it in your food with a light taste like fish, and heat it up and taste your spatula. UGG, disgusting. I have been a chef for years and hate this taste. It's the worst. Get on it and make fresh and free of any dyes, colorings and fragrance and everyone wants your product. Why don't you make it better??

very concerning
by: Jayne

When placing a packet in my Whirlpool dishwasher soap dispenser (using the ECO setting with a Sanirinse to follow) the Platinum packet did not completely dissolve. Further, and most importantly, using the liquid version, after the wash a dark yellow film was all over the inside of the dishwasher and the silverware had a funny metallic taste. It appears to be like a magnesium haze, very concerning.

Cascade gel packs are scum machines
by: Anonymous

Clogged my dishwasher and leave scum residue all over the inside. More progress of piles of crap . . . What a joke! Something that has worked for 50 years and now broken because the crap companies make crap to break stuff.

Clogged Drain
by: Donna Gilchriest

I have used the Cascade gel packs for a very long time. Our kitchen sink backed up and not even Draino would clear it. We opened the drain outside, used a snaking line and after much work finally got it open. There was some grease. But there was a thick off white cake like substance that was obstructing the line. It looked just like the ingredients inside a Cascade pod. There was also bits of plastic that was removed with the snake, I guess the outer covering of the pods.

Not dissolving
by: Anonymous

I am having the same problem with Cascade Platinum. I've washed my dishes three times with three different pods and none of them worked. Very disappointing as they aren't cheap. The dry detergent is as hard as a rock, and it is the same way when the cycle is over.

New dishwashers also affected
by: Anonymous

My dishwasher is a Samsung and only 18 months old. I am experiencing the same problem with the cascade pacs.

they stick together
by: Anonymous

Cascade Action Pacs stick together. When pulled apart, they often spill, make a mess, and produce wet, sticky hands.

don't dissolve
by: Anonymous

Don’t buy the gel packets from Cascade. They do not dissolve completely.

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